Is there something we can get together on for maintaining this list of games? I'm thinking about opening up a public online database to add my list and whatever else I can find....may be able to add some that are not here on the site but we could add a column or link where these games are. Not sure how everyone would maintain it but it'd be nice to have. I have one already locally for myself in an excel sheet so this came to mind since it appears there's a lot of folks looking for these games, needing advice, etc. so it could comprise of warnings, descriptions, etc. to help.
Just a thought.
Funny story. Spent hours today taking everything I could from this thread and put it into a list on a free wordpress site. Sent them an alert to let them know there is going to be mature content on this site (because this is what they said to do).
I can't host a site right now and all the online DB stuff is annoying or wants you to give them too much info so I said screw it I'm going to use wordpress.
As a yard stick to measure, I searched the wordpress sites that have mature content on it and there's a lot that, I think, that go against their rules.
I had the big list, including games I have never and probably won't play on it. I also had 2 sections since I noticed the lack thereof in this thread: Game Reviews and Game Walkthroughs. So it would be posts explaining how the game experience was and the other being a walkthrough type thing to help watersports player get to the content they want. Other walkthroughs miss this I think so one geared to finding the content would be awesome I thought.....
Until the site was suddenly suspended.
I sent them a challenge about this because there should not be any reason, according to their rules, the site was suspended.
Anyways guys I tried. I don't want to pay for something at this point. I also don't want it to be just a text link with no help and all the info about the game scattered around. My list on this thread is biased anyway since I don't play all the games you all play so this was a more transparent, big list. It also had warnings on it too for scat, grinding, etc.
Hopefully they will pull their head out of their ass and I can continue to write some reviews. There's also one other plus about this is some of the games on my list and a few mentioned, aren't even on F95 so it'd be nice to have the games listed, with their links, where ever they come from.