Don't think we know that yet or have heard anything. A fool's guess? Maybe a dozen? I'm expecting at LEAST that. The MC has only had one day of work so far. Things with Ash and her family are finally starting, then you have the issue with Em's best friend. I would think those two issues alone would warrant at least a full episode, perhaps two, depending on how it's written.
There's been a small time jump so far already when the MC/Sean was at the HH, helping Em do chores, talking to Luis, etc. Then you have the actual issue of building the MC/Em relationship. How much can you do in one episode really?
So by that count of what I mentioned, expect a dozen, perhaps more. And you never know what'll happen with Kunieda, Nadia, Liz, Ashlyn, and whoever else might come into the house to live since it was mentioned new people come in all the time.
I think we have a ways to go yet before this is over.