Q: Of the four routes, Haley+Sandra, Haley+Adriana, Haley+Lisa, and Haley Solo, which route is your first and least favorite and why?
First of all, I'd like to say this game is probably my favorite VN for its writing, especially its humor - at the same time light and crazy -, the depth of the characters - first of Haley -, its ability to move from light mood with childish tones to far more grave/dramatic acts. And I think Haley is probably my favorite character in all the games of this type I've ever played, at the same time exuberant, childish, caustic, but also manipulative, calculating, protective, and somehow fragile and insecure.
Regarding the routes, my personal preferences are:
Haley+Sandra > Haley Solo >> Haley+Lisa >> Haley+Adriana
I really love Sandra, physically, but also mentally, for her sweetness, for all her bizarre flaws that made her strangely more real. And I love this route because if find it the more cheerful; the way Haley insidiously corrupts the sweet and naive Sandra, but not in a nasty, evil way, something almost, yes, again, cheerful. I love also the dynamic of the trio, with Sandra playing the arbiter when the twins go childish.
I like the Haley Solo route, but slightly less, because it gives me a feeling of emptiness. With all the other routes, first of all you have an additional person in the story, but you also have outside people coming and going; in this route, at some times, it really feels like Haley and the MC are alone in the world, and the only people sometimes coming in it (Dad) are annoyances. I don't like either when Haley goes full childish for long periods of time, like she did in the penultimate episode.
To me Lisa is a second and more extreme Haley, so the dynamic works less. It pushes Haley in the role of the responsible adult, but also make her bitchy and more insecure. And although sometime likable, Lisa can really be annoying. Additionally, contrary to the Sandra route where Haley comes to really like Sandra, here she's really forced in the relation, going with it only because she really love the MC, who in turns do not really love Lisa (he says it pretty clearly in the last decision point of this route)
Regarding Adriana, just really not my thing. I really don't like the sugar mama dynamic. And as in the Lisa, route, I really feel Haley forced in the relation, just to keep the MC with her. The only positive point in this route is Gaston

Hahem, sorry, I have a weakness for Dobermanns)