
New Member
Jul 18, 2017
Saw some comments that said cheat engine doesn't work. It does. You just gotta be strategic. It's 2 bits. Start with cum since the max cum rises with time rather than upgrades. Scan every new value until you find it and set it high. Afterwards, go for health, set it to the current max and wait until you get upgrades. If you are lucky, you should find the value decently fast. Repeat for most values.
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Apr 8, 2019
This game is top tier, really replayable, great scenes and enjoyable to play as a game. This should come to steam, it'd sell really well I figure.

My only gripes would be getting mimics as early as floor 1, unless there's supposed to be some way to tell that they're mimics but I haven't seen anything like that. Absolute fucking horseshit to run into an enemy that can crit you for 20 when you're only doing an average of 4 damage back.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
This game is top tier, really replayable, great scenes and enjoyable to play as a game. This should come to steam, it'd sell really well I figure.

My only gripes would be getting mimics as early as floor 1, unless there's supposed to be some way to tell that they're mimics but I haven't seen anything like that. Absolute fucking horseshit to run into an enemy that can crit you for 20 when you're only doing an average of 4 damage back.
I found out a trick to that from someone else's post here. Throw a sword at chests. It won't do anything to the chest, but, when you press Z to interact with that square, you will have the option to pick up your sword AND it will show if it is a closed chest or a mimic.

As long as there are no enemies around, you can throw your cardboard sword if it is the only weapon you have and you will be fine. As long as you press Z to interact, instead of just moving into the tile with the chest.

I don't know if it works with other items, but I know it works with a sword. So, throw it, walk over, press Z and the popup should show whether it is a closed chest or a mimic.


Aug 6, 2022
Yall how to find the Incubus + kobold cinematic thing literally missing 2x Succubus + kobold and 2x Succubus + Frank and Incubus + Kobold and Incubus + Frank???

Btw does it really look like Maki Zenin???
1740290616016.png 1740290637594.png
May 1, 2022
it's interesting to see in the Role of the Main Character of the male gender, a guy against a girl :unsure: , now we play the main character for the role of a girl that she is against mutants, because now there are a lot of games the main character for a girl


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
Yall how to find the Incubus + kobold cinematic thing literally missing 2x Succubus + kobold and 2x Succubus + Frank and Incubus + Kobold and Incubus + Frank???
If you are talking about the gallery scenes, I believe they are bugged and not registering.

If you are asking about how to trigger them, as MrCharismo, just posted, you need to let the Incubus/Succubus charm your ally. I think the ally just needs to be within 3 or 4 tiles of the demon and they will charm them and trigger the scene.
The succubus scenes are a vaginal and anal scene and the Incubus scenes are (obviously) anal for the Kobold or Frank! ally.


Aug 6, 2022
If you are talking about the gallery scenes, I believe they are bugged and not registering.

If you are asking about how to trigger them, as MrCharismo, just posted, you need to let the Incubus/Succubus charm your ally. I think the ally just needs to be within 3 or 4 tiles of the demon and they will charm them and trigger the scene.
The succubus scenes are a vaginal and anal scene and the Incubus scenes are (obviously) anal for the Kobold or Frank! ally.
Oh no wonder why they weren't working for the 20th time. Anyways what are the chances of the book monster spawning? And what floor


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
Oh no wonder why they weren't working for the 20th time. Anyways what are the chances of the book monster spawning? And what floor
Honestly, I have no idea what the chances of the bookshelf spawning is, which is where the book monster appears. If/When you find a bookshelf, you need interact with it and try taking the item on the shelves and the book monster should appear.

Rare, is about as close as I can get to saying how often it spawns.
I have seen it spawn on almost every dungeon floor except the very first floor. I can't say if it is just my bad luck or it just doesn't spawn on that first level. All, I can suggest is that you keep going through loops and, 'eventually', it will finally appear for you.

RNG can be kind of a bastard sometimes and not give you hardly anything OR absolutely throw everything (and the kitchen sink) at you in a single game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
Maybe I'm dumb but I didn't get how to loop the game keeping my stats. How do I do that?
There is only 1 stat that gets carried over to the next loop, the amount of cum storage that your character has.
Every item in your inventory and every piece of gear that you are currently carrying, is deleted and replaced with the 'newbie' starting gear.

The very last floor in the dungeon is the Ice dungeon, with the Brutes. When you exit that level, it will take you to a tiny map, with 1 red door that says exit and a 2nd exit that says under construction. There should also be a pop up message that says 'this is the end of the dungeon, thanks for playing'.

When you click on that red exit door, it loops you back to the beginning of the game, where you can start another run.

If you lose on any level, whether you run out of HP and get defeated OR you get overinflated with cum, you are sent back to the main menu where you have the option of starting a new game or loading your previous save.


Aug 4, 2017
A great game FloppyStack--two steps above most of what we see. Animations are fun and erotic, the main character is sexy, and the concept is solid. There are a few gameplay items that you could change that would improve things IMHO.
1.) ADSW Navigation is hit or miss: if you try to navigate with ADSW, you get action about 2/3rds of the time. The arrow keys work every time, though, so it is not my keyboard.
2.) Having Movement = Strike: This leads to accidentally destroying key items or opening doors unintentionally. Particularly annoying if you are trying to use ADSW and they don't respond every time. Could fix by using the left-mouse click as Strike and Right Mouse as "actions other than strike". This would ALSO allow striking in all directions without needing to "turn the board" with E and Q.
3.) The "Action Nerfs ESC" problem: If you click an action on your character, the ESC key won't work unless you move the character off of that tile. So if I click the tile, and chose "yourself" and do something in my inventory and then back out, I can't hit ESC to immediately Save, for example. I have to move off of the tile.
4.) Need more options to manage Hunger: We can now masterbate to reduce cum, and rest to regain health, but both force more hunger and there is no easy way to fix that. It is a minor issue if you know the game and can stay close to a vending machine, but it's really frustrating until you get there. Sandwiches are too rare!

Little Aids to Consider:
+ Having the game show you visually which of your items are the "best" in their category. Really for swords and shields. A visual cue
+ Have Rings that do things even when you aren't having sex
+ Consider having the Healing pool be rechargeable. Maybe you bring cum to it? I don't know.

Just thoughts. Really enjoyed what I have seen so far. This thing is getting close to being releasable more broadly!


Active Member
Sep 7, 2020
A great game FloppyStack--two steps above most of what we see. Animations are fun and erotic, the main character is sexy, and the concept is solid. There are a few gameplay items that you could change that would improve things IMHO.
1.) ADSW Navigation is hit or miss: if you try to navigate with ADSW, you get action about 2/3rds of the time. The arrow keys work every time, though, so it is not my keyboard.
2.) Having Movement = Strike: This leads to accidentally destroying key items or opening doors unintentionally. Particularly annoying if you are trying to use ADSW and they don't respond every time. Could fix by using the left-mouse click as Strike and Right Mouse as "actions other than strike". This would ALSO allow striking in all directions without needing to "turn the board" with E and Q.
3.) The "Action Nerfs ESC" problem: If you click an action on your character, the ESC key won't work unless you move the character off of that tile. So if I click the tile, and chose "yourself" and do something in my inventory and then back out, I can't hit ESC to immediately Save, for example. I have to move off of the tile.
4.) Need more options to manage Hunger: We can now masterbate to reduce cum, and rest to regain health, but both force more hunger and there is no easy way to fix that. It is a minor issue if you know the game and can stay close to a vending machine, but it's really frustrating until you get there. Sandwiches are too rare!

Little Aids to Consider:
+ Having the game show you visually which of your items are the "best" in their category. Really for swords and shields. A visual cue
+ Have Rings that do things even when you aren't having sex
+ Consider having the Healing pool be rechargeable. Maybe you bring cum to it? I don't know.

Just thoughts. Really enjoyed what I have seen so far. This thing is getting close to being releasable more broadly!
1- The game seems designed around having a numpad much like traditional rogue likes and rogue lites. This would normally allow diagonal movement. If you don't have one, you can remap the controls to make them more suitable.
2- I see little issue with making this a toggle. That said, requiring a separate key to attack would get annoying the second you have multiple targets. It's already clunky to toss weapons, use spells, etc by navigating menus. Making basic CQC require a separate input would slow down combat even more nd is just asking for someone to impale themself by running into an enemy (not in the fun way).
4 - I'm convinced calories were only added because Rouge had it. It punishes exploration since it's more viable to b-line for the nearest exit than to actually hunt for a sandwitch. (Seriously, who keeps a sandwitch in the middle of a grid of fire traps?). Sedusa's boon is almost required unless you have a ring of calories. Even with the rework to combat tentacles (flooding a room with tentacles to defeat a sigular succubus is peak amusement) it's still less viable than hunger negation.
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