It's hard to say, many people hide their kinks really well, and usually the most controlling in public, like to be controlled in private.Depends on the person being the sub, those who are typically dominant, I could definitely see the nurse fitting that description, may not enjoy being the one dominated.
I prefer to try plans that have a good chance to work, not ones that are doomed to failure.I can agree the odds are not good, but the odds of successful revenge never are when that revenge goes against the system.
If you kill someone like Cornwall, the odds of getting asylum are almost nonexistent. The only country that would be happy about that, would be ...maaaaybe the high elf queen, and she isn't your biggest fan atm, and is not likely to grant asylum if it means that people would be hunting for you. It's not like her saying they can't come in would do anything.That was a general example of diplomatic asylum, I just didn't want to search for some real life case of a murderer somehow getting diplomatic asylum when I had a perfectly good example of the term in use even if it wasn't granted to a murderer in that case.
Yes, punishing, sure, but you are talking about killing. For a punishment to be effective, they have to learn from it. Can't learn anything if you are dead.No, jails and death camps are not the same. What the MC would be doing is punishing someone who committed and/or enabled an atrocity.
That is exactly what would happen though, if you try this.That's correct, they are going to defend the MC no matter what is said unless they are physically unable. There are three ways that can happen, they get tied up out of the way to prevent them from moving, the MC or another girl disables them through injury so that they cannot move to do what they would do, or the MC or another girl kills them so they cannot move to do what they would do. Those last two things I REALLY don't want to happen nor would I be okay with tying an innocent person up outside of sex play. There is absolutely no scenario where the hotel gets raided with all inhabitants still inside and the girls do not move to defend the MC, the only way to avoid it would be to get out before the raid. The girls are too deep in affection to not move in the MC's defense at this point, especially Lin and Ashley. You're right, it would absolutely be instinct, the MC is not their instincts, he is only the target of that specific instinct. The MC did not force the choice, the girls' instincts did. There is no killing spree, those get taken down A LOT faster, this is just two people albeit one of them being important. By the same logic of the next part, if Syl'anar hadn't established slavery, the girls would never have had to defend the MC. it is 100% on Syl'anar.
Exactly, so if you bring that down on them, it is all your fault, not theirs for defending you.
So is murder.And the laws of Syl'anar would be unjust.
Yup, but not many will support a murder. You would need a good reason, revenge is not good enough.Not all of them, though. Some governments even refuse to spite the other.
But that is not the system we are in. We can try to change the system, or we can be idiots and try to kill people.If not for Syl'anar making a stupid choice, none of this would happen. Cornwall and the nurse would not do things to the elves, or Maria, and everyone would be fine. That's not what happened, though.
No, no one forced anything. Maria didn't get killed, she is there, safe and sound. Nothing happened that can't be fixed. The only excuse for murder is self defense, and this is not that by any definition.The Syl'anar government forced the MC's hand, it didn't have to be this way, but they did something that could have gotten Maria killed in a much worse way than anything suggested.
So what?Using a tank isn't simple demolition, if that shell misses or goes through the hotel, because shells typically do when going through an unarmored target, it is going to fly quite a ways before it then explodes. Both the impact and the explosion resulting in the collateral damage. It doesn't have to be downtown to risk innocent lives, there could be a population surrounding the hotel even outside of a downtown area.
A) they are not close to another building. and
B) That happens all the time. One case here, the cops broke into a woman's apartment, without knocking, and shot her in bed, while she was sleeping. They got into more trouble for missing, and one shot going into a neighbor's apartment, than for killing an innocent woman.
No, there are thousands of ways to win, you are choosing to go the worst possible route, because you are butt hurt over Maria's last event.Syl'anar chose to force the MC and the harem into a no win scenario. The MC is simply making the choice available to him, given to him by Syl'anar themselves. Nobody had to get hurt, but Maria very easily could have by Syl'anar's decision to strip her of her assets.
No, you are a small part of it. The MC is just the enabler, Lin is the one leading this thing, not the player.The MC and his harem ARE the resistance, the girls would follow him anywhere, including to set up a new base to fight from. Recruiting can be done after that to bolster resistance forces. This would help the elves by freeing them through the use of force. It isn't as peaceful or eloquent as the political route, but it gets the job done even if it does cost resistance and pro-slave lives.
It is the case in every industrialized nation. They would not have survived this long if they did not.I'm aware of that in the real world, I actually did a bit of research out of curiosity just to see how expansive the intelligence community is. What I am not aware of is this being the case in Syl'anar.
Most air vents are not large enough for people to crawl through, no matter what movies want you to think. Any place that has real security, like a somewhere their leaders live and work, are not going to be some place you can just sneak into. No matter how many movies you watch.Like I said, waiting until tech that can emulate the powers of the fairies is an option and this would be more efficient and capable than the actual fairies. Also, air vents and windows are a thing and there's no way they are going as far as checking the air vents. Then there's the prospect of starting a war if they even try to go after the MC in a different area not already administrated by Syl'anar.
Yeah, that is good, keep waiting, maybe you will calm down by then. lol
And yet, in some countries, they either don't have laws about it, or their leaders kill whoever they want without care.Indeed, murder doesn't change based on where you are or why you do it, it is still murder and ALL countries consider it a crime not to mention the international community itself as a combined body.
Yup, but killing off the people who are making it better, is not the way to end that.Exactly, including slavery and the processes that go with it, including stripping a slave of their assets so that, if they somehow manage to escape going to a master, they starve to death.