I'm prepared to wait for however many years it takes for a full, or mostly full translation to happen. I was willing to wait nearly 3 years for the Nightmare Girls translation, this won't be any different.
Plus, it's not like I'm gonna run out of things to do... there's always more games, VNs, etc...
More on topic though, this feature is certainly interesting... Depending on the limitations, it can technically allow you to turn any girl into just about anything for your personal enjoyment. Though it'd also be a lot of work too, re-writing that much dialog and whatnot. If this mod feature also allows you to control when they show up and stuff, that could be even more interesting. Though also broken, because you could set things up so you get favored breeders earlier to manage lines better.
I just hope that not matter what, Non-skill breeders will be more accessible for both lines. The current game heavily favored the Attack stat in that area...
That said, I have little doubt that the 'meta' will remain rushing the strongest AoE skill, whether it's Attack or Magic, and making super-goblins using it that wipe out everything...