I can honestly say this is one of the best updates the game has ever had as far as quality with the Maria hospital update coming second. I may have gone off on the whole Maria thing, but that simply shows how well made these last few updates have been. They were both able to trigger severe emotional reactions in someone like me, someone who doesn't show that level of emotion often. I've already wanted to strangle Cornwall not once, not twice, but three separate times with my own bare hands because of things he either enabled or was directly involved in, especially when it came to
bringing harm to Elves right before my very eyes. I very nearly flipped a table all three times, literally. The only thing stopping me is I had no table to flip. Very well done with triggering emotions, Runey. I'm actually a hard one to trigger and you managed it as if it was the easiest thing in the world.
I'm not bitching about it because I've already finished the content but for the love of god will people use the spoiler tag implementation so other users don't get major story beats spoiled? There's a handful of people doing it (good on you) but people curious about the consensus of the update checking the recent discussion pages shouldn't have to put up with it.
To be fair, there are times that some of us forget to do it, it slips my mind all the time, though not so much that I never use the spoiler tag.
Just a thought but for Banshee not to get executed but be sent to a high security prison, her lover must have been someone quite powerful, no?
Maybe, or maybe she is someone who, if executed, would spark an even worse situation. You see it in fiction all the time, the people the captor knows would end up sparking bloodshed with their death end up kept alive and that usually results in a rescue attempt that succeeds, by extension resulting in the downfall of the captor. Though I wouldn't consider her to be a symbol that would spark violence if she died at the hands of the Galactic Empire, Princess Leia from Star Wars Episode IV is an example of this considering what happens in that movie.
I've been considering adding an option to that scene where MC tries harder to stop her from finding her parents (not sure why he would really want to, it would be pretty rude), but in either case Maria is going to search for her parents, there is no other way to do this at the moment than getting a DNA test.
I'm not sure if an option like this would cure any anxiety though. I have a suspicion it would only move the goalpost. The same things would happen. Maria wants to find her parents and there's no good reason why she shouldn't be able to until you learn why.
I wouldn't say he's passive at all recently, he's actively trying to help Maria here. It seems you may just not agree with how things happened, but if an option like that will help, let me know.
As much as it set me off, I do see the point in it playing out the way it did. Even if you added an option to try harder to convince her not to go, I'm not sure it should result in her not going. I think this served as a reality check for the MC that something needs to change, whether he takes to violence or politics to make that change.
I saw it as that reality check because of the later option you get with Nia, which almost seems like a point where he chooses how to proceed to ensure this doesn't happen again once he has the power to stop it. I personally chose to side with her entirely, but there was one option that seemed to take a less drastic route.
I agree with the assessment about the method used to find her parents, I don't see any other way to get a solid lead and there was no way to tell she was going to end up like she did until she did end up like she did. That's actually what added the most to the shock factor of the event, nobody saw it coming, not even the girl herself or most other people at the hotel.
Will Kate be staying at the hotel too?
I just started playing recently (don't know)
Nobody knows
dude it hits you in the feels so hard!! i actually cried alot.
I almost flipped a table, literally, and twice because I ended up not saving the first time and had to replay it in 0.14. I was seriously pissed and I still am, though I am trying to hold it back on the forum so as to not start another multiple page comment marathon about how I would love to take my rage out on certain characters who caused or allowed what happened.
Do a sex action, don't let them cum.
No, she'll remain a side character, but I'm glad you like her! She will be getting a good amount of content regardless.
I'm glad I was able to bring emotion out with my writing, but I hope they were the good kind of tears too

Tears from an emotional response contain traces of stress chemicals, so letting it out can be quite destressing and maybe even relaxing afterwards.
Don't worry though, things this intense and traumatic for the characters are reserved for special moments, so nothing that bad will probably ever happen to Maria again.
Check each character's stat page to see the requirements if any are showing. Otherwise all actions that increase sluttiness also increase lust.
Ah yes, the science behind stress, you've done your homework it seems. I can't say tears were shed at the Maria thing, but I was seriously brought to tears, happy ones, at the Ashley birthday thing, not the flashback, but the gesture the other hotel residents made as a whole that triggered it. This happened not once, but twice because, in my rage at the Maria thing, I forgot to save, so I just redid everything from 12.4 on in one go.
Oh?Will there be a third floor yet?I only got to the second one.
I'm not sure if that was ever officially decided, but I think the idea was brought up as possible.
you dont need to stop maria on finding her parents. just use a different method.
What method would you suggest, exactly? DNA testing is one of the most accurate ways to find out who has a genetic tie to the person being tested, especially blood DNA. Unfortunately, in Syl'anar, it comes at the cost of also being able to identify Elves. Trying to find family that one doesn't even know what they look like without a DNA test is basically trying to find a needle in a haystack, not impossible, but Maria could end up spending her whole life on the very first steps without that DNA match. I've spent the last decade trying to trace my family back to the point that they moved over from Poland to the country I live in and I still have no leads whatsoever.
I'm not even sure the needle in a haystack comparison is big enough to compare to how helpful DNA testing can be to identifying long lost relatives.
There wasn't a reason not to go until they were already at the hospital and Maria was in custody, so why wouldn't they go do exactly what they did?
If it means not being a slave then yes! no one wants to be a slave.
If your best friend tell you that finding your adoptive parents is a bad idea, who would you believe? your conscience or your best friend?
but hey at the end of the day its a story you are telling. us as the protagonist just want options that dont get us or our loved ones killed or taken.
I would listen to my conscience because that is what I personally feel about the situation. Up to the point that I am on the ground, all I have in my head is that this is the best chance to find my parents. By the time I am on the ground, it is too late to change what I think of my plan to get a DNA test, it already backfired hard on me.
I mean, shit, how in the hell can you spank this cute little elf girl? To those who do, I wish upon you eternal damnation!!
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What if she requests it specifically? Would you really deny this cute little Elf a spanking if she asked for one?
its been asked but i didnt find it and im not gonna search bar through a billion pages.....anyone know what im supposed to type when kate asks how can i help you? i only finished the shower peeping scene and her riddles
There is a search option in the top right of the thread, no need to search a billion pages. As for the answer, a four letter word describing a fetish about being eaten.
I just choked on my coffee laughing at that name!
Same thing here, but with water.
Yeah she was PISSED! Saving Jia is going to be a big thing in this game now, probably going to take a few updates though. I didn't like her in the beginning, but now I feel very bad for her. I agree though on him growing some moxie. He really needs a good injection of it.
But yes, so damn cute she is.
but she was adorable in this one...
One thing the last event involving Jia did was make me realize I've had her figured all wrong the entire time. I thought for sure she was
an enemy to our cause, but now I can safely say
I was wrong. Though that did come at the cost of once again nearly flipping a table at what a certain somebody did to her. I will never forgive
Cornwall, I'll put it that way. Poor
Nia having to just
stand and watch, you could tell she was
suffering where she hid. If you thought I was pissed at the whole Maria thing, you haven't seen anything compared to how mad I got at the Jia thing. It was like watching that one scene in Halo: Reach all over again where
Kat gets shot by a Jackal Sniper and ends up dead, we watched the whole thing and were completely powerless to stop it.
The dates seem to have irked some people (perhaps as they are more relationship vs sexy time?) but i personally thought they were great for those who want to immerse themselves in a relationship with the girls vs just fucking them. I enjoyed them for how deep they dived into each girl and even offered you to have your own opinion on stuff. Its important for those detractors of the dates to remember they like other content not everyone is on board with are entirely optional. Dont like the idea of making your waifu strip? avoid exhibitionism. Dont like pissing on them in the dungeons? Dont take them there and dont want to spend too long seeking out their hopes and aspirations? avoid the dates.
My only personal complaint regarding them is the fact theyre focused on the main cast which i feel at this point i already know so much about. Give me more time with the Sanctuary girls, with Jin, with the uni girls or the school girls as well as the likes of Moon. They could probably do more with the expanded development than the likes of Maria etc do at this stage of the game but its a minor complaint. Still this is also coming from a very long time fan, newer players might get more out of this deep dive on them vs someone who has spent years with said main characters at this point.
I don't think relationship vs sexy time was the issue, more like other things vs story. People saw few events pushing forward from the end of the previous version and automatically called it a shorter update when that's far from the reality. A bunch of content was put into the front because of the revamp and there were major systems updates, which usually take up entire updates, so we're lucky we got any story content at all.