2.90 star(s) 17 Votes


Aug 4, 2017
i have only one question, does this game has any sex? i mean, i like femdom but not quite the (just) being hit and crushed thing
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Active Member
Jan 13, 2018
I truly don't understand how its 2019 and we still have devs who make "games" for fetishes and porn but feel then need to add insane grind mechanics or out right impossible to beat RNG. Lets call it how it is... we are here for porn and not the next installment to the Dark Souls franchize.

Fetishes are fun and good graphics are what you expect from a CG game but if you have to download a cheat engine to play a PORN game then it has truly failed in my eyes.

Final thoughts, it breaks my heart to 1 star fetish content, but if this is all we can expect from devs willing to work with it, then best leave it alone.
At least in Dark Souls you get rewarded for hard gameplay and co :)


Mar 19, 2019
wtf is this man mouse useless :) wth is a q e s w its really worse game ever i have played i delete it sorry don't like it at all
May 19, 2019
i could use a little help.. i have beating all of them besides the new frost witch and i cant seem to beat the giant girl at the end.. i get her HP down to about 2500 but by that time im out of MP to heal myself and SP is too low each and every time bc i try to keep my dom up and my armor good.. any tips??


Jul 17, 2018
what is new? more vag=happanies
Goddess of Trampling v1.0 Patch Notes:

  • Chapter 1, Frost Witch battle added to game.
  • Frost Witch will be playable in next update.
  • User interface in Chapter 1 is improved.
  • Stages environments are improved.
  • Character models qualities are improved.
  • All Stats points redesigned. Check Customization > STATS.
  • Overall graphics has been slightly improved.
  • Game performance has slightly improved.
  • You can reset game by pressing 'U key' anytime.
Chapter 1

Frost Witch's
new skills:

  • [Frost Hammer] Frost Witch's standard attack. Does high amount of damage and adds 7.5 [Cold Blood].
  • [Witch Spells] All Frost Witch's buffs does medium amount of damage and adds 10 [Cold Blood].
  • [Frozen Nails] Adds %50 chance extra [Claw Attack] for 3 turns.
  • [Claw Attack] Frost Witch's double claw attacks. Does medium amount of damage and adds 15 [Cold Blood].
  • [Freezing Fog] Adds 50% more [Cold Blood] build to all attacks for 6 turns.
  • [Cold Blood] Frost Witch can heal herself by drinking Perseus's cold blood in his veins.
  • [Frost Armor] Absorbs 175-225 damage each attack for 6 turns.
  • [Ice Heels Prison] (Insole sequence) You will be suffer under Frost Witch's cold feet.
  • [Sweat Cream Licker] Will be available in next update.
  • [Frozen Throne] (FaceSitting sequence) Your face will be her throne.
  • [Outdoor Toilet] Will be available in next update.
Perseus's new skills:

  • [Slash] Perseus's standard attack. Does medium amount of damage and adds 75 SP. Change to hit extra attack.
  • [Flame Soul] Perseus's special attack. Does high amount of damage and cost 200 SP. Change to hit to stun one turn.
  • [Armor Buff] 7 Turn absorbs Frost Witch's damages. Absorbs rate increases according to your Vitality stat. [Heal] & [Cure] skills adds extra 15 SP while [Armor Buff] is up.
  • [Attack Buff] 5 Turn add extra damages to your attacks. Extra damage rate increases according to your Strength stat. [Slash] skill adds extra 15 SP while [Attack Buff] is up.
  • [Sacrifice] Burns 150 SP for 300 Mana.
  • [Cure] Cures 50 points of [Cold Blood].
  • [Heal] Adds 2250 - 2750 HP. Heal rate increases according to your Endurance stat.
2.90 star(s) 17 Votes