Observation in V0.3 EA4 HF1...besides that being a mouthful.
Decided to throw a sword at a closed chest because I was sure it was a mimic. Sword landed on floor in the same square as the chest. Interacting with the square gives me the ability to interact with either the sword or closed. Chest was not a mimic. Tried the same thing later and again had to pick up my sword but saw the chest identified as mimic rather than closed.
So I'm not 100% sure, but throwing swords at unidentified chests seems to always miss. And that allows me to determine which chests are mimics without risking destroying what is in the chest when I'm wrong.
The loss of cun'thulu shrines in the levels severely reduces the need to explore levels imo. If the only thing we should care about finding is the exit, then might want to expand the level count. If we're meant to explore each level more throroughly then players will need a new incentive. Or maybe that's just me.
Personally, I find the minimap slightly obnoxious. Useful to be sure, but maybe instead of putting it on screen all the time shift that information to a map screen that the player can open. This would have a benefit of allowing for larger levels without the minimap growing to cover the entire play area.
Final thought of the day: I'm really enjoying the game so far.