Well figure the Ash/Grandfather./Lynn thing to be the biggest plotline right now, so give that at least two episodes, MAYBE 3(or more...?)
You have to also build the MC/Emily relationship plotline, so that's an ongoing thing.
MC has only had one day of work, and still has the cast on, so unless they throw time jumps in, give that maybe 1.5 episodes, maybe 2.
You have Emily looking for her best friend Julie, but to me, that seems like an endgame thing, so no way to know.
You also have whatever Samantha is going through, they only just introduced Lis (Ash's boss) and still haven't done anything with Nadia (put Nadia, Lis & Sam together for whatever episodes, which the MC wants to join)
And throw in whatever BS Luis gets the MC involved with which could get the MC in trouble, warranting infractions of any kind, which we really haven't seen at this point
It's going to be a while