Echidna SIMP

New Member
Dec 25, 2022
People be really thinking that the more money you put on someshit it will just magically appear the next day.
Dude 100,000 dollars is a small amount of money, even one anime episode cost 80k+ dollars per episode and ya'll think that they should make a GTA level game just because they got 100k per 6 months??? b*tch this ain't mappa.

What's worse is that this people really be complaining on this site where you can download shit for free and act like they own the developers because other people donate to them.
But this is not an anime. This is just casual hentai game. And yes, usually more money means better content. You can literally hire a profesional software development team for this kind of money. Not to mention some other games has significaly more content while keeping high quality for the money they are getting from patreon. And of course, a monthly game updating.

PS: I may be here but I am paying properly for that game. That's why I am complaining. This site is not to get games for free. It's meant to try the games first here for free while considering supporting it if you like the game. That's literally what patreon is here for in this case - supporting game development of the game you like.

Echidna SIMP

New Member
Dec 25, 2022
Such a moronic take.
GTA6 is costing billions (with an S) to develop. 10 years in the making (admittedly first years were probably concept but still).

And you think that a game made by a small team of devs should look like it ? You obviously has no idea what it takes to make a game.
I can't believe some people are really so stupid to take obvious exaggeration about GTA 6 seriously and being able to for real writing down how much GTA 6 costs and how much time it takes to make it. You are from USA I presume.


Apr 14, 2020
if you guys want to know what a real scam looks like, look at Cloud Meadows, they've been outed as a scam, but somehow still gets stupid amounts of cash, despite doing like 1 new animation a year.


Mar 26, 2020
I can't believe some people are really so stupid to take obvious exaggeration about GTA 6 seriously and being able to for real writing down how much GTA 6 costs and how much time it takes to make it. You are from USA I presume.
Wrong again.
And if you want to be taken seriously, maybe don't use "obvious exaggerations" as an exemple to why you think that game should be updated every month. I'd also like to know which game exactly you think has a great amount of content, with constant quality, and updates every months. Cause all the games I like and follow have at best a 3 to 4 months schedule between each releases, often more.

AND a lot of those are not 2D games. And they don't have animated sex scenes (or not good ones). It might comes as a surprise to you, but 2D takes much longer to make, and costs a lot.

Echidna SIMP

New Member
Dec 25, 2022
Wrong again.
And if you want to be taken seriously, maybe don't use "obvious exaggerations" as an exemple to why you think that game should be updated every month. I'd also like to know which game exactly you think has a great amount of content, with constant quality, and updates every months. Cause all the games I like and follow have at best a 3 to 4 months schedule between each releases, often more.

AND a lot of those are not 2D games. And they don't have animated sex scenes (or not good ones). It might comes as a surprise to you, but 2D takes much longer to make, and costs a lot.
Sure, I know a lot of games. First example which came instantly in my mind is "Promise Better Left Unkept". Animations on pair with Goodbye Eternity, 1000x more content but especially voice which no hentai game can compare. And guess what :) Update each month while doing 2-3 side projects which are released once in 3 months. And yes, they doesn't take $100k per half year. And they doesn't go afk for half year but they are reporting their work consistently. You know exactly what are you paying for.

That's how studio which isn't scaming people but actually take job seriously and is having fun making games looks like. :) And that's just 1 example of many.



Nov 21, 2022
Sure, I know a lot of games. First example which came instantly in my mind is "Promise Better Left Unkept". Animations on pair with Goodbye Eternity, 1000x more content but especially voice which no hentai game can compare. And guess what :) Update each month while doing 2-3 side projects which are released once in 3 months. And yes, they doesn't take $100k per half year. And they doesn't go afk for half year but they are reporting their work consistently. You know exactly what are you paying for.

That's how studio which isn't scaming people but actually take job seriously and is having fun making games looks like. :) And that's just 1 example of many.

And it's ntr, which most people dislike and not have an interest in. :D


New Member
May 19, 2022
Story is actually flesh out and grounded despite it being niche. The H scenes are very fucking hot i love it, i hope more people play this hentai VN it has everything!!! Also Noriko segs when xD she might be my fave along with Sakuya......HAHA
Nothing grounded about a big titty Japanese trad wife becoming obsessed with incel nobody first timeline MC


Nov 12, 2018
If you don't "care super hard" about it, why are you replying to the same comment, insisting the same thing? My point was that if it bothers you so much, just avoid it. Talking about what payment models you think works is completely off topic and pointless. I don't know what you expect me to think when you took "15 seconds" to type 7 paragraphs, but you'd be even more of an asshole to start an off topic conversation with a half-assed essay for a topic you don't really care about. You would have been better off just not replying at all than to backpedal this hard, let alone do it twice in less than 24 hours. I didn't care enough to give you a reply the first time, if you couldn't take a hint.
actually, didn't notice you didn't reply to me, for whatever reason.
as for a backpedal, it's not. i'm killing time talking on a -gasp- forum, about something someone else started. it's not like i started this going 'oh it's super fucking important people know about this'.
it's not 'unfair' or whatever you said, it just doesn't really 'work'
i'm not emotionally invested in discussing it, just, replying. spent some time on reddit doing the same for shit, i'm not 'offended' about.
it's just a step in between me clicking my link for f95, and the 'latest updates' click. that's all.

also, i'm an asshole for writing a paragraph that's somewhat off topic - sure.
didn't you essentially do the exact same thing, though? i mean, i replied in kind, to what you said, after all, i didn't start talking about the pricing issues with these kinds of games, out of nowhere...


Aug 6, 2020
Sure, I know a lot of games. First example which came instantly in my mind is "Promise Better Left Unkept". Animations on pair with Goodbye Eternity, 1000x more content but especially voice which no hentai game can compare. And guess what :) Update each month while doing 2-3 side projects which are released once in 3 months. And yes, they doesn't take $100k per half year. And they doesn't go afk for half year but they are reporting their work consistently. You know exactly what are you paying for.

That's how studio which isn't scaming people but actually take job seriously and is having fun making games looks like. :) And that's just 1 example of many.


Yeah nothing can compare with how shit it is. have you seen the rest of the content? Wtf have you been smoking before you decided to compare the 2 games lmao. Man im so glad rngzeus doesn't listen to idiots like you.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2021

Yeah nothing can compare with how shit it is. have you seen the rest of the content? Wtf have you been smoking before you decided to compare the 2 games lmao. Man im so glad rngzeus doesn't listen to idiots like you.
What rest content are you talking about and what's shit about this game? I'm really hoping you were not thinking about ntr being shit.
And he was not comparing, he was giving an example of a 2d game taking less than 3-4 months development time. Why do you think it's unfair to compare those 2 games?

Maybe you can give reasons on why something is actually shit and unfair to get compared to goodbye eternity.


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Sure, I know a lot of games. First example which came instantly in my mind is "Promise Better Left Unkept". Animations on pair with Goodbye Eternity, 1000x more content but especially voice which no hentai game can compare. And guess what :) Update each month while doing 2-3 side projects which are released once in 3 months. And yes, they doesn't take $100k per half year. And they doesn't go afk for half year but they are reporting their work consistently. You know exactly what are you paying for.

That's how studio which isn't scaming people but actually take job seriously and is having fun making games looks like. :) And that's just 1 example of many.

What rest content are you talking about and what's shit about this game? I'm really hoping you were not thinking about ntr being shit.
And he was not comparing, he was giving an example of a 2d game taking less than 3-4 months development time. Why do you think it's unfair to compare those 2 games?

Maybe you can give reasons on why something is actually shit and unfair to get compared to goodbye eternity.
Did y'all also miss the part where that dude had already made a few VNs prior to to making the one you're talking about? You're comparing the capabilities of someone's who's basically a veteran in what he does to someone to someone with significantly less experience. And just because someone can do it with those resources doesn't mean everyone can, considering how cost of living vary between countries.

And it's fine and dandy that those devs are doing well, but you're clearly not paying for this dev, so it shouldn't even matter to you what this dude makes for how much work he does. Do you sit there and complain about how much the regional manager at Starbucks makes compared to Dunkin Donuts too? Or how much more it costs to hire an American call center than one in Dubai? No, because none of those things are your business.

The fact of the matter is this dude is working on the game, and people are willing to throw money at him. I don't understand why you have to sit here and play couch chair investor. What are you investing out here, your potential masturbation enjoyment?

Echidna SIMP

New Member
Dec 25, 2022

Yeah nothing can compare with how shit it is. have you seen the rest of the content? Wtf have you been smoking before you decided to compare the 2 games lmao. Man im so glad rngzeus doesn't listen to idiots like you.
Rest of the content is shit? Which part exactly? Probably the part where this game has 1000 times more content or the part there is top-tier audio included. You probably didin't like the game because you can't loot invisible coins on the ground like in Goodbye Eternity lmao.

If your arguments are few other sex scenes which may seems like low quality, rest assured. There are still more high quality sex scenes than in whole Goodbye eternity. Btw. some are made different and simple purposely. So you don't get bored with just 1 same art. Top-tier matter.

No buddy, nice try but no. Goodbye Eternity can't even lick feets to this game in terms of quality. Actually it can't lick feets even to those side projects.
Last edited:


May 17, 2018
Yo I swear I've looked in like 3 different game threads and there's been arguments like this in them, am I in a loop?
Every thread on this site with a Patreon link in the OP will have this argument. There might be more posts on the subject than there are about the actual games.


Mar 26, 2020
Rest of the content is shit? Which part exactly? Probably the part where this game has 1000 times more content or the part there is top-tier audio included. You probably didin't like the game because you can't loot invisible coins on the ground like in Goodbye Eternity lmao.

If your arguments are few other sex scenes which may seems like low quality, rest assured. There are still more high quality sex scenes than in whole Goodbye eternity. Btw. some are made different and simple purposely. So you don't get bored with just 1 same art. Top-tier matter.

No buddy, nice try but no. Goodbye Eternity can't even lick feets to this game in terms of quality. Actually it can't lick feets even to those side projects.
"you don't get bored with just 1 same art ?" Huh I'm sorry what ? Consistancy is pretty important when you make a game, I don't think it's acceptable to have scenes that look completely different from others. Also the idea that it's ok to have low quality scenes because "you have high quality ones" on the side isn't something I'd accept either.
I don't know that game, and I for one don't hate NTR (in fact I like the genre if done right) so that's really not a problem to me that the game is. I might have to try it out to see for myself if it is as good as you say, but even then, that's one exemple. You say you have a lot of others (games that are updated every months with quality content), and I seriously doubt it.

I don't care for quantity in a game. Especially cause I've seen too many games that pad their wordcounts and use the same kind of boring scenes over and over again (Sunshine Love and its unsufferable wordy writting). I care that I like the scenes, the characters and their interactions, and that it feels fresh enough that I don't feel like I'm playing "Generic porn game Nth".

You seem very focused on the money RNGeus is making, too. First of all it's easy to use a big number (100K every 6 months instead of talking about the amount per months), second do you have any idea how many people works with him ? What the money is after taxes ? What his production costs are ? Is it a side-gig, something he does fulltime ?
And after all of that, even if he does a lot of money, so what ? Are you paying for it ? Do you feel like you're being robbed ? Then why continuing to support ? And if you're not, why do you care so much, what's it to you that others like his project enough that they want to make it so he can keep at it. That's really something I don't get at all on this website, entirely too much time spent by people commenting on how "dev x makes too much money".

When all is said and done, and to get back to my initial point : your original argument was poorly made. It read as a troll comment, made to rile up the dev. I'd have taken you more seriously if instead of comparing RNGeus to fucking Rockstar you had compared them to the dev you mentioned after. I don't mind people explaining why they don't like something. I do care that they do so in good faith.


Aug 6, 2020
Dude is 100% a troll. He says a scene with an animation of literally 2 frames(just 2 low detail pictures where head position changes) with 5 secs between them is better than this game. Anyway,thanks for the laugh guy.


Nov 21, 2022
How is genre an argument in quality topic?
If I produce a product, which is disliked and harsher judged by a group, I have to be cautious. BTW beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so is quality.

Since you said "one example of many" I thought "what an odd choice"
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