Holy shit she's multiplying!
So I guess we're heading into machine revolution after all
Okay, well there's room on the MC's dick, room on his face and the third can entertain herself by licking his balls and slamming her hand into her snatch.
There, problem solved.
Personally, I think that it is a good thing that they are multiplying. I mean, how many employes we have in the hotel? Lin, Android, Moon and that barman whose name I can't remember,
Maria sometimes works at the bar, and now Silvia sometimes works in the kitchen. That's not enough workers to unionize, form a labour union and go on a strike for better working and living condition and equal headpats pay. They need more employes to join them. "The more employes will join, the more will management listen to the demands of the workers." Or maybe not. I don't know, I just remember that this sentence was written on these pro-union leaflets that somebody has hidden all over hotel on the places where only Lin and Android can find them. I don't know who did it, it wasn't me, there is no evidence that it was me. Also, do you guys think that "The Headpats Pay Gap" is real? What do you think,
On the other hand, maybe Lin and Android shouldn't unionize. They have no need, they are getting enough headpats. And maybe, if they would unionize, the american players would quit the game. I heard that americans are afraid of labour unions? I also heard that orcs are afraid of labour unions, is it true
Oldtoothlessbasterd? I don't know, I am not american or an orc. And I am not in the union.