VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Haley's Story [v1.1 Pre-Patched] [Viitgames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I came across it for the first time and I was surprised. The animations and quality are excellent. The story is great too, it doesn't jump straight to the action like most games. There is a build-up of the 2 main characters' journey as they discover their relationship. Hope to see more of this in the future. 9.5/10.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Cheap rape-related drama ruined this game for me. I loved the renders and especially the design of Haley but at this point, I think I'd rather just download some mods for sims 4 and recreate her in that game, free of stupid drama.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The game handles the brother/sister dynamic very well, better than any other game I can remember. The other plot lines I find largely uninteresting. +1 for that childhood bedroom scene, +1 for redhead. Gingers are the hottest.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I thought it was pretty solid(for a vn with few choices other then which girl you pursue) until the last two updates which introduce completely random drama(and other assorted bs), that I have zero interest in.

    Dont get me wrong its not the worst game ever made but this is where I jump ship.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Not all of them like this but main animations looks good.
    + We have well written and interesting story. Espacily Haley and MC thoughs about their relationship, MC's effort for resisting, small affection changes or like this details written realy good. He is fighting this feelings like real life and this makes things realy good.

    Bad Points
    - Not that bad thing but animated sex angles are looks little bit weird and they are not that attaractive to watch.
    - I dont know why but game story became boring with time, DEV cant continue to give us that flow game had in first versions...
    - Render and animation quality could be far more better than this. Espacily girls faces and bodies could have use some changes.

    For The End
    Well it was quite good game and its even completed, not abandoned! Which is quite rare these days... While there is some bad points i mentioned our game have pretty well written story and decent other details which makes this game pretty good, i do suggest you play and enjoy this game.
    Likes: mpror
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok, I am completely editing my review as of 0.70.

    I want to preface this by stating really really enjoy this game. The relationship from bff/brother/sister to lover? is well done in my books and that is with me not really being into the incest kink much. I think the relationship is very natural and human-like which is hard to get right in games.

    That being said, there is much to be desired from in my opinion. The forced relationship with Sandra really is frustrating; first of all, she is sweet and attractive and definitely cares for MC. But she is very boring, and doesn't really offer much in regards to sex scenes. I for one am not a fan of making the MC some asshole cheater but in this game I feel obligated to pretty much because of this forced relationship.

    I feel like this is a huge drain on the game because even a potential LI refuses sex because of your relationship. I also feel the MC is very generic; it would be great to see him show more personality and not just be "the guy in the sex scenes". Another potential issue is the secret about Haley's past with one of her teachers has the potential to break the game if it isn't done well. As of this update, it isn't confronted yet so it is too early to tell.

    Now back onto the things this game does right. The renders are very pretty and the girls seem for the most part natural and beautiful. This is a huge plus in favor of the game. The dialogue is great as well. There is legitimately funny humor in some parts of the game and I would say the characters are mainly likeable. I really like both of their bosses and most of their friends. Even the relationship between their mom and dad is interesting.

    As I sort of touched upon earlier, the relationship between the MC and Haley feels pretty natural considering how close they had always been. Along with this, certain scenes like Haley bite his nose etc.. add a lot of personality to the game. It doesn't feel robotic and once again feels natural.

    For the most part, I love playing this game but there are just a lot of really annoying issues particularly the forced relationship and MC being so generic. Perhaps if MC talked a bit more or at least had some inner dialogue thrown in every now and again it would make him more interesting.

    Anyways, this game is definitely worth a shot in spite of my complaints. I really hope this game closes out on a strong point.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    •Good story line, plausible.
    •Good build ups to events/situations.
    •Sex scenes.
    •Character models/visuals.
    •Not stale game play, always something to do and an event upcoming.

    •Little fetishes aside from incest.
    •Not a great deal of decisions that can effect the story line, but this could just be a result of how I enjoy playing games.
    •Takes a while to get any content at the start (not a personal dislike, but it is a common idea amongst members of the site).

    The game provides a good (and importantly plausible) story line. There is plenty of content as long as you're willing to put time into the game so it is definitely worth a download if this is your style of game. I personally am not a big fan of having little freedom of where you go etc. but this is not a complaint as this is put down to the style of game. The scenes have good visuals that are not over exaggerated (such as in 'My New Life'), however I have found some scenes off putting such as
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    . Some texts appear to be written by a middle-schooler, but for the most part, the contents is good.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Slow start, but very impressive quality of writing. Every character has, by the end of current content, really become interesting and likable to me (despite the fact I was not a huge fan of any of the characters in the early stages of the narrative).
    Both the plot and characters have developed into things that now have me quite interested, and that is something that is extremely rare in this genre. I was very pleasantly surprised.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I was already on the fence about the renders, but the story seemed great and their relationship development as siblings, so I watched and kept track as a fan, now statutory rape was introduced needlessly for whatever *creative* reason. RIP what kept it good. I'm sure multiple community members agree as well.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1490985

    I love this game! The characters are lovable, Haley is adorable, the scenes are hot, the story is good, it builds up nicely to very climactic moments, I would absolutely recommend this game, I can't get enough!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Haley's Story is absolute gold ... The story and writing are fantastic as this is the 1st time I've have read 100% of the dialogue (twice)... Characters are extremely relatable and the interaction don't seem forced or unbelievable. (at no point did i cringe or shake my head in disbelief) I didn't want it to end. My only Gripe is it took me so long to actually play it.

    150% recomended
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game. Downsides are the forced relationship and the last few updates starting to slow the pace down. Haley is cool. I like the general writing and humor. The characters are attractive. A bit light on the sex if you're solely looking for porn. Strongly recommended.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I recently played this game from start to current build, for the first time. It never looked like something I would be interested in, but when I was looking for something new I couldn't ignore the ratio of likes to views, and it does appear to be update regularly.

    First and formost the writing is superp. Way above the average adult VN. The characters feel distinguished and relatable, and different character interactions flow naturally. The MC feels slightly muted, but this works to imprint yourself on the character. I'm normally the guy to skip all dialogue to get to the choices, but this had me reading about 95%.

    The scenes and teases feel well spaced out, and thanks to the dialogue felt real and were sexy. The slow build up with the sister is extremely well handled without feeling like getting blue-balled. Animations are where this VN falls slightly flat, but it's a minor point.

    The story with the sister has developed to the point where they are open with each other, but they are now addressing a very serious issue in the sister's backstory. As far as a decision to move the story there, I think it helps add to the realism that this VN already had, but I can see from the perspective of someone who has been playing from update to update that this could have been jarring. This is very much too real for some people, thanks to the dialogue being very believable. "We came to fap, not to feel" could ring true to some.

    In my opinion this VN is elevating itself out of midnight smut material and into new territory, very closely approaching (dare I say it) art. I hope that it continues to blur that line in coming updates while maintaining it's adult content. If it can do so and land on its feet, then this could be one of the best of its kind.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    The truth Is that Is in its current status neither a 5 stars masterpiece nor a 1 star crap game.

    The actual rating Is somewhere between those extreme ratings

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    Renders: 4/5
    Animations: 3/5 (just typical and far away from high stardards issued from Games such As betrayal or badik)
    Story: 2/5 (3/5 prior to update 0.55. 2/5 after that)
    Dialoques 3/5 (5/5 prior to update 0.55 and probably the best dialoques writing in any game existing. 2/5 after that As writer strugles to justify highly unjustifiable cases, constant story and characters twists even wrong rendering)

    The overal feeling Is that of a game transformed from a unique amazing story treated with extra care from the developers to to a stereotypical story based on constant revelations coming out of nowhere.

    Almost like a product coming out of production line, a not a unique one needed to be treated with extra care.

    From a 4+/5 game and for those who give priority to meaningfull story telling, dialoques, and concistent characters even a 4.5+/ 5 game to a 2.5-3/5 game.
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 444674

    Recently there have been a lot of reviews that are fighting each other. A wave of 1 star reviews for the recent updates and then comes in 5 star reviews that serve the purpose of combating the 1 star reviews. It's become a cycle of underrating and overhyping from what I can see.

    I don't see it as either 1 or 5 star. It's definitely in the middle for me. I like this VN. I don't love it but I do like it quite a bit. It has a cast of pretty good and diverse characters with their own personalities and quirks and they all bounce off one another well in their interactions.

    The dialogue, for the most part, feels real and the MC and his twin sister, the titular character, Haley, have what I believe to be the best brother/sister incest dynamic in an adult game so far. I don't think any other game, past or present match this. I've learned recently that Ptolemy is the writer and his previous game had one of the better brother/sister relationships in adult games, so he very much continues that stride here.

    The story, for the most part, has been light-hearted and fun to be a part of. That said, Haley's Story never really hit any groundbreaking developments until recently. Before these last 2 recent updates, when you looked at Haley's Story, you would struggle to identify this story. There wasn't anything worth remembering. Again, until the last 2 updates, which is where the polarizing combative reviews are coming from. Now, Haley's Story is beginning to leave it's mark.

    Things are revealed about Haley that leave a sour taste in people's mouths, some for good reason, some for fallacious reasons. I have no problem with the current development, as long as it is handled correctly. Right now, that's only about half the truth. The way this character arc came about was totally out of place and seemed to happen solely to cause drama for the sake of drama, which is bad. At the same time, Haley's current attitude towards this subject matter is handled very maturely.

    At this point, it cancels out. The startup was done all wrong but the current development is being handled with the care that it needs. But this is where you must bring up the sudden shift in tone. The tone has drastically changed due to this reveal. You don't feel it through the dialogue. You feel it through the MC, who is very much feeling out of place due to the sudden bomb drop and it hangs all over this update (v0.60), which can be a problem considering the game before this has been rather tame and inviting. Now it's cold and distant, which wouldn't be an issue had it been handled with better care.

    So for any future players, take the sudden tone shift into account before playing. That way you won't feel blindsided by the coming development.

    All in all, this game is a solid experience with a few hiccups here and there. It has the potential to be a truly hard-hitting story but has the same potential to become a train wreck if certain developments are not handled properly.

    I'll give this 3/5 but I'm leaning more towards 3.5/5 for the balls to delve into certain subject matters.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This was, since I started playing this and still is, my favorite female character in any game on F95. The game itself is also currently in my top 3 of all time.

    To be sure, there are a ton of other very good female characters that I truly adore, a lot of them from Ptolomy's games, but Haley is something special.

    I have never met a more real and complex characters in any other Adult game as Haley.

    She is cute, adorable, loving, beautiful, sexy, sassy and much more..
    She can also be selfish, manupalitive, insecure, bossy and secretive.

    In other words she is a real and complex character.

    The reason there are such a reaction over the last 2 updates is that people care so much about her character. She is such a unique character that players tend to fall hard for her.

    The game became a lot more serious in the last 2 updates, but this only enriches an already rich game world.

    So here are my Pros:
    Story: 10/10
    Characters: 10/10
    Graphics: 9/10
    Sex Scenes: 9/10

    Lack of pubic hair... (To be remedied soon!! ;) )
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    The first few updates were good. The MC's first GF was pretty unpopular but people were holding out for the titular character. It's been all downhill since, and the more recent reviews compared to the old ones reflect that.

    Now every LI is unlikable and the game has gone into a niche kink dark alley. Avoid.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Before the latest 2 updates was a solid 4 star game, now...
    I think that a bunch of people here already said about what this game is, so lets go to the point and i'm gonna be very blunt here.
    In the latest 2 updates the dev just fucked up things and added some cheap drama. Why is cheap drama?! Because it came from nowhere just for the sake of the drama, and worse, this drama don't match the atmosphere of the game in any point. I know that some people just like plot twists no matter what, but if you are not one of those people i do not recommend this game anymore.
    Its frustrating to play a game for some time and see something like this just trowed in your face.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    This used to be a fairly refreshing take on the incest genre with very well written sibling dialogue and a bunch of sexy side girls to fool around with. That's not to say it used to be perfect by any stretch of the imagination, because there were some flaws. For one, you're forced into a relationship with a character I couldn't care less about (that's not the sister) and second, the MC is dumber than a box of rocks. Seeing as these games are usually self insert opportunities for me, this was a big turn off and one of my biggest complaints earlier, at least until the story went off a fucking cliff Thelma and Louise style.

    Then the dev decided he'd introduce some conflict after the first time of our two main protagonists. Fairly normal for most stories, but this was literally right after, like dude's still somewhat in post-orgasm la la land and she drops a metaphorical nuke of a bombshell. MC's sister was statutorily raped by their 48 year old tutor! How's that for a boner killer? But she didn't tell MC to make him angry, just because it was her first time and he asked who her partners were. So, we go from a stand out game that had a few major but mostly forgivable flaws to some generic, pull out of a hat plot that supposed to do what exactly? Sure, it'll bring them closer together at the end but so would a whole hell of a lot of things that were introduced in the same update (.55), like the mother seemingly having an issue with Haley and clearly favoring her son. Or the motherfucker that looks exactly like MC but a little chubbier yet MC doesn't see what Haley saw in him.

    It's like the game went from a stand out in the genre to a parody in one update, then doubled down in .60 with possibly the girl you're forced into a relationship possibly having been raped! The problem is no one is laughing. People are dropping like flies from this forum, and the people that aren't leaving are not praising it for being good, they just think it's too early to tell if it's bad. That's on them and a completely fair thing to do, but unlike them I have absolutely no faith that this dev can turn this ship around and make this a good story.


    TL;DR: There is an event in this game that's like finding a hair in your half eaten salad. You might be just as nauseous, as well. Sure, there's still a whole meal coming but you're going to be searching for hair the entire time rather than just enjoying it. That is, if you haven't already walked out of the restaurant.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I love it.

    It's focused on story and character, not tons of sex. Story however is good. We see complex characters interacting. Some darker themes are also present but no NTR. Lots of things to figure out and characters to meet.

    Sexy stuff:
    Got animations, multiple sexy women who're all distinct in their own charming ways.