Your understanding is appreciated. Many people believe that making a game is easy and cheap, but it is not, the truth is that thanks to the people who support the project this one keeps going. When people stop supporting him, the project will just die. I'm not an EA that can spend millions of dollars on an
Anthem, and then just throw it away, I
live a day just like the people who collaborate with me.
Nor am I going to be a hypocrite and say never download or resort to pirated pages, but as the creator of
Minecraft would say: If you don't have money, pirate it, If you like it and if at any time your financial situation improves, buy it or support it. It is the philosophy that I followed, it is a pity that ps4 or 5 does not have the ps3 or ps2 games that at the time I could not buy.
Well here are some images of the next scene of Amber and Nova.
View attachment 1096113
The change of the Ork Queen, what do you think?
View attachment 1096117
And a little look at how the characters will look in combat mode to be animated.
View attachment 1096112