Deleted member 289409

Active Member
Nov 12, 2017
As I said, I thought they were working against the clock. And I assumed she went prepared for those situations, with a plan. Gathering attention from an unplanned robbery of a drug store doesn't seem too wise. But hey, she was desperate enough to go for a concussion, so...

I am actually surprised if its that available in your country. Is it the US? Or is my country the only weird one that doesn't have it available to the public?
Or maybe its just me being misinformed and everyone's got their own kidnapping plans...
*goes to the local pharmacy*
Not over the counter in the US. But a forged/fake doctors prescription that's a different story :sneaky:
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Corvus Belli

Nov 25, 2017
Edit: About the "how to kidnap" question: They are 3. Get him when he is out alone. Make 1 distract him i front. The other 2 behind put something in his mouth (jump on his back) and throw him in the floor. Tie him up then carry him to the van.
Presto. A fresh fucktoy master to sell yourself to!
(I know there is a degree of violence here, but its still better than a concussion)
You said yourself, it's still a violent event, and only likely to get more so as the MC fights back against the mask wearing lunatics trying to hurt him and they get desperate. I never disagreed that "baseball bat upside the head" was extreme, but the instant their plan began with "so we kidnap him, right..." then it was inevitably going to require violence. And every argument people have about how unreasonable it is to ask for help after kicking the crap out of someone is valid, but those same arguments would still apply in the scenario you're describing.

Not entirely true remember Sylvia's people the High Elves never lived in Syl'anar but on a currently unknown island somewhere outside of Syl'anar from what I can remember anyway, been a while since I last had a chance to play the game.
You are technically correct, the best kind of correct. I meant there were none to the best of most peoples' knowledge, none who had successfully escaped from Syl'anarian slavery, and none that Nia could reasonably go to.

I can think of one way catch them when their alone sneak up behind them with a handkerchief doused in chloroform which is odorless and a very fast acting and powerful anesthetic as well as being easy to come by.
Chloroform doesn't actually work that way, even if popular culture has convinced people it does. It takes several minutes of inhalation to render an adult male unconscious, during which time they're unlikely to remain still. Even if you somehow render them unconscious, if you get the dosage wrong (which is very easily done, unless you're an anesthesiologist) you're likely to cause convulsions, coma and then death, as a result of respiratory failure or cardiac arrhythmia.

Deleted member 289409

Active Member
Nov 12, 2017
I was a Pharmacology Teacher 8 years ago and had a blank prescription pad watermarked "For Instructional Use Only". Photoshop can do wonders these days (I mean, in the game world :p).
So can careless doctors you'd be surprised at how many leave their prescription pad in an examination room with a patient and instead of going back to get it just grab a new one.

Deleted member 289409

Active Member
Nov 12, 2017
Chloroform doesn't actually work that way, even if popular culture has convinced people it does. It takes several minutes of inhalation to render an adult male unconscious,
Yes it takes 5 minutes but it's a game not RL.

if you get the dosage wrong (which is very easily done, unless you're an anesthesiologist) you're likely to cause convulsions, coma and then death, as a result of respiratory failure or cardiac arrhythmia.
That would require a continuous volume by either the gas form with a gas mask or by securing the soaked rag over their nose and mouth which would be unnecessary as it would take them 20 minutes to wake up if rendered unconscious it's not like their going into surgery.

Deleted member 289409

Active Member
Nov 12, 2017
one other nation of elves that we know of
Actually there is 2.
1. The High Elves on their island and I wouldn't be surprised if the Syl'anar government knows about them but are too militarily strong to be worth the trouble and most likely down right avoided as High Elves are extremely powerful militarily if you go by mythology.
2. The Drow as it would be suicide even for an army to try and go into the underground to get them. The one we had seen was only caught by accident.

there could very easily be pockets of other places where free elves live in secret, we don't know
Only Runey knows that for sure, there could be other types of elves he plans on introducing.
Last edited:


Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
It's a little unclear exactly HOW things are better now, even though we're told they are. Cornwall prevents Mr. Jason forcing Sui to engage in anal sex, but was perfectly willing to watch her get forced to give oral and vaginal sex, despite her obvious reluctance; he clearly threatens to give Sylvia to someone who'll treat her worse than he does when she refuses to do what he wants, but also relents when she refuses to have anal sex with him; he has absolutely no problem forcing Lin to expose herself in public no matter what she or the MC want, and threatens to revoke your license if you don't comply. It's all very inconsistent, because Runey is telling a story, not trying to formulate an internally consistent legal structure.
There is a decent amount of explaining as to how it's better now. Elves have the right to food, water, shelter, a bed, clothes, and the right to consent (or not), and more.

I don't see Cornwall's actions as inconsistent at all. You tried to compare Sui flat out rejecting sex to to Sui flat out accepting sex. It's common knowledge an Elf can say "no" to sex if they want. Had Sui said No to blowjobs, it would have stopped there. Did she want to give a blowjob? No. But she knows her place, she knows what she should do, she's pretty smart about it. She waited for the right time to get out of it, and she did, all while looking like a dunce, increasing the probability of not being invited back to these competitions.

There is a huge difference in action and threats. Cornwall is a master trainer, he got the job because most people think he's the best trainer. He's definitely not the nicest of guys, he uses threats to train, he scares Elves into submission within Law (mostly). Reminding Sylvia that there are far worst scenarios she could be in is not on par with anally raping her.

It seems you're confusing your desire to not talk to Cornwall with MC and Lin's. Lin actually REALLY wants to prove to Cornwall that she's smart and equal to humans, and that MC loves her as much as she loves him. She was eager to prove herself in both the city and the dungeon event. And yes, Cornwall is an asshole, he flexed his power to get what he wanted. But I see no inconsistencies.

Nia doesn't know that, and therefore can't make decisions that factor that into her thought process; in-universe no-one knows what the future holds. Some few people know Cornwall's intent, but unlike the audience, they've not heard from the creator of their world (Runey) what the future holds, and they didn't see "The Toymaker".
Just a reminder that The Toymaker is not the future of HH, it's a dark timeline.

How do you tie them up and put them in a bag against their will without using violence? Do you expect them to go along with the abduction willingly? What should she have said, "You don't know me, and don't worry about the mask, but I'm going to need you to put this bag over your head while I ziptie your hands and take you to my secret hideout"?
I agree that "baseball bat to the head" was an extreme over-reaction, but I'm legitimately curious how you'd tie someone up, throw a bag over their head and bundle them into a waiting van without violence or the threat of violence to compel their co-operation. Again "let's kidnap him" was not a good plan, but the instant it was they plan they went with, violence was an inevitability.
Nia was originally knocking on the door, the three of them were waiting to drag MC into the car and tie him up (just a reminder that MC is a bigger than average guy, and Elves are kinda small.) But MC didn't go to the door, so she had to resort to plan B. Get the car ready, because she's going in and getting MC herself as quick as possible. She doesn't have a gun, and Syl'anar allows humans to buy guns. It had to be quick and effective.

Oh, she absolutely owes us a sincere apology, as does Sylvia for her holier-than-thou attitude towards Lin (I'm more salty over that than I am the blow to the head, to be honest), but I don't feel the need for "payback". Put me in Nia's position, I'd be even more suspicious and hostile than she is.
Personally, it's why I chose the Love route without hesitation; my hope is it's the route in which she'll truly apologise for her actions, while the Slave route would likely feel like she's just saying what you want to hear.
Nia is very suspicious of humans, especially masters. In the love route, you may be able to convince her to open up :)


Active Member
Apr 19, 2019
for me its not Nia at all that is an issue, save for the additional legal exposure of allowing her to continue her underground railroad activities...
Its Sylvia. she is basically nothing but an entitled taker at this stage, and a very costly mouthy one at that; at some point in the future her situation will get through to her, it is just a question of how [pushing the wrong buttons, or realizing MC is a great guy, not just different human...]
as for cornwall, he is evolving, as he has done in each of his interactions with MC, he was rude and flexed his political muscle at MC, lost but did so gracefully. and lost his challenge in the dungeon as well but also did so gracefully, and admitted that MC's way of doing things had real merit.
old powerful people don't normally comearound to others way of thinking without a curbstomp... his just weren't as extreme in the curbstomped [or maybe they were.... 40 years of doing things his way and MC ^ ^ ^ 'd him by being 'humane' to what 2 months or less[lets say under 90 days regardless]?
Jan 10, 2020
There is a decent amount of explaining as to how it's better now. Elves have the right to food, water, shelter, a bed, clothes, and the right to consent (or not), and more.

I don't see Cornwall's actions as inconsistent at all. You tried to compare Sui flat out rejecting sex to to Sui flat out accepting sex. It's common knowledge an Elf can say "no" to sex if they want. Had Sui said No to blowjobs, it would have stopped there. Did she want to give a blowjob? No. But she knows her place, she knows what she should do, she's pretty smart about it. She waited for the right time to get out of it, and she did, all while looking like a dunce, increasing the probability of not being invited back to these competitions.

There is a huge difference in action and threats. Cornwall is a master trainer, he got the job because most people think he's the best trainer. He's definitely not the nicest of guys, he uses threats to train, he scares Elves into submission within Law (mostly). Reminding Sylvia that there are far worst scenarios she could be in is not on par with anally raping her.

It seems you're confusing your desire to not talk to Cornwall with MC and Lin's. Lin actually REALLY wants to prove to Cornwall that she's smart and equal to humans, and that MC loves her as much as she loves him. She was eager to prove herself in both the city and the dungeon event. And yes, Cornwall is an asshole, he flexed his power to get what he wanted. But I see no inconsistencies.

Just a reminder that The Toymaker is not the future of HH, it's a dark timeline.

Nia was originally knocking on the door, the three of them were waiting to drag MC into the car and tie him up (just a reminder that MC is a bigger than average guy, and Elves are kinda small.) But MC didn't go to the door, so she had to resort to plan B. Get the car ready, because she's going in and getting MC herself as quick as possible. She doesn't have a gun, and Syl'anar allows humans to buy guns. It had to be quick and effective.

Nia is very suspicious of humans, especially masters. In the love route, you may be able to convince her to open up :)
wazzup Runey??!! good 2 c u in here bro!! (y) :cool: i have NO idea what that whole big long convo is about, n judging from a quick glance of it, doesn't matter to me...isnt the game mainly about fapping, n not debating hypothetical rights n motivations of made-up race n characters? NEWAYZ...who/what is "the Toymaker"?? i mean, other than being a nemesis of batman's, i never saw a reference to him in the game...??


Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
wazzup Runey??!! good 2 c u in here bro!! (y) :cool: i have NO idea what that whole big long convo is about, n judging from a quick glance of it, doesn't matter to me...isnt the game mainly about fapping, n not debating hypothetical rights n motivations of made-up race n characters? NEWAYZ...who/what is "the Toymaker"?? i mean, other than being a nemesis of batman's, i never saw a reference to him in the game...??
The sex is secondary for me, I far prefer storywriting over tits. But of course HH is a porn game so that will always be a big feature. If interpreting hypotheticals isn't your thing the porn will always be there. Sex is pretty simple, but creating worlds with history and characters that have motivations and such is fun for me.
Jan 10, 2020
The sex is secondary for me, I far prefer storywriting over tits. But of course HH is a porn game so that will always be a big feature. If interpreting hypotheticals isn't your thing the porn will always be there. Sex is pretty simple, but creating worlds with history and characters that have motivations and such is fun for me.
yeah, that's what i figured for most game dev's...i mean u guys ARE writers, after all, in addition to being gifted IT guys. but i was referring to whatever the hell that discussion was b/t devian n corvus belli...i mean jesus, i felt like i was reading sociology homework!! i think the backstories u do for the characters are AMAZING, which should be evident from my previous posts n DMs. but u missed the main point of my previous post...who/what is "the toymaker"?? I AM BATMAN

p.s. tho i'd be ok going back to the gilligan's island analogy :giggle: :ROFLMAO:

Deleted member 289409

Active Member
Nov 12, 2017
yeah, that's what i figured for most game dev's...i mean u guys ARE writers, after all, in addition to being gifted IT guys. but i was referring to whatever the hell that discussion was b/t devian n corvus belli...i mean jesus, i felt like i was reading sociology homework!! i think the backstories u do for the characters are AMAZING, which should be evident from my previous posts n DMs. but u missed the main point of my previous post...who/what is "the toymaker"?? I AM BATMAN

p.s. tho i'd be ok going back to the gilligan's island analogy :giggle: :ROFLMAO:
The Toymaster it's not a character in this game it's a dark future or "What If"
Here it is just remember it's a kinetic novel meaning you just play and watch and it's not a part of the Harem Hotel main story.
Read Runey's comments on the 4th page.

Deleted member 289409

Active Member
Nov 12, 2017
as for cornwall, he is evolving, as he has done in each of his interactions with MC, he was rude and flexed his political muscle at MC, lost but did so gracefully. and lost his challenge in the dungeon as well but also did so gracefully, and admitted that MC's way of doing things had real merit.
old powerful people don't normally comearound to others way of thinking without a curbstomp... his just weren't as extreme in the curbstomped [or maybe they were.... 40 years of doing things his way and MC ^ ^ ^ 'd him by being 'humane' to what 2 months or less[lets say under 90 days regardless]?
People only evolve if they want to. Most likely deep down he already thought the same way as the MC but either never had the courage to go farther with it or it was at a subconscious level. His being an asshole could also just be front he puts on but we don't really know but he obviously cares about elves more than he lets on, he got them rights, he took Nia/Sui from her abusive master and the way he did it by putting her in his personal care struck me as someone who does care and wanted to protect her but doesn't show it due to his position, as well as going to bat for Kali's half-elf step mother so she could remain free was big one as he could've been killed for that.
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Active Member
May 29, 2018
The sex is secondary for me, I far prefer storywriting over tits. But of course HH is a porn game so that will always be a big feature. If interpreting hypotheticals isn't your thing the porn will always be there. Sex is pretty simple, but creating worlds with history and characters that have motivations and such is fun for me.
that is why I love this farking master piece of a ero game lol. you can throw the greatest tits an ass and mechanics of game in my face but if you got no idea to how that said game can draw you in then its a used golden tissue. this game is like a never ending roll and that speaks a lot on how I value a game lol

Master of Puppets

Conversation Conqueror
Oct 5, 2017
It seems you're confusing your desire to not talk to Cornwall with MC and Lin's. Lin actually REALLY wants to prove to Cornwall that she's smart and equal to humans, and that MC loves her as much as she loves him. She was eager to prove herself in both the city and the dungeon event. And yes, Cornwall is an asshole, he flexed his power to get what he wanted. But I see no inconsistencies.
And that's why I don't play Lin's story anymore. It's all about treating Lin like a person not a thing, so what's the obvious progression of that? Why having a contest where elves are treated like trick animals! Fuck. That. Shit.


Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
And that's why I don't play Lin's story anymore. It's all about treating Lin like a person not a thing, so what's the obvious progression of that? Why having a contest where elves are treated like trick animals! Fuck. That. Shit.
The obvious progression of that is to eventually start treating all elves like people, not just MC's elves.

Thats also why the contest was there. Lin and MC won because of their bond...which led to other elves from that contest leaving their owners and wanting to be with MC because he treats them like people, not things.


Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
And that's why I don't play Lin's story anymore. It's all about treating Lin like a person not a thing, so what's the obvious progression of that? Why having a contest where elves are treated like trick animals! Fuck. That. Shit.
Please stop trying to start things. Every time Lin and Cornwall are mentioned you have to insert your opinion on how bad it all is. Seek attention elsewhere.

Master of Puppets

Conversation Conqueror
Oct 5, 2017
The obvious progression of that is to eventually start treating all elves like people, not just MC's elves.

Thats also why the contest was there. Lin and MC won because of their bond...which led to other elves from that contest leaving their owners and wanting to be with MC because he treats them like people, not things.
And that's the most retarded thing I've ever seen. More likely is them having you rubbed out because you're a threat to the status quo. We're talking about powerful psychopaths here, trying to convince them of the error of their ways is insanely stupid and naive.

Please stop trying to start things. Every time Lin and Cornwall are mentioned you have to insert your opinion on how bad it all is. Seek attention elsewhere.
I'm sorry that you can't handle people not liking what you write, but dismissing criticism as 'seeking attention' isn't productive. Treating Lin like a performing animal completely undermines her entire story up to that point.
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