
Jun 20, 2017
Previews don't contain sex scenes, they just preview what content will be available in the next version.
Not exactly, maybe you're talking about sneak peek posts? The previews (formerly known as DLC) are just the 2-3 first scenes of next update, if among them there is a sex scene then it's included if not... bad luck I guess.


May 26, 2017
All I can say is I'm quite happy to wait till the Alpha (which I think should be this week based on previous time periods of releases). I just want to know what happens in the story, I can get past all the spelling errors and issues.

I got 3 play throughs going, a 'Good', 'Bad' and "MyChoices' and they all end on a high (.. cliffhanger) and I want to know whats next.
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Active Member
May 3, 2017
All I can say is I'm quite happy to wait till the Alpha (which I think should be this week based on previous time periods of releases). I just want to know what happens in the story, I can get past all the spelling errors and issues.

I got 3 play throughs going, a 'Good', 'Bad' and "MyChoices' and they all end on a high (.. cliffhanger) and I want to know whats next.
well so far on my playthrough (semi good) there is not that much in the past few updates... i'm thinking maybe most of the content went to the bad path... oh well :FeelsBadMan:


May 26, 2017
well so far on my playthrough (semi good) there is not that much in the past few updates... i'm thinking maybe most of the content went to the bad path... oh well :FeelsBadMan:
Well it is a game more focused on corruption but yeah the good side seems a bit lacking but hey, I don't mind, like all things its the evil sides that seem to have the most fun :)
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Active Member
May 3, 2017
I have the preview but I don't know how to upload it. Are there rules for that?
well i suggest you talk to a mod or if you use different accounts on here and Patreon then upload it to MEGA or google drive or whatever you like from the approved list of upload sites and post the link here..:happyblush
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Active Member
Jun 1, 2017
I absolutely love the new look of Ash and Eva. Plus, getting nipple piercings was nice.
The new character you meet made me have mixed feelings tho.
Preparations for the party with Iris and Tyrone was nicely done.
Also seems like we will be getting more scenes of us getting featured in magazines.
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Apr 27, 2017
Eva's new look is...interesting. I like the red hair but never been a fan of that hair style with one side shaved. Guess I'll wait to see it in action before I really judge it. New character seems interesting and the party should be a fun scene. Excited for the next version, especially since the past two updates have been pretty great.

EDIT: Also I could do without the dumb "Swag" hat on Ashley, but otherwise her look is fine.
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Apr 27, 2017
That's only in the thug outfit, if Ash joins Enrico's gang. There are three possible outfits now for Ash (and also for Eva, btw): good, bad and thug.
Oh damn should have realized that, thanks! I'm gonna just wait for the Alpha to come out before I experiment with it more.


Jul 21, 2017
Me too... And by the looks of the preview still no Jasmin.

Btw anyone knows when the full version comes out?
Eva confirmed Jasmin will get a scene this update. By full version do you mean the 0.11 alpha? If so I would estimate this week just based on previous updates
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