Hey friends,
Wow, this is the first time I know this forum.
I'm the dev of this game. Nice to see you guys.
Thanks for play our game, even this is pirated version.
We're just a team with 2 people, 1 artist and 1 coder, and the
coder guy is not trained to program games. That's why we have so many mistake.
please fogive us.
But thanks for every users who has paid, played and reviewed our game. ( the review number is not fake, even if you fake the review, you can't stand on New&Trending for 1 week straight. I won't lie, you can try it in your game
Even in this forum, I saw some user like our game. And I'm so happy about it.
I just want to corrections on the difficulty and balance of the game. This game is made for Chinese user, who paid the most and they love easy game. Thats why the Wheel of Fortune exist. And if some of you guys even made game for Chinese market, you'll know what am I talking about.
For some people said : the game is grinding. Nah, its not, just play the main mission will give you enough money to upgrade to join the next mission. Even my wife can beat this game easily
And if anyone encounter the [negative money value], thats because you guys play the old version of our game. Newest version has fixed that bug. Also the bug [team party missing].
Once again, thanks for play and give a lot of feedback in this forum, we'll note and fix it in the upcoming update version.
Thanks guys
P/S : if you guys have any questions, I'm happy to answer (〃∀〃)ゞ