If you keep going as it is - your property will be taken by criminals, and you will end up in prizon for selling drugs or covering rebels. Bad ending either way. I prefer to fight instead of giving up everything I worked for.
You have not been paying attention.
Android has been working on a way to bring all of the androids together and make them like her, and so that she can communicate with them in cyber space.
She has Kali to help her.
Android has already demonstrated an ability to take control of other androids.
Kali now works at her fathers company that builds those androids.
Kali has already successfully hacked a military android and taken control of it.
The governments army uses android troops. They would be hardened against emp weapons.
The police also use androids. They would be hardened against emp weapons.
There are many privately owned androids.
That will be your army, along with any friends or allies, that you along with Nia can pull together when the time is right.
And your allies will be those groups that you have interacted with along the way.
The elves living on the island. The queen has been watching what you have been doing, so she will see what you are doing.
The elves living off the grid in hiding. Nia's friends and allies.
The elves that now have that military android that Kali hacked.
Along with any others that they may have contact with.