Aye aye aye, here it goes.And that's the most retarded thing I've ever seen. More likely is them having you rubbed out because you're a threat to the status quo. We're talking about powerful psychopaths here, trying to convince them of the error of their ways is insanely stupid and naive.
I'm sorry that you can't handle people not liking what you write, but dismissing criticism as 'seeking attention' isn't productive. Treating Lin like a performing animal completely undermines her entire story up to that point.
Cornwall has shown himself to be quite open to new things, even asking MC to prove his methods of love, and then going on to think on what he saw if you proved them. Again, he's the only person in history to give rights to Elves. What status quo exactly? Did you already forget what you're mad about? He's a damn progressive. (Not one we may always agree with though)
I love constructive criticism and welcome it with both arms wide open. We have already heard your opinion on this multiple times, there is no reason to bring it up and argue about it again.
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