Really enjoy the game so far, incredible art and animation, and solid interface. However, I do have one concern.
IMO, missable content and multiple paths just dont mix well with sandbox. Sandbox games already provide immersion and player input with their gameplay. You dont need to rely on dialogue based paths like a VN does.
On VN, if you want to check different paths, you can just skip everything you've already seen. In sandbox, you inevitably have to repeat the same actions, it takes substantially more time, and it's a tough ask for the player (once again, my opinion).
Coupled with the fact that this kind of game (original 2D art, animated) naturally already have some of the slowest development cycles, and you really don't want the players missing out on content.
I'm not asking to change the whole structure of the game, but I will advise the dev to not go too crazy with diverging paths from here on out. Make something that can be completed in a couple of playthroughs (good guy/asshole path for each girl). if you make things too intricate, it will be too time consuming to experience all the content as the game gets bigger.
Just my 2 cents. This game has the makings of a true gem, looking forward for more.