Try going to sleep without sleeping with anyone, and let me know if that solves it.
Have you played Lin's v0.6 event?
Whenever he story warrants it. Her next event cant just be "Let's fuck MC", it needs to build up to everything, and Autumn is definitely one to stay away from sex until marriage, currently.
Is it all question marks? That means she hasn't joined the hotel yet.
Autumn's personality will definitely be changing quite a bit, but she'll still likely keep her "girl next door" vibe. Which, also hasn't been shown. At the beginning, she's annoying. MC knows this, the girls know this, and even the player may know this. But she's also very caring.
But in any case, her corruption will probably take the longest out of all the girls. Autumn polls low because she's intentionally an annoying character, which has begun to change in v0.6. But I hope I didn't make her annoying 24/7, I tried to space her good side out from her bad side.
Autumn polled fairly low due to that poll being from the end of v0.5, when she was introduced, all girls are like that.
I warn yall about those leaked builds
MC's sister is planned to be the third maid!
There wont be a lot of incest, just with his sister, and it's all "optional" incest anyhow (as long as you don't turn on the truestory code, it wont be incest). Each girl already has a different fetish taken care of, why not incest as well? Since MC's sister's story will also be MC's story, it'll teach you a lot about MC's past, and the other continent (the one Kali is from)
Check out my signature. This friday/saturday the Pre Release will come out. A week and a half after that the public release will come out.
I just added the code sunlight to remove her. That'll be in the next build anyway.