
Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2020
Are Elda, Giovanna, and Zara ever going to be properly translated or are they going to remain MTL?
Presumably Peperoncino is going to do official translations of all the DLCs eventually. It would be very odd to only do the base game. That really puts a damper on my desire to translate them though. So patience will be required I guess, but hopefully they'll get done.
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Apr 11, 2019
Are there recessive genes? It's really hard to breed specific spells onto your main breeding lineage, especially lategame spells.

I know for a fact that I was breeding goblins without Page's Whirlwind Arrow, and not breeding any goblins with Page herself for a few generations, but I still noticed her spell showing up on goblins. Even when the father already had 2 spells; Whirlwind Arrow would still show up.

Maybe the safest strategy is to only breed with one girl per turn to prevent any possible confusion when breeding with girls that have spells...


Mar 10, 2020
Are there recessive genes? It's really hard to breed specific spells onto your main breeding lineage, especially lategame spells.

I know for a fact that I was breeding goblins without Page's Whirlwind Arrow, and not breeding any goblins with Page herself for a few generations, but I still noticed her spell showing up on goblins. Even when the father already had 2 spells; Whirlwind Arrow would still show up.

Maybe the safest strategy is to only breed with one girl per turn to prevent any possible confusion when breeding with girls that have spells...
There are no recessive genes. Instead of choosing the strongest gene, the game chooses a random gene in the gene pool. Each time you breed a goblin with a girl, a gene (spell) is added even if it's already there.
In summary, the more you breed your lineage with a girl, the more likely that girl's spell will show up. However even the spells whose girls you only breed your goblin with only once will eventually be selected.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2020
Are there recessive genes? It's really hard to breed specific spells onto your main breeding lineage, especially lategame spells.

I know for a fact that I was breeding goblins without Page's Whirlwind Arrow, and not breeding any goblins with Page herself for a few generations, but I still noticed her spell showing up on goblins. Even when the father already had 2 spells; Whirlwind Arrow would still show up.

Maybe the safest strategy is to only breed with one girl per turn to prevent any possible confusion when breeding with girls that have spells...
Rr is correct in answering the lineage question.

The best way to correct for this requires either some luck or a New Game. But basically, favourite a Gen1 goblin, we'll call him Gary. If you still have one, that's great, otherwise New Game. By marking him as a favourite he will not be sent into battle unless you set him as a leader (don't do that), nor will he be randomly killed when you use the Training function. Gary will sit on his heels for a bit. Breeding will occur in two phases. Phase one is basically breed with whoever is available to build power. Once your burrow is relatively self-sustaining and you have some of the powerful end game girls you want and some powerful food items, it's Gary's time to shine. Slow down breeding your phase one lineage and start a new lineage using Gary since his gene pool is clean. Breed once or twice with the powerful girls, ignore the weaklings, and then breed exclusively with girls who have no spells. To help catch up with your phase one lineage, only breed one goblin from each new generation that you have pumped up with food items, every 10 points of a stat you gain from food becomes 1 inheritable stat for future goblins.
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Apr 11, 2019
So basically I wanna end up with a shaman that has Zoe and Asteria's spells. This is basically how I have to do it?

1. Have "OG goblin"
2. Obtain Kaylee
3. Breed "OG goblin" with Kaylee, but not simultaneously with any girls that have any spells (I.E don't breed Kaylee on the same turn you breed Jaeda, since you can't tell which babies are from which girls).
4. Acquire Shaman with no spells, whose lineage excludes any girls with spells (Shaman "Alpha").
5. Repeat step 3, but with Alpha and Alpha's descendants.
6. Obtain Zoe
7. Breed Alpha's descendant with Zoe, but not simultaneously with any girls that have any spells.
8. Acquire Shaman with Parade of Lament, whose lineage excludes any girls with spells. (Shaman "Beta").

At this point, I have to be very careful about breeding Beta; I can't breed him simultaneously with any girl that has a spell, or any goblin that has a spell aside from Parade of Lament. For instance; if I breed Beta at the same time I breed a Lord with Mental Drain, the Mental Drain might show up in Beta's lineage... but chances are there'll be 4 goblins I want to breed spells and stats onto.

So I might have a Lord with Mental Drain and an empty slot, a Paladin with Plague of Rust and an empty slot, A hobgoblin with Prayer of rain and an empty slot, and my Shaman with Parade of Lament and an empty slot. How are you supposed to breed 2 or 3 of them per turn without the babies getting mixed up?

Let's say Mental Drain does show up in Beta's lineage. Am I "reinforcing" Mental Drain's presence in Beta's lineage if I breed that Mental Drain Shaman with girls besides Luna? i.e are a goblin's spells at all influenced by their paternal lineage, or is it exclusively their maternal lineage? Can I "breed out" the Mental Drain DNA with spell-less girls, or do I have to use Asteria/Zoe, whose spells I actually want? (This matters, since Zoe has the undesirable Attack+).

Maybe the best strategy is to hold-off on putting spells on your pure lineage until you can put them both on at the same time?

Ahh, it's still so confusing. It would be so easy if the game would just tell you who the mother of each baby is from the kitchen screen. That'd be a massive QoL improvement.

... every 10 points of a stat you gain from food becomes 1 inheritable stat for future goblins.
Ah... That is super valuable information, especially considering how often you can only add +9 to a baby goblin's stats (food item gives +3, limit to 3 items).
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New Member
Apr 25, 2021
Presumably Peperoncino is going to do official translations of all the DLCs eventually. It would be very odd to only do the base game. That really puts a damper on my desire to translate them though. So patience will be required I guess, but hopefully they'll get done.
Has there been any official mention of Peperoncino stating they would actually translate the DLC or are you just making an educated guess? They probably only translated the base game because of how well it sold in terms of global sales, so I'm unsure if the same can be said for the DLCs. Also no need to pressure yourself, you've done quite a lot for this game and we degenerates are really thankful for that.


Mar 10, 2020
Also no need to pressure yourself, you've done quite a lot for this game and we degenerates are really thankful for that.
It would be a good idea to make a MTL of the next game and just leave it to the community to do the rest, just like what happened here. From this game alone MuninKai has already gathered quite a large group of followers.


Apr 11, 2019
I tried a strategy; waiting until you can put both spells on a class has been very effective... assuming that no two classes have the same spells, and that you don't try simultaneously breeding two goblins with singular, different spells.

So my "team" is:

Lord: Plague of Rust, Thunderhawk
Hobgob: Mental Drain, Prayer of Rain
Paladin: Mental Drain, Dragon Blood
Shaman: Parade of Lament, Thunder Hawk

Once I got Prayer of Rain & Dragon Blood, I put those skills onto my Hobgob & Paladin, having them be the only ones to breed with Luna/Olivia/Giovanna on those specific turns. Later on did the same with the Shaman & Lord. Once they have their spells, they should only breed with spell-less girls or one of the two girls that gave them their spell. This way, you can positively ID the father & mother of each goblin infant, since their spells will be unique. i.e there's no way a goblin with Mental Drain & Prayer of Rain, even a Lord, could have come from anyone but my hobgob, so I can freely breed my Hobgob the same turn that I breed my Lord or Paladin or Shaman.


Apr 11, 2019
Also, here's a list of each girl's boon, with their spell and description

Healing Song: Heal this unit for 1x MGC


Secret Tree Arts: Attack one enemy for 1x MGC

Flowing Wall: All units gain 2x DEF for 1 turn


Forest Blessing: All units gain 1.3x ATK for 1 turn


Arrow of Wind: Attack one enemy for 1.1x MGC

Water Ninjutsu: Attack one enemy for 1.2x MGC

Treant Wrath: Attack all enemies for 0.5x MGC


Holy Healing Water: Heal this unit for 2x MGC


Prayer of Rain: Heal all your units for 1x MGC

Frozen Prison: Attack all enemies for 0.7x MGC

Yggdrasil Drop: Heal this unit for 3x MGC

Dragon Blood: This unit gains 2x ATK for 3 turns

Plague of Rust: All units gain 2x DEF for 3 turns

Whirlwind Arrow: Attack one enemy for 0.9x MGC

Mental Drain: Steal 2 MP from an enemy army


Dragon Blood: This unit gains 2x ATK for 3 turns

Parade of Lament: Attack one enemy for 1.3x MGC

Thunderhawk: Attack all enemies for 0.9x MGC


FYI: Healing a unit also heals their "followers". This makes Olivia's Prayer of Rain probably the best spell in the game, even moreso than Thunderhawk. it makes the tower a breeze. Put human shields on your shaman in the back line, and put goblin riders on a lord or paladin also in the back line; they dramatically boost their power. The primary purpose of the front line should be to tank enemy attacks.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2020
Has there been any official mention of Peperoncino stating they would actually translate the DLC or are you just making an educated guess? They probably only translated the base game because of how well it sold in terms of global sales, so I'm unsure if the same can be said for the DLCs. Also no need to pressure yourself, you've done quite a lot for this game and we degenerates are really thankful for that.
It is just an assumption maybe, if it's not I forget where it was announced. At some point I plan on also translating Virgin Lode 2, at least a partial with MTL, and if Goblin Burrow's DLC haven't been translated I'll look into finishing those last three. I do also have all the lines in a handy CSV format that makes it easy to edit, and includes instructions. The was my idea to outsource it. Means there is no need to know how to work with the KiriKiri program, just put in the elbow grease to edit the MTL or translate.

It would be a good idea to make a MTL of the next game and just leave it to the community to do the rest, just like what happened here. From this game alone MuninKai has already gathered quite a large group of followers.
Yep, gonna do the same with Virgin Lode 2 as well.

I tried a strategy; waiting until you can put both spells on a class has been very effective... assuming that no two classes have the same spells, and that you don't try simultaneously breeding two goblins with singular, different spells.

So my "team" is:

Lord: Plague of Rust, Thunderhawk
Hobgob: Mental Drain, Prayer of Rain
Paladin: Mental Drain, Dragon Blood
Shaman: Parade of Lament, Thunder Hawk

Once I got Prayer of Rain & Dragon Blood, I put those skills onto my Hobgob & Paladin, having them be the only ones to breed with Luna/Olivia/Giovanna on those specific turns. Later on did the same with the Shaman & Lord. Once they have their spells, they should only breed with spell-less girls or one of the two girls that gave them their spell. This way, you can positively ID the father & mother of each goblin infant, since their spells will be unique. i.e there's no way a goblin with Mental Drain & Prayer of Rain, even a Lord, could have come from anyone but my hobgob, so I can freely breed my Hobgob the same turn that I breed my Lord or Paladin or Shaman.
Mental Drain isn't particularly useful, imo. Ideally fights only last 1 or 2 turns max. That also sounds very complicated, and interferes with one of the core functions of breeding, which is to reach the highest generation number possible so you max out the stats. Really, you don't need to have that level of fine tuning. If you only have 3-4 spells in a lineage then the chances you get the one you want in a sensible number of generations is quite high. Splitting it into 3 lineages only makes your stat gain slower for little benefit in terms of getting the spells you want.

the girl not complete
you must check in the website
Download in the OP has all DLC, including the most recent DLC 6 with the official translation. They are not packaged separately because why would I do that when they can be packed as one download?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
To be fair, it's easy early on to fall in the trap of thinking that anything other than supreme magic stat and the combo of Parade and Thunderhawk are worth anything. However, given that with enough loops you CAN raise a Shaman that can literally one-shot Asteria with Parade, and even with Thunderhawk if you have the patience to do that many runs, and it makes it pretty obvious that every other spell in the game is useful to some degree only in the early playthroughs.

Or if you're doing one of those challenge playthroughs, I guess...

If you're just playing the normal game and continuing on with your favorites after each run, the end result is always going to be the one where you just plain focus on Shamans and those two spells. Especially for the Tower, because the Tower doesn't have pack units on the opponents, so you can literally breeze through it via one-shots. At least, once your shaman line is strong enough. Even before that, done properly, you'll also have some Lords, Paladins and Hobgoblins with just those two spells and a high enough Magic stat to be ensure that everything dies from the combined firepower.

All that said, I'm really hoping that the next game really will have skills for Attack based units.

That and easier access to blank girls with decent breeding stats. Burrow only has Kaylee for magic, and while you can get her relatively fast on a normal playthrough, it's hard to guess when she'll pop up on the higher difficulty ones when the order is shuffled, which can lock you out of the ability to keep working on your Shaman line for quite a while.

This is annoying compared to the Attack Stat, which has the Knight bitch in that one fort that you can just rush to grab. The fact that she has better breeding stats is just salt on the wound at that point...

All in all, to be fair to the developer, there's literally no way to avoid having an ultimate skill, or pair of skills, in a game that allows focused breeding and unlimited stat-growth. Quite frankly, his system is too good, and basically encourages you to loop through normal while killing as many girls as possible, especially the later ones, to build up a line of super-goblins with which you can just roflstomp even the highest difficulties.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2020
To be fair, it's easy early on to fall in the trap of thinking that anything other than supreme magic stat and the combo of Parade and Thunderhawk are worth anything. However, given that with enough loops you CAN raise a Shaman that can literally one-shot Asteria with Parade, and even with Thunderhawk if you have the patience to do that many runs, and it makes it pretty obvious that every other spell in the game is useful to some degree only in the early playthroughs.

Or if you're doing one of those challenge playthroughs, I guess...

If you're just playing the normal game and continuing on with your favorites after each run, the end result is always going to be the one where you just plain focus on Shamans and those two spells. Especially for the Tower, because the Tower doesn't have pack units on the opponents, so you can literally breeze through it via one-shots. At least, once your shaman line is strong enough. Even before that, done properly, you'll also have some Lords, Paladins and Hobgoblins with just those two spells and a high enough Magic stat to be ensure that everything dies from the combined firepower.

All that said, I'm really hoping that the next game really will have skills for Attack based units.

That and easier access to blank girls with decent breeding stats. Burrow only has Kaylee for magic, and while you can get her relatively fast on a normal playthrough, it's hard to guess when she'll pop up on the higher difficulty ones when the order is shuffled, which can lock you out of the ability to keep working on your Shaman line for quite a while.

This is annoying compared to the Attack Stat, which has the Knight bitch in that one fort that you can just rush to grab. The fact that she has better breeding stats is just salt on the wound at that point...

All in all, to be fair to the developer, there's literally no way to avoid having an ultimate skill, or pair of skills, in a game that allows focused breeding and unlimited stat-growth. Quite frankly, his system is too good, and basically encourages you to loop through normal while killing as many girls as possible, especially the later ones, to build up a line of super-goblins with which you can just roflstomp even the highest difficulties.
Yeah, the game does have a very simple meta, which is fine, it's an H-Game. The mechanics are better than the overwhelming majority of H-Games, but it's not designed to be an infinitely replayable game. It has a limited number of runs to complete all objectives, and very quickly the game changes from a challenge of survival to leisurely planning your heroine breaks.


Apr 11, 2019
I honestly thought my ATK+goblin rider paladin was WAY more valuable than my shaman during my first completion of the tower. At that point, the shaman wasn't anywhere close to being able to one-shot everything on the later floors(~100 mag with Ricca's spell), which means he'd inevitably run short on MP. with the Paladin and hobgob support, I could get through each floor with zero MP loss and minimal damage to my units. I went from getting stuck on floor ~65 to completely finishing the tower this way.

Mental Drain/Prayer of Rain is a really good combo (for hobgobs, at least). If the battle's going to last more than a couple turns, you can mental drain on the first turn, then spam prayer of rain as necessary. It was still nice to have the shaman to breeze through the weaker floors, though.

"Shaman is the strongest after 300 generations" doesn't really mean a whole lot when you haven't even cracked 25 generations yet.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2020
I honestly thought my ATK+goblin rider paladin was WAY more valuable than my shaman during my first completion of the tower. At that point, the shaman wasn't anywhere close to being able to one-shot everything on the later floors(~100 mag with Ricca's spell), which means he'd inevitably run short on MP. with the Paladin and hobgob support, I could get through each floor with zero MP loss and minimal damage to my units. I went from getting stuck on floor ~65 to completely finishing the tower this way.

Mental Drain/Prayer of Rain is a really good combo (for hobgobs, at least). If the battle's going to last more than a couple turns, you can mental drain on the first turn, then spam prayer of rain as necessary. It was still nice to have the shaman to breeze through the weaker floors, though.

"Shaman is the strongest after 300 generations" doesn't really mean a whole lot when you haven't even cracked 25 generations yet.
Shaman is strongest after one 80-day playthrough, 300 generations is a massive exaggeration. Thunderhawk Shaman with Shaman supports has so much MGC power that it can one-shot so much of the game that it doesn't matter.

It is interesting to see some other methods of grinding out high levels of the Tower with an underpowered team, but if you want to efficiently grind the Tower (single turn clears with 0 risk), the only option is MGC stacking. Though I found a Lord with Dragon Blood and Parade to be the best option since it's mostly ST damage. The only way to run a single team defense army (invincibility trap OP) is AOE Shaman. Efficiently clearing out all the game content in terms of seedbeds is also simplest with a powerful Shaman.
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