I'm a bit confused, maybe someone here can help me out.
I was under the impression that the dev's release schedule consisted of releasing 1 chapter in its entirety every couple of months. However chapter 1 was released about 7 months ago and this is just about 30% of chapter 2? Even after having the release date pushed back about 4 times?
Did the dev's release cycle change or am I missing something?
Hey Freesia, I apologize for not making that original release schedule. But give me a minute to explain my evolving development process. First off I'm pretty new to making games, so I'm still working out how best to forecast out how long something will take me. The first chapter took me around 800 hours to produce. I'm about 500+ into the second chapter, but Chapter 2 is a bit larger in scope in depth than Chapter 1 was. Now, hypothetically churning out something that size should be feasible in about 4 months working around 8 hours a day, but I do have a full time job and quarantine aside, something resembling a life on the side, so it takes a little while to get these things produced.
The good news moving forward, is that a lot of the rest of what I'm considering Chapter 2 is complete (Maps, Dialogue, Quests, ingame sprites). So right now I'm going through the game, with much of the bones of the project already in place. I closed off a lot of that in this release because it wouldn't be a ton of fun to play, as they still need to be refined and there are no CGs for those parts yet. Now I'm mostly refining, and adding in cutscenes. There are still some bigger cans of beans I gotta get into, like fixing the combat system, but with a lot of the groundwork and foundation there I'll be able to put out content more regularly.
In short, the foundation, frame, plumbing and electricity of the building is in place. But only the first floor has the siding and interior decoration done, if that makes sense.
Now things are always subject to change and new ideas come along while old ideas are scrapped or altered, but it has been over 6 months since the first release. So I've moved from releasing a whole chapter to something that smaller bits of content would be released more regularly, as now there is a modest fan base built up and I wanna hook them up with something.
Worked out, it takes me roughly 8 hours to make one minute of game. So thanks for your patience and attention while I slap this pig together.