VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Haley's Story [v1.1 Pre-Patched] [Viitgames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I remember playing this a long time ago. It was fun, then, and I was just a bit annoyed that things couldn't work out the way I wanted with certain characters given the (then) state of development. Now?

    I'm legitimately impressed.

    With most games I'll roll my eyes and skip through the...whatever it is the developer tries of pass off as dialogue to get to the renders. I might actually substitute scenarios mentally while watching the screen, if that's hotter than what the developer produced. But this?

    This is compelling. To whomever might be reading this--if, indeed, anyone does read these--I encourage you to play this. Follow the walkthrough if you don't want to miss anything, but expect a surprising degree of authenticity and character in what I call the "main story." Even the game's porn logic is unusually organic.

    And so, the least I can do is leave a review. This isn't some cookie cutter incest story or Chad MC fantasy. Is it the best H-Game ever?

    Well, no, but I don't think there is such a thing. What I do think is that this is a game worth playing. And if you can, donate to whoever's pumping out updates, because they deserve it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    There are not enought stars in the sky for this game.

    Incest tag it´s not my thing. But I see the rewiews ant I opt to give this game a chance.

    I don´t regret it

    It´s a game that tells you a story. A love story. And the story don´t go beyond the beliable. Don´t break in any moment the "suspension of disbelief".

    I have just played once. I don´t know how far you choices can affect the story. But just for now, I have enjoyed enormously the trip.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Choices has absolutely no meaning the whole story is forced not interactive whatsoever and the dialogue is pretty bland at most times.
    Would be 1/5 if it werent for the pretty renders.
    That aside a remake of this game where dialogues had alittle effort put into them and where you have a choice and said choice has consequences could easily be a top game on this site.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Story is kind of usual but dialogues betwen characters makes this game interesting. Render is good and girls are beauty. As I see choices are yes or no scheme about path with characters. Incest is optional you can choose teasing decline or seduce. If you want quick lewd scenes this game will be an endless tease for you but if you like developing relationship with characters i think you will like it. Lewd scene animations are not top but they are pretty improving as you spent more time gaming.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    A KN disguised as a VN.

    This is one odd game. At first it's not much different than many others, typical premise, reasonably believable circumstances, regular people doing regular things, etc. But as the story progresses one begins to realize there is a definite lack of consequence based on offered choices. Typically, when I try a game I will play all branches. I want to see how the author expresses the differences in behaviors and consequence given varying scenarios. But in this game it became obvious there is no difference. Sure, you can have a little fling here or there, but there's no real consequence in doing so.

    I decided to restart the story and using the walkthrough guide I chose every 'negative' response from the MC towards Haley. So no positive relationship points from one character to another and as we typically see in most games--consequence. But in this game it matters not one bit. The reader can choose something along the lines of "don't kiss her", but then see them kissing anyway within a few lines of dialog. Make her mad, angry, sullen, etc...doesn't matter one bit. They're still going to do their thing.

    If one likes the lack of influence typically available in these games, then this is not a bad story. But if one wishes to be involved and play in god-mode, observing cause and effect, this game is not for you.

    Also, I would take issue with how the MC is portrayed. 'sullen' comes to mind. He mopes about with no endearing traits or behaviors. Although Haley's personality is abrasive and tiresome at times, at least she has some energy and panache.

    I would also mention hair. As nice as the renders are for Haley, the opposite is to be said for Diane's. If I saw something like that IRL I would be afraid hornets might attack me any moment. Keep your bug spray handy.

    Maybe the rest of the story will become more open and interactive. I will monitor future releases and may change my rating if they do. But for now, the game is simply too confining to be enjoyable.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Characterization and writing make this game. The renders are fine, the girls are good looking, and there is a decent amount of content, but it is the personalities of the various girls that makes the game really stand out.

    The brother/sister thing is a negative for me, but I can get past it since the relationship makes sense.

    The history unfolded so far includes a bit of darkness, and I hope that as things continue this is handled in a positive way (I'm being obscure here to avoid spoilers).

    Overall highly recommended.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a review this game desperately needs.
    I see a lot of positive feedback, and the game does deserve it, but the one thing this game does not do as well as everyone hypes it up to be, is dialogue.

    I understand why people are captivated by a game that isn't as shallow as most run-of-the-mill kind of games but it also could be better, and without much effort.

    Very quickly you will realize that the dialogue everyone is praising is as basic as "want to do this?" "alright" "cool"

    That's it.

    Very basic, one word replies to 90% of the dialogue I have encountered in the first hour of the game.

    What I think most people are referring to, is the slow build up (outside of the dialogue) and the framing of the scenes and environment.

    This game without a doubt, has one of the best settings for an incest games to date. I still believe that Summertime Saga, Parental Love and to a degree DMD does it better. But this does offer a somewhat refreshing take on how most of us picture Incest relationships to form.

    You and your sister are hired within the same firm, stuffed away in the basement of a small, but success company.

    This relationship is already established that you and your sister form a close relationship, but don't share anything sexual outside of intimate massages (feet and shoulders)

    Over the course of the early story, you develop a relationship with another girl who becomes your (sort of?) girlfriend. It's never really defined but it is implied.

    Circumstances with your sister's female boss and her disgustingly perverse husband lead you to becoming closer which sets the tone for a slow pacing, almost incest-like-fanfic romantic story between your sister and the world you share together.

    I do really appreciate a game that isn't as simple as most cash-grab incest games. But this game is not a masterpiece as most people have painted. You would be better off rewording each piece of dialogue in your head as cannon.

    I've yet to dive deep in the game, but I hope that the developer puts more effort into the dialogue.

    Overall. 3/5

    - The renders and settings are nice
    - The dialogue is similar to someone writing their first fanfic
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    the game is simply great! well it's not really a game but a visual novel so you'll be busy reading and clicking through dialogue but that doesn't matter because the story is really well written and got me hooked from the start.. it's one of the best VN and games i played so far..

    i got so involved with the characters and couldn't help myself but went through it within the last 6 hours or so with one bathroom break.. the story is very well done as said, some spelling errors aside that are more prominent towards the end of the current update but i guess they will be sorted out with the next update(s) as up to the very end it was pretty much flawless..

    the renders are good and pretty much up to standard with other games and VN our there.. what i was pleasantly surprised with were the animations which were really well done..
    i don't want to spoil anything here so i leave it at this:

    if you are into the kinks the tags suggest then you'll like this VN.. i also want to possitively mention that you have lots of freedom with the girls in the story.. well mostly.. you'll still always live with your twin (i mean everyone should be aware that this incestious relationship is more or less the main point of this game so that should be clear)..
    but i like the option to NOT be basically forced into a relationship with every girl and fuck them all.. especially if the story is so sweet and bittersweet at the same time..
    i can't really bring myself to play the worst asshole because that is just not me in real life and not me in game life so to speak.. now i can't wait for the next update of this VN and to see where the path i choose leads me.. i guess if you don't go for all of the girls you also have a lot more replay value as you can choose another one for the next time around! and i guess for me it surely wasn't the last!

    i can only recommend to give this a try!
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    I never wrote a review before but after playing this visual novel game I m
    Overwhelmed, you guys are outstanding, and definitely going to heaven
    Well jokes aside the best about this one is the emotional bonding and love between mc and his
    Definitely one of my favorite visual novel, I just felt bad for MC's s*ster, right now after knowing that i just want more love to her and caring ofcourse
    And don't leave that ma da fa ka
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games in terms of story that I´ve ever played.

    The characters are all very interesting, Haley especially and the relationship with her evolves naturally, and surprisingly romantically.

    Not too many scenes (increases over time), but at this point I would also just play for the story and the characters that you become quite attached to.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    *Update 2021*
    I finished the completed version:
    + Love the renders...especially Haley!
    + Enjoyable dialogue and VN story
    -- Too dark on any of the evening/night scenes
    > Meh...choices don't seem to matter much as it has two options: a) Sandra route and b) not Sandra route
    + I'm one who enjoys the incest storyline.
    + I like the pace of the progression from brother/sister to something more
    -- animations are some of the worst I've seen that it would have been better to not break the 'immersion' and simply continued with the still images

    OVERALL: One of my top 20 or 30 favorites.

    I haven't even finished yet (actually I'm only on page 2 of the 6 page walkthrough) and I had to come over here and leave a review. Most games you get a sense pretty quickly if it is going to be interesting or not.

    I'm loving the story's pace.
    I love the glib banter that flows well and doesn't feel forced (great writing).
    Humor is always a good quality but balanced with serious (and for an adult game "sexy") overtone, which this has so far.

    Very enjoyable. In these early stages, it is about the story and less about the sex and I'm okay with that for the reasons briefly outlined above. Keep it going!
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    This once was a good game but somewhere along the line the dev either lost interest or vision and it's turned into a mess. After finally getting rid of a mentally unstable girlfriend most people didn't like and you could not avoid, like Rocky VI she back only she's not only back but in both paths as it split into one with her and the one without her only the one without her has her in it as well and there is no difference hence me wonders why on earth is there now two pathways if you cannot be rid of the bride of Frankenstein.
    Even the story aside from her is drama dealing with a pedo from long ago when there's a hot MILF story unexplored. I'm doing my spring cleaning early this year and I'm starting with this one!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Got to agree with others saying this one feels very real, realistic characters, relations, development. It jsut feels like something that can actually happen, unlike the ridiculous stories we have in like 98% of the games here (not that having a ridiculous stroy is that bad, mind you)

    Great renders, models, etc. and ofc great writing.

    My only complaint would be i kinda felt Sandra was forced onto me in the beginning even though i tried my best to avoid her, and still trying to send her away but she's still around and acting like we are a couple o_O
    I really hope there would be kind of harem-ish ending as i like almost all of the other female characters, just not Sandra...
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow!!!!!!! All i can say is WOW. I have played this game for 6 hours straight and cant get enough. Very real interactions from the characters and graphics are very good. Could use some better animations though but Im sure you are working on that. Thank you for an enjoyable experience.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually really dislike vanilla/slow build-up games. I didn't really care for things like Melody or Acting Lessons. I wasn't particularly expecting to like this game, either. But man, the dialogue puts this one on another level. Haley has such gems as:

    MC: "What do you want?" (As in, out of the relationship)
    Haley: "What do I want?"
    Haley: "He he”
    Haley: ”Pringles."


    Creepy dude from work: "What is life like for you?"
    Haley: "Well, every day I wake up and pull my gun out of my drawer and say, not today little buddy... not today."

    I feel like a lot of game devs, partway through their game's development, decide to go for an Oscar and focus on writing instead of lewd content. Usually, these devs ruin their game as a result, because they get carried away with dialogue and don't have the talent to support it. This is the game that those games wish they could be. This game is concise, funny, gripping, and most importantly, sexy.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll be giving this one five stars. i just finished last version of the game and I've got to say this is one is a very nice one and probably one of the best games I've found on this website. I like the kind of harem route and the fact that it is not too pusnishing nor to cumbersome to do what you want.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my first review and normally I just lurk, but I was blown away by how good this game was (as of 0.7).

    Now don't get me wrong, it's not a masterpiece among entertainment. But as compared to other games of a similar design/story, this is near the top of the list.

    As a writer myself, the sometimes atrocious grammar and sentence flow turns me off of a lot games that might otherwise be really good. This game has damn near zero issues in the technical aspects of the writing. I came across a couple of typos, and one "your" where there should have been a "you're" in my several hours of play time.

    For the creative aspects of the writing, it's not a revolution in the genre. You've probably played vaguely similar games before. But everything it does it does very well. The characters all talk like real people, the siblings feel like actual siblings, and the build up of their relationship is the best in class. Their relationship feels natural, not like they were waiting for the flimsiest excuse to get into each others pants.

    The renders are well made and I never felt like I had seen any of the models a thousand times. The sex scenes had no real issues that I can recall, and since what makes a sex scene good or not is fairly subjective I won't harp on that topic too much.

    If you want a game about two siblings fucking each other at the first opportunity, you might be disappointed. But if you want a well rounded story about two siblings falling in love that will keep you interested even when nothing sexual is happening, this is the game for you.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    As others have said, this is the first time i give a rating because i feel the duty to do it.
    It is simply excellent in many respect and it has a lot of qualities, but i think there is one in particular that makes a difference to many other games: dialogues. They are very pleasant, never boring and especially they are not so long as a speech by a politician before the elections. The author manages to narrate the story without long boring monologues or long explanations about characters actions.
    All of this makes the story telling more realistic and beliavable.

    Naturally it also has features of high level games: rendering quality, tons of images and a strong characterization of protagonists.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I was pleasantly surprised with the dialogue in this one. The characters are likable and the story flows well. The character models are well done. I just really enjoyed this one. Cam't wait for future updates.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    ++ Overall imagery
    ++ Great story
    ++ Haley's character and her writing
    + Decent animations
    + Multiple paths
    - Few glitches/missing images (current version 0.70) but really nothing big or broken

    I came for the lewd content and stayed for the story. Damn, its getting me emotionaly involved - meaning very good job from the devs. If you look out from obvious taboo, it's really heartwarming love story that reminds me of other similar VN with female protagonist in name.
    I love it and cant wait for complete story!
    After seeing some foreshadowing of the plot I just really, really hope this will have possible happy ending despite everything that might happen....