First, it seems like an interesting update again, stuff for all types of playthrough. Good work. But I have a few questions:
One is not related to the new update, but it irks me no end. In my good Ash path I had zero problems getting both Ash and Iris chosen by Tyrone at the party, but for some reason in my "middle path" where Eva attends instead of Jessica only Iris gats chosen by Tyrone. While in theory that does not bother me (Tyrone outs himself as a git of a "friend" at that party), since in my main path bein with Tyrone plays no role, I still want to see the various paths. So my question is how you get chosen by Tyrone when Eva attends the party?
Second question is ifthe error with the new Bernhard scene not being accessible has been taken care of?
And as an observation, during Erik´s welcome party there are some text and picture errors too. (but ignorable so you can go further)