- Mar 20, 2018
- 748
- 1,611
I meant more that she's supposed to come across as a being a bit much when introduced. Like with Ashley, I don't think she's supposed to be well liked immediately on introduction and instead is meant to become more understandable and likeable as her story progresses. She first seems like she's all talk and overzealous, but we've seen that she's not afraid to actually do something about elven slavery and that things really are as bad as she says. She's the first character who points out how fucked up slavery is without having been a victim of it, and everyone in the hotel who's joined the fight has done so for personal reasons, but her essentially verbally assaulting the player character right off the bat can be off putting.This is actually completely wrong and the opposite of her character. She is exactly the type to put herself in danger for others, and actually does this. And will be shown directly doing this in the future. She literally told you she would be happy being a martyr.
Opinions are fine, if you hate her, you hate her. But much of this is also wrong and it seems like you ignored her character and what's going on because she's in college and has brightly colored hair.
I'll also say that I didn't like Ashley at first, but she's become one of my favorite characters.