USER ERROR: Condition "err != VK_SUCCESS" is true. Returning: FAILED
at: RenderingDeviceDriverVulkan::command_queue_execute_and_present (drivers\vulkan\rendering_device_driver_vulkan.cpp:2266)
From what I've gathered on the Internet, other users have this issue across many Godot games. Seems to be related to the GPU freezing on a process specific to the app.
If it wasn't doing this on the previous version, perhaps try deleting your current DL and trying again. Maybe something got messed up during the download?
Otherwise, try adjusting the graphics settings. Turning V-Sync off, lowering the FSR, setting Render to 0.9x. Try fiddling around with these a bit.
If this does not resolve the issue then honestly I do not know what you can do, or if anything CAN be done, as this specific error seems to be rooted either in the User's GPU **or** an issue with the way the program is compiled. More than likely an issue on the User side, though, as this does not seem to be a shared issue among other players (myself included).