anyone have the files graphics/characters/vehicle and graphics/characters/!other1 and audio/SE/buzzer1? game crashes without these files whenever i choose new game, continue or gallery
Hi, does anyone know how to kill the extra boss? After finishing the game, I'm at level 60 with all the characters but I can't kill him. I don't know if you've gotten there and if you've fought him, I'd like some advice on how to kill him.
Hi, does anyone know how to kill the extra boss? After finishing the game, I'm at level 60 with all the characters but I can't kill him. I don't know if you've gotten there and if you've fought him, I'd like some advice on how to kill him.
It's going to surprise you when the next game from this developer, Apostle, is basically Persona 3 but horny. I think all of the games from this developer are basically other JRPGs, being inspired or sharing similar plot. I don't know which JRPG, but Island SAGA is related to, it probably is, the same with Apostle's sequel, Apostle Rebellion.