
Well-Known Member
May 22, 2017
When people praise good writing, imo they're praising its multiple branching paths. This game features far more consequences and narrative paths than most choice-based VNs.

Also I think the game does do a fairly good job of rationalizing the corruption better than most corruption games. Ash has a number of external stressors (parents divorce, school scholarship runs out, boyfriend goes overseas) which is a perfect recipe for drug use, in addition to a somewhat subconscious desire to be included in the cool clique of Jess and Jack, and the first time she does coke is really when her downfall is cemented. THIS GAME IS SECRETLY A "DON'T DO DRUGS AD CAMPAIGN!!! Jk jk lol
See this is always odd to me. As someone who had a really shitty childhood with horrible parents, and isn't doing too well nowadays either to be honest.

I feel like not falling into drugs and making those kinds of "mistakes" isn't that hard. It doesn't feel that realistic as a result to me. But maybe I got lucky or something. I don't wanna sound overly judgemental of course...

If I do, I apologize.

EDIT Oh and I forgot to add. If you can go a more "morally sound", I guess, road but it's still a sexy game with an interesting plot then, awesome. Realy happy about that and all of my support to this game.
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Active Member
Jul 6, 2017
When people say it's well written, they compare it to other porn games out there. Writing is a skill and most people just don't have it. On top of that, most games are created by people who's first language isn't english and who's skills are more in computers than language. So, yes, it's not great but its at least readable. Its pretty much the only game I've played that doesn't make me smash the space bar maniacally.
As for 'realistic', well its a story and storys are about unusual things happening otherwise they would be boring. So the argument that such things happens rarely doesn't count. I'd say that the single storylines in GGGB are believable (Yes, even A&I. The least believable storyline is imo Jasmin) It's unrealistic that all this is happening at the same time but it's a game, you need a lot of content. Also you don't have to do everything in parallel, imo the games real strength is that you are not supposed to find the 'best' path but try around and mix a few storylines together and see how that goes.
Also for me a big part of 'realistic' is that the women in the game look, well, like women and not like some fantasy creature sprung from the artists mind. (general rule: if a single breast is bigger than her head and it doesn't sag, its not a breast)


Aug 8, 2017
Trust me, there is no translator that could fix the mistakes in "who wanna f*cks with each stranger which she saws?" :closedeyesmile:
I write this by myself, and why if i translate this throw the translator, the translation will be PERFECT for my language? No one mistake it has. And i wanna to say, what my comment not angry. I only said truth about realistic in game. The game is really perfect, but not so realistic like one man's says up's my comment in past.


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2017
I write this by myself, and why if i translate this throw the translator, the translation will be PERFECT for my language? No one mistake it has. And i wanna to say, what my comment not angry. I only said truth about realistic in game. The game is really perfect, but not so realistic like one man's says up's my comment in past.
I think I lost about 8% of my whole brain reading this.


Jul 14, 2018
See this is always odd to me. As someone who had a really shitty childhood with horrible parents, and isn't doing too well nowadays either to be honest.

I feel like not falling into drugs and making those kinds of "mistakes" isn't that hard. It doesn't feel that realistic as a result to me. But maybe I got lucky or something. I don't wanna sound overly judgemental of course...
Everyone deals with stress differently. My parents divorced right before my sister started high school, and I was just finishing up high school. It didn't have any negative impact on me, but the stress led my sister to xanax, and she fell in with a bad crowd. It took her several years to kick the habit, but thankfully she did eventually get clean. It might seem silly to analyze a porn game, but Ash is really suffering from an identity crisis. Parents divorcing can make children feel like home (the one place that's supposed to be a safe refuge) is no longer a place of stability. Then she's abandoned by her boyfriend, the person other than her parents (who like I said, have become emotionally unavailable), she was able to most lean on for emotional support. Her academic future is then threatened, which would be stressful for anyone considering how important a college degree is considered today, but even more so for Ash, since so much of her self-valuation was based on academic prowess.

This is kinda the perfect cocktail to lead someone to crumble under all the pressure coming from every direction.

Also, be a bit nicer to the non-English speaker. Sure, their messages are hard to parse. But imagine if you weren't a native English speaker, and your only way to communicate was by using google translate; your messages would look the same


Aug 28, 2017
See this is always odd to me. As someone who had a really shitty childhood with horrible parents, and isn't doing too well nowadays either to be honest.

I feel like not falling into drugs and making those kinds of "mistakes" isn't that hard. It doesn't feel that realistic as a result to me. But maybe I got lucky or something. I don't wanna sound overly judgemental of course...

If I do, I apologize.

EDIT Oh and I forgot to add. If you can go a more "morally sound", I guess, road but it's still a sexy game with an interesting plot then, awesome. Realy happy about that and all of my support to this game.
"I feel like not falling into drugs and making those kinds of "mistakes" isn't that hard" yes! it actually isn't! becoming a drug addict is not something you do activley. no drug addict ever paid for their first shot. it's the enviroment that pushes you in the wrong direction. if you then also have a more fickle mindset, you are ready to go!

let's take jess for example: she obviously tries to emotionally detach herself from everything (but like every human, fails [starting a friendship with ash / holds dave dear]). we don't know how she got to drugs, but she sees them as a tool to free herself. she doesn't believe that she isn't in crontrol of her drug-use. she sees drugs as something positive in her life and nonchalantly offers ash the same positivity, without grasping the danger it includes.
then on the other hand ash is in so much emotional turmoil, she isn't able to feel the danger in jess' offer.

you say you have some ingredients for drug abuse, but you probably haven't gotten the right ingredients yet.
addiction is nothing you consent to. you have to activley go against using it. if you have hit rock bottom and didn't escape into drugs, you probably never will.

and that's why i think the story is totally realistic.
as others said i like the story more, because of it's versatility. how you choose 1 time and it gradually changes the whole outlook of the playthrough.
the thing about good story writing. you have to choose at which standarts you compare. remeber it's a porn game. if it was a book, i would only want to read it if it has a really good story. but this has a medicore or below average story. but for a porn game to have a medicore or below average book level, is fucking amazing!


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2017
Making your best so someone won't feel welcome in the board is close to bulling. I know you have not wounded him for life, mind you.
I just made fun of his english, I don't expect that to hurt him at all. If it did, my bad, I'll apologize to him. I don't mean to make him feel unwelcome either, already said I agreed with his earlier post.

As for people getting into exemple of bad stuff like parents separating and stuff. I don't wanna get into deep personal things but just my dad tried to kill me once. And that's not nearly the worst thing he did...
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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2017
Well said, @mehGusta ! We responded at pretty much the same time, but you said it better lol
That's reasonable but I just can't personally understand or relate to this in any way. I never ever had these issues. When people offer me drugs I just say 'No, thanks. I'm enough of a loser already."


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
My 2c worth:

I don't think the story is particularly well written. It really isn't. It meanders and loses focus, has too much tell when it should show. It is cliched, pretictable and a bit facile. 5/10

I don't think the art is that great either. It is traced over real porn and often looks odd and unreal. It's not bad, but not fantastic. 6/10

The coding is actually pretty good. It only has a few bugs and considering the complexity Eva does pretty well keeping it together. Having said that, this is Renpy - its not like she is coding in C++ here. Nevertheless 9/10.

However, the thing that makes this game 10/10 is that EvaKiss is doing all of this hereself. If she was only doing the art, then it should really be better. If she was only doing the writing, it should be better. If she was only code, OK, not a bad job. But she is doing all of this, and giving a consistent standard while keeping to deadlines. That is what make this a great game. And I am stugging to see many games on this site that can live up to that.


Jul 14, 2018
As for people getting into exemple of bad stuff like parents separating and stuff. I don't wanna get into deep personal things but just my dad tried to kill me once. And that's not nearly the worst thing he did...
I am honestly very sorry you had to go through that, and I'm honestly very happy you didn't use drugs to cope with the trauma. But your resiliency doesn't invalidate the millions of people who turn to drugs to deal with "lesser" problems.


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2017
I am honestly very sorry you had to go through that, and I'm honestly very happy you didn't use drugs to cope with the trauma. But your resiliency doesn't invalidate the millions of people who turn to drugs to deal with "lesser" problems.
Oh no, absolutely not. I wouldn't dare judge how people cope with things in their life. I'm only saying it's really hard for me to relate to things like that. In a way it's frustrating because it seems like something really normal and common that I don't share with other people.


Jul 14, 2018
Oh no, absolutely not. I wouldn't dare judge how people cope with things in their life. I'm only saying it's really hard for me to relate to things like that. In a way it's frustrating because it seems like something really normal and common that I don't share with other people.
Oh well cool. But then you shouldn't say it's unrealistic just because you haven't experienced it (which is how this whole discussion started lol). As a white person, I've never experienced systemic racism, or feared for my life when pulled over for a simple traffic violation. But I'd never say depictions of that type of racism are unrealistic simply because I never experienced it.
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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2017
Oh well cool. But then you shouldn't say it's unrealistic just because you haven't experienced it (which is how this whole discussion started lol). As a white person, I've never experienced systemic racism, or feared for my life when pulled over for a simple traffic violation. But I'd never say depictions of that type of racism are unrealistic simply because I never experienced it.
Yeah, you're right. I jumped the gun a bit
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