It's a shame Haley is a fucking degenerate, really killed the game form me. Shame, i was enjoying it a lot.
I get it most people don't share my point of view, but in game like these i believe its generally a better idea to make the main girl a virgin or drop her sex life out of the game altogether, when she is playing a sweet and innocent role whole game long. That really came out of nowhere.
I mean i realize i'm just bitching at this point, and that no one really gives a fuck, i guess i just need to let it out.
That moment when she tells you her past sexual partners, just broke all the empathy and immersion i had for the game. Her ingame personality doesn't event correspond to the way she would be if she really had the the experiences that she had in the game. That bomb was simply unnecessary.
Being well educated in psychology and knowing well what kind of consequences such actions leave on the human psyche and personality sure isn't helping. I understand that i cant expect a dev to have a phd in psychology and personality disorders but, man i'm just sad because i like this game so much. Making such a sweet girl and so many lovely interactions only to put her the category of women who are, mildly speaking, unfit for relationship, let alone something more, kicked me in the nuts hard.
I'm sorry for being a downer, i just had to let it out. I still support the dev and I'm looking forward to his future games.