I just cheated myself 99 goddess symbols, thought the limited saves were BS too.same here. i also save alot and tend to do so after cutscenes.
however, if i must, i am willing to go for long periods without saving. length not as much of a dealbreaker for me. but what is a dealbreaker is the saves being limited in quantity
I thought this would be a nice compromise as well, but what would stop the player from leaving the dungeon to save after every encounter?I just cheated myself 99 goddess symbols, thought the limited saves were BS too.
I thyink this would be fixed if the goddess statues were unlimited, and the symbols were used only to save mid-dungeon.
I've seen games do the "You can only save in one spot" thing and they work perfectly fine. The symbols would allow you to sabe a few times in the middle of a dungeon(Like before a boss or a choice encounter), but it would not allow you to save every second so you can never lose.I thought this would be a nice compromise as well, but what would stop the player from leaving the dungeon to save after every encounter?
I wouldn't still like this, cause it would make you grind for the item and I'd find that boring, I would still cheat myself 99 of the item and be done with it, I came to play, not to grind, this ain't WoW. The stationary statues would prove a perfect solution. You'd had permanent save spots, while still keeping the ability to save in dungeons some limited times.compromise. the author had the intention of not allowing free saves / savescumming 24/7 , and thats understandable.
only being able to save outside of dungeons, or only on specific places, i can understand.
the dealbreaker is that, from start to finish, one can only save the game a limited number of times, and once that number is gone is gone. i didnt like it in resident evil, and i dont like it here.
and speaking of that. resident evil requires ink ribbons and hard love requires statues. ink ribbons could be found lying around in many places, but they did not respawn and you couldnt loot them from enemies, which means, just like this game, there was only so many times you could save the game.
so, here's an idea, how about making statues an item drop? maybe for boss-type enemies that could be replayed? maybe a superhard boss, maybe the drop rate is 0.something, whatever. make the statues superdifficult to obtain, as long as it's actually possible to obtain them without a hard cap
last save?
3 months.anyone know a release date for the new update?
Yeah, Nova is adorable. But I think this game missed a huge opportunity when it tied Amber and Nova since the start. If we were able to play as Nova when she was free, before the marriage the game would've been much better.This have potential to be my favorite just because of how cute the protag is but it's still very crude