
New Member
Nov 6, 2020
Hey guys,

Not a very tech savvy guy myself, nor do I know how to navigate this site very hopefully this is posted in the right area lol. I have been playing this game awhile and to my understanding to update to the latest versions of games from this site, I just have to delete the whole file, download the new game file, unzip and play. That has worked up to this point, but now when I load my game I get an error. It reads:

While running game code:
File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 531, in execute_call_screen
store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'sensitive'

If anyone would be so kind as to help a brother out, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
Jan 18, 2018
unofficial compressed version 0.13.2 (no mods):
original 7.33GB, compressed 1.10GB

note that i haven't tested this very much so there may be errors.

also warning that the the images have been compressed to 10% (webp) quality - it's still fine, however just a heads up that there are a lot more artifacts, and details in hair/leaves are basically gone now

EDIT (13/09/21: fixed wrong file paths from compression)
Last edited:


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Not an issue, that update or whatever happened got to me as well. I wasn't posting at the time, but instead refreshing to see the latest comments on a different thread as I don't use the built in systems to track threads, I just keep them open at all times.
At least the last time, I copied to the clipboard before it lost it.
The problem with the hardliners on the slavery issue, we're talking people who would sooner choose to die than give up slavery, is just that, they are hardcore into it and they WILL fight any attempt, peaceful or not, to stop them or threaten that lifestyle in any way. Unfortunately, this leads to a very big problem with just trying to go the political route because there are so many. While the more moderate ones, the ones calling for reform, are of big enough numbers to threaten an elected official with not being elected again, they aren't in big enough numbers to overrule the hardliners. This is where a covert operation comes in, they don't even necessarily have to die, just take them out of the equation. They could be given a nice little forced vacation until the next election is over, somewhere dark with no way out other than being let out so they can't just escape. The problem here is that they are in such large numbers that it will be very difficult to keep the disappearances under wraps until they are ALL dealt with.
There are always going to be people who will never change, but we can't worry about that, have to focus on the masses we can reach.
As long as Nia doesn't get to them or has some sort of forced mitigating factor to render her harmless, her more violent stance on the matter shouldn't be an issue if we want them alive and that stance would actually be an asset if we don't need them to be.
Yeah, needing him alive for now is true. XD
True, but with the hardliners, last resort may really mean only choice.
Not really, just need them to not be able to stop us, once slavery (or at least abuse) is outlawed, then they can be tossed away.
No, what I am saying is that someone who didn't go far enough is as good as someone doing nothing in the eyes of certain elements in both the game and the player base. Nia might acknowledge he did something, but it is clear nothing changed in her stance because of it, not about slavery and not about Cornwall or anyone else who is in any level of support for slavery of her race. She wouldn't be doing what she is in the shadows if she thought he'd done anything good enough. Unfortunately for Cornwall, Maria was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I was already against the whole slavery thing, not against it being in the game, I mean as if I were in the world with them myself, but seeing how Maria was handled blew any chance at peace with him away. It was thanks to either his actions or a lack thereof that she was handled the way she was. If he had at least gone far enough as to blatantly enforce his reforms, things would not have played out on the same level even if Maria still got enslaved. I am now fully in support of the Nia method for anyone and everyone, I mean character wise, who opposes freeing the elves in the game.
Just proving my point though, you are letting your emotions cloud your judgment here. He is not a good guy by any measure, but there are far worse ones out there, and he can be useful for now.
That's not what I said, I said people who are against slavery as it was in the beginning, before the reforms. Th reformists are still pro-slavery, they just don't like the elves being handled as they were before the reforms. They DO still need convincing to get away from being pro-slave entirely, but not nearly as much, if it is even possible, as the hardliners.
Yeah, obviously, but if we move everyone over just a little bit at a time, we can make big change.
Definitely, and I'm sure there are plenty of elves who are pissed off by this enough to support them if asked after being rescued. That and any anti-slave humans might be willing to lend a hand. There is also the possibility of their own privately funded military force courtesy of Kali assuming she would be willing to fund such an endeavor. You don't really need that many people for a covert operation and too many can actually be a detriment. The more people you have, the more likely you are to be caught and for the alarm to be sounded and blow the entire operation. We're talking kidnappings from the shadows, murders from the shadows, blackmail, things that would keep the target quiet or even force them to shift support if they falter into trying to save their own hide.
I assume that her network currently had elves and half elves that are owned by people, the stronger of which owned by less than pleasant types, not to mention sympathetic humans that help out on various levels, and I also assume with funding, they could greatly expand that by providing the help and resources they need. Can't expand too quickly though, or we risk hiring traitors.


New Member
Sep 11, 2021
guys, I hv a problem...
so I am currently stuck at lin's event where I need to give android a kit and raise her friendship.

the problem is that I already bought it and I already raised her obedience to 120 (plusexh around 20), and I still can't get any reaction from both lin and android...
how to solve this

>>>>> update

so I just realize my friendship with her is stuck at 10... is it enough or should I hv to raise it more? and how to raise it... since it's stuck at 10 even with these stats... even though my lin is at lvl26 friendship with just stats far under android's overall
Last edited:

Deleted member 3313072

Engaged Member
Jan 26, 2021
guys, I hv a problem...
so I am currently stuck at lin's event where I need to give android a kit and raise her friendship.

the problem is that I already bought it and I already raised her obedience to 120 (plusexh around 20), and I still can't get any reaction from both lin and android...
View attachment 1398989
how to solve this

>>>>> update

so I just realize my friendship with her is stuck at 10... is it enough or should I hv to raise it more? and how to raise it... since it's stuck at 10 even with these stats... even though my lin is at lvl26 friendship with just stats far under android's overall
View attachment 1399014
The droid needs to be about Lvl 23 (possibly 25) to give her the Human Kit, then, after that, things with Lin will advance


New Member
Sep 11, 2021
The droid needs to be about Lvl 23 (possibly 25) to give her the Human Kit, then, after that, things with Lin will advance
how to increase friendship exactly? I tried everything and her friendship still can't goes up above 10


hurrrrray, somehow met with android in laundry playing with her self and her friendship rose to 14. niceee, thanks for the answer
Last edited:


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
how to increase friendship exactly? I tried everything and her friendship still can't goes up above 10


hurrrrray, somehow met with android in laundry playing with her self and her friendship rose to 14. niceee, thanks for the answer
Friendship is raised by doing story events, typically advanced by going to their room every few days and clicking *TALK*. Though, like ^ that one, there are some that will trigger in other ways.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
At least the last time, I copied to the clipboard before it lost it.
There are always going to be people who will never change, but we can't worry about that, have to focus on the masses we can reach.
Yeah, needing him alive for now is true. XD
Not really, just need them to not be able to stop us, once slavery (or at least abuse) is outlawed, then they can be tossed away.
Just proving my point though, you are letting your emotions cloud your judgment here. He is not a good guy by any measure, but there are far worse ones out there, and he can be useful for now.
Yeah, obviously, but if we move everyone over just a little bit at a time, we can make big change.

I assume that her network currently had elves and half elves that are owned by people, the stronger of which owned by less than pleasant types, not to mention sympathetic humans that help out on various levels, and I also assume with funding, they could greatly expand that by providing the help and resources they need. Can't expand too quickly though, or we risk hiring traitors.
At least it was a, hopefully, one time issue.

Unfortunately, the people who we can reach in large enough numbers are the same people who would not be changed by our message. Otherwise, things would have at least started out less abusively or even without slavery at all depending on who else was the majority.

Definitely, he's pretty much the only one that can calm the majority down without the need to do more violence after eliminating him.

But they CAN stop us, Syl'anar isn't a dictatorship where, if we gain power, they have no control at all. Then again, if it was a dictatorship, we would be in a much worse situation.

There are worse, but he's still every bit as guilty for letting it happen.

Maybe, but a little bit at a time might be too late for the elves.

Hiring traitors or gathering unwanted attention. This is a network that is thriving in the shadows, it won't survive, even with Kali's funding, if it gets exposed. This is where covert operations come in, work from the shadows to eliminate threats, free elves, and gain political traction. Not necessarily with bloodshed, but blackmail to force the opposition to turn on each other unless they want something exposed, dirt to be exposed in political attacks, not even just claiming things in said attacks, but even outright proving them true. The court of popular opinion is a powerful ally to have and can definitely determine an entire election. Real world example, the latest supreme court justice in the US would NOT have gotten his position if it was one where he had to be elected by the people instead of appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate. The same is very true of any elected official, if you are on the bad side of the court of public opinion, you have already lost.
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Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
At least it was a, hopefully, one time issue.

Unfortunately, the people who we can reach in large enough numbers are the same people who would not be changed by our message. Otherwise, things would have at least started out less abusively or even without slavery at all depending on who else was the majority.

Definitely, he's pretty much the only one that can calm the majority down without the need to do more violence after eliminating him.

But they CAN stop us, Syl'anar isn't a dictatorship where, if we gain power, they have no control at all. Then again, if it was a dictatorship, we would be in a much worse situation.

There are worse, but he's still every bit as guilty for letting it happen.

Maybe, but a little bit at a time might be too late for the elves.

Hiring traitors or gathering unwanted attention. This is a network that is thriving in the shadows, it won't survive, even with Kali's funding, if it gets exposed. This is where covert operations come in, work from the shadows to eliminate threats, free elves, and gain political traction. Not necessarily with bloodshed, but blackmail to force the opposition to turn on each other unless they want something exposed, dirt to be exposed in political attacks, not even just claiming things in said attacks, but even outright proving them true. The court of popular opinion is a powerful ally to have and can definitely determine an entire election. Real world example, the latest supreme court justice in the US would NOT have gotten his position if it was one where he had to be elected by the people instead of appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate. The same is very true of any elected official, if you are on the bad side of the court of public opinion, you have already lost.
Sadly, the new way they do updates/backing up the server, means that this will continue to be an issue if we try to post at the backup time (every 4 hours).

That isn't true, we have done this in real life forever, stories have long been used to convince people to change their minds on various topics. It won't be easy, and it will take time, you have to slowly move that needle. Maybe you don't convince someone that elves should be free right away, but you might get them to not abuse them as often, it's like an alignment change, you won't go from Lawful Evil to Chaotic Good over night, you have to take it in stages.

That is my point, we need to get the lower offices filled first. The president might have a lot of power, but if it works like the U.S., then controlling the lower offices can help us get a lot more done, and like you said, we can't do it without them. If we do not take over those offices first, they will be the ones to stop us.

He is just as guilty for letting it happen, as he is 'guilty' for saving many others from similar abuse. It's give and take situation.

Well, I wouldn't say 'traitors', but yes, that is also what I have been saying, but funding can help them stay hidden, as well as have access to better technology and better bribes.

That is the point of the media campaign^, to get more of the pubic on our side. Though, you are ignoring gerrymandering and other cheating that continues to elect the people with less votes. We also don't know if they have something like the electoral college or other bodies that can override the voters either.
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New Member
Sep 30, 2018

Since a long time, I'm waiting for Kali level 29 event to start. It's been ages since the last time I had something for her. Can't talk to her, and no event starting. I suspect some script issue. Is there any solution for that?

Thanks for your help.


Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
That is the point of the media campaign^, to get more of the pubic on our side. Though, you are ignoring gerrymandering and other cheating that continues to elect the people with less votes. We also don't know if they have something like the electoral college or other bodies that can override the voters either.
One point you are also ignoring is, that two can play. Who say that the "Pro Slave" don't use the same tactic as you? For every change, regardless if it is much needed or not, a lot of people feeling threated, regardless of what change and if the even would be affected.

So a lot of power and opinions need to be changed. This needs time and resource. If a public opinion is the same for one topic and the country have enforce this opinion since a long time, then you will be shaped with it and accept it. For all this and the one in who are in power in this structur you need to change and change slow and small otherwise you risk an uprising or a coup.

Also covert operation, espionage and all other things. If Syl'anar is, to some degree, based on states her, they have police, military, intelligence service and so on. And I doubt a covert operation with a loose cannon of an elf, a very powerful, but instable android and a goody-two-shoes MC could pull the wool over their eyes.
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Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
One point you are also ignoring is, that two can play. Who say that the "Pro Slave" don't use the same tactic as you? For every change, regardless if it is much needed or not, a lot of people feeling threated, regardless of what change and if the even would be affected.

So a lot of power and opinions need to be changed. This needs time and resource. If a public opinion is the same for one topic and the country have enforce this opinion since a long time, then you will be shaped with it and accept it. For all this and the one in who are in power in this structur you need to change and change slow and small otherwise you risk an uprising or a coup.

Also covert operation, espionage and all other things. If Syl'anar is, to some degree, based on states her, they have police, military, intelligence service and so on. And I doubt a covert operation with a loose cannon of an elf, a very powerful, but instable android and a goody-two-shoes MC could pull the wool over their eyes.
Well, yeah, one assumes that is the default at the moment, that is why we need to show them that there is another way. As a real world example, from the old days when gay people had to be the 'fun uncle' like on Bewitched, to eventually working up to shows like Will and Grace. The same can be said for black people who used to only be used as someone in the background, or at best the side character who makes the main characters learn the error of their ways. But then we got shows where they were the main characters, and that is now more or less normal.

Yeah, the other side of this process is a smear campaign against the pro-slavery candidates, make them look like thieves, rapists, call their devotion to the church into question, whatever thing their voters would dislike the most, all funded through Political Action Committees, that don't have to disclose their donors.

Police, sure, but for the most part, none of this is illegal, other than breaking and entering, but the fairies can get around most of that, and like I keep saying, we don't really need that, real political campaigns don't have to have facts to make accusations, even news media can make outrageous claims and just say they are 'just asking questions' while still remaining legally safe. The military would only be an issue if they try to attack them or physically go after someone really important. The intelligence agencies would be an issue, but again, only if you go after certain targets, if you are careful, this would be a safe operation, most of what I have said all have real world examples that show that it's more than possible.

Also, it's not just one elf, one android, and the MC with the magic dick, we also have the power of another nation, since not only would Kali's dad want to help his girls, but his new wife would also do anything she can to help us with this, she is why he gave us the money to build Sanctuary. We also have Vanessa and her friends, the fairies, and the other girls. Not to mention, at some point we will likely get the church and Common Elf Queen on our side, and a small network of spies. Our power base is just going to keep growing, and as long as we keep from more childish outbursts, we can keep a "respectable" public image.
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Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
Police, sure, but for the most part, none of this is illegal, other than breaking and entering, but the fairies can get around most of that, and like I keep saying, we don't really need that, real political campaigns don't have to have facts to make accusations, even news media can make outrageous claims and just say they are 'just asking questions' while still remaining legally safe. The military would only be an issue if they try to attack them or physically go after someone really important. The intelligence agencies would be an issue, but again, only if you go after certain targets, if you are careful, this would be a safe operation, most of what I have said all have real world examples that show that it's more than possible.
Depend very much of how they whant status quo to remain.

If, and some of them must, make their opinion about elves public, then you have the publicity. Thus police and agency know of you at least then, if not before.
Now, it depend on how the state works.

If it is an ideal world - and I highly doubt that - they won't give a fuck about, because of the separation of powers. And even if their nation is build around the separation of powers even then an abuse of the power some of them have can always be an issue.

If the nation is more loose in this principle, then you can have an agency or police on your tail after your first public speech, if not before. Sure, you can disguise and abscure your operation, yet they have agency that deal with such case and can find where the moneys come from.
And when they find out that our bitchs daddy is the money source they could work against it. Use that a forgein power try to manipulate their votes or so on.

Money alone don't equals to power and you have a lot of tools, if you are in power, to silence others even some with a lot of money. And lot of the people in power aren't in power because they stumble over their post, but because they work for their post and done a lot of underhand dealings even if its only "you support me and I look that I don't follow my agenda in this point anymore".
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  • Like
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Sadly, the new way they do updates/backing up the server, means that this will continue to be an issue if we try to post at the backup time (every 4 hours).

That isn't true, we have done this in real life forever, stories have long been used to convince people to change their minds on various topics. It won't be easy, and it will take time, you have to slowly move that needle. Maybe you don't convince someone that elves should be free right away, but you might get them to not abuse them as often, it's like an alignment change, you won't go from Lawful Evil to Chaotic Good over night, you have to take it in stages.

That is my point, we need to get the lower offices filled first. The president might have a lot of power, but if it works like the U.S., then controlling the lower offices can help us get a lot more done, and like you said, we can't do it without them. If we do not take over those offices first, they will be the ones to stop us.

He is just as guilty for letting it happen, as he is 'guilty' for saving many others from similar abuse. It's give and take situation.

Well, I wouldn't say 'traitors', but yes, that is also what I have been saying, but funding can help them stay hidden, as well as have access to better technology and better bribes.

That is the point of the media campaign^, to get more of the pubic on our side. Though, you are ignoring gerrymandering and other cheating that continues to elect the people with less votes. We also don't know if they have something like the electoral college or other bodies that can override the voters either.
I see, I must have missed that announcement or they didn't make one. The only thing I ever saw right before the issue was server maintenance warnings.

There are some people who cannot be convinced. They don't have a price, in other words, whether we're talking actual bribes as that phrasing is typically used for or values. I am one of those people on different subjects than what we are talking about. No advertisement works on me and if anyone actually tries to convince me of something politically without backing it up with documented fact, I start to believe the opposite. These people are so ingrained in that thing they stick to, whether it's slavery or not, they will do anything to keep it. There is actually a pretty good parallel drawn to the old US south, the days of the CSA are much like how Syl'anar is minus the part where they secede from their nation because Syl'anar wouldn't need to thanks to the majority favoring it. That majority then seems split between the reformists and the...traditionalists? with the first being willing to tone down the treatment of slaves a bit and even desiring it while the second wants to continue the way it was. Neither is in favor of abolishing it, but the reformists are in a more moderate position that would be much easier to convince them away from while the traditionalists are more inclined to put their foot down and dig in.

He isn't guilty of anything but allowing elves to be abused. The reforms were minimal, a facade to keep his power. You see it with campaign promises all the time in real elections.

When I said traitors, I was using your words, the last bit of your previous reply specifically used traitors, a valid word for someone who goes against their own kind.

You're right, we don't know and, if they do have an EC type system, we don't know how it might differ. It could even be slanted in their favor.

One point you are also ignoring is, that two can play. Who say that the "Pro Slave" don't use the same tactic as you? For every change, regardless if it is much needed or not, a lot of people feeling threated, regardless of what change and if the even would be affected.

So a lot of power and opinions need to be changed. This needs time and resource. If a public opinion is the same for one topic and the country have enforce this opinion since a long time, then you will be shaped with it and accept it. For all this and the one in who are in power in this structur you need to change and change slow and small otherwise you risk an uprising or a coup.

Also covert operation, espionage and all other things. If Syl'anar is, to some degree, based on states her, they have police, military, intelligence service and so on. And I doubt a covert operation with a loose cannon of an elf, a very powerful, but instable android and a goody-two-shoes MC could pull the wool over their eyes.
That loose cannon is exactly why I said she needs something to keep her from going too far.


Oct 9, 2020
unofficial compressed version 0.13.2 (no mods):
original 7.33GB, compressed 1.09GB

note that i haven't tested this very much so there may be errors.

also warning that the the images have been compressed to 10% (webp) quality - it's still fine, however just a heads up that there are a lot more artifacts, and details in hair/leaves are basically gone now
Thank you. I haven't downloaded the original file due to its size but the compressed one seems to be bug-ridden. It shows an error any time I try to use the PC in the room at all except for the event where I was able to see the receptionists pictures.

While running game code:
  File "game/scripts/computer.rpy", line 135, in script
    call screen computer
  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 531, in execute_call_screen
    store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)
  File "game/scripts/computer.rpy", line 106, in execute
    screen computer:
  File "game/scripts/computer.rpy", line 106, in execute
    screen computer:
  File "game/scripts/computer.rpy", line 109, in execute
    imagebutton pos (285, 120) auto "pc/btn/icon_store_%s.png" focus_mask True action Show("store_outfits")
Exception: Imagebutton does not have a idle image. (auto=u'pc/btn/icon_store_%s.png').

Same applies for an event in the lobby around day 30-35.

While running game code:
  File "game/scripts/lobby_script.rpy", line 192, in script call
    call screen lobbygirls
  File "game/scripts/lobby_script.rpy", line 192, in script
    call screen lobbygirls
  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 531, in execute_call_screen
    store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)
  File "game/scripts/screens.rpy", line 2151, in execute
    screen lobbygirls():
  File "game/scripts/screens.rpy", line 2151, in execute
    screen lobbygirls():
  File "game/scripts/screens.rpy", line 2280, in execute
    if ellenchill == True:
  File "game/scripts/screens.rpy", line 2282, in execute
    imagebutton pos (1036, 155) auto "ellenchill_%s.png" action Jump("ellenchilldesk")
Exception: Imagebutton does not have a idle image. (auto=u'ellenchill_%s.png').
Last edited:


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Depend very much of how they whant status quo to remain.

If, and some of them must, make their opinion about elves public, then you have the publicity. Thus police and agency know of you at least then, if not before.
Now, it depend on how the state works.

If it is an ideal world - and I highly doubt that - they won't give a fuck about, because of the separation of powers. And even if their nation is build around the separation of powers even then an abuse of the power some of them have can always be an issue.

If the nation is more loose in this principle, then you can have an agency or police on your tail after your first public speech, if not before. Sure, you can disguise and abscure your operation, yet they have agency that deal with such case and can find where the moneys come from.
And when they find out that our bitchs daddy is the money source they could work against it. Use that a forgein power try to manipulate their votes or so on.

Money alone don't equals to power and you have a lot of tools, if you are in power, to silence others even some with a lot of money. And lot of the people in power aren't in power because they stumble over their post, but because they work for their post and done a lot of underhand dealings even if its only "you support me and I look that I don't follow my agenda in this point anymore".
Some can say they are in favor of freeing elves, there is nothing illegal about that, or Vanessa would be in jail.

IDK, in the real world, this goes on, out in public, without hiding most of the identities, and no one does anything about it, other thing give them more money.

Money is one aspect of power, and it is how you use it. As it stands, Kali's dad more or less owns the country is he in, and has more money than most countries. He all but runs that country. He can buy almost any politician he wants. The only thing that might be preventing him from doing that in our country at the moment, might just be laws about foreigners donating to politicians, but with something like a P.A.C. and the MC and his people, they can do it anonymously, and legally.

The thing is, the companies there profit off of slavery, so they all buy they pro slavery candidates, so if someone start buying them and telling them to do the opposite, we could make a difference, and no one would know who is telling them to say anything. It is all about private meetings, political donations, and so on, the same things that go on every day.
I see, I must have missed that announcement or they didn't make one. The only thing I ever saw right before the issue was server maintenance warnings.

There are some people who cannot be convinced. They don't have a price, in other words, whether we're talking actual bribes as that phrasing is typically used for or values. I am one of those people on different subjects than what we are talking about. No advertisement works on me and if anyone actually tries to convince me of something politically without backing it up with documented fact, I start to believe the opposite. These people are so ingrained in that thing they stick to, whether it's slavery or not, they will do anything to keep it. There is actually a pretty good parallel drawn to the old US south, the days of the CSA are much like how Syl'anar is minus the part where they secede from their nation because Syl'anar wouldn't need to thanks to the majority favoring it. That majority then seems split between the reformists and the...traditionalists? with the first being willing to tone down the treatment of slaves a bit and even desiring it while the second wants to continue the way it was. Neither is in favor of abolishing it, but the reformists are in a more moderate position that would be much easier to convince them away from while the traditionalists are more inclined to put their foot down and dig in.

He isn't guilty of anything but allowing elves to be abused. The reforms were minimal, a facade to keep his power. You see it with campaign promises all the time in real elections.

When I said traitors, I was using your words, the last bit of your previous reply specifically used traitors, a valid word for someone who goes against their own kind.

You're right, we don't know and, if they do have an EC type system, we don't know how it might differ. It could even be slanted in their favor.

That loose cannon is exactly why I said she needs something to keep her from going too far.
They have been going down for a backup or something every four hours (for me, it's 12, 4, and 8), but they changed the way it works, while it used to give an error message and say if it last more than a bit, go to their discord or something, but when it reloaded, it would still remember where you were. Now, the new page is enough of a change, that it will forget what you typed.

Correct, there are some people who will never change, but they will be outnumbered eventually, and as things change, they can be pushed out of any position of power. Most people on the other hand, will follow whatever is popular. Just like most people want to do the right thing, they just need to be shown there is another way.

Yes, he has been conservative in his reforms, since he has only somewhat recently started to make those changes, and he is 'testing the waters' as it were. You can't undo 300 years of oppression overnight without something drastic like war. Especially when it would pretty much crash their economy if they are not careful. As mas at him as you are for not going far enough, more people are mad at him for doing what he did, but thanks to the player, he was starting to see that treating them with love and care could be a better method than a firm hand, but he can't learn that if we cut off his head (figuratively or literally).

"Against their own kind" Interesting choice of words. Personally, I see people who think that it's okay abuse others as traitors to humanity. Freeing elves is not traitorous, enslaving them is. We are trying to help this nation regain its humanity, but we can do that without breaking too many laws if we are smart and careful. Start small, and work our way up, don't start by going after the big dogs.

Yes, Nia/Sui needs a tight leash. That is why I was suggesting we help expand what she does, and try to channel her energy into less violent paths. As she sees that we are making progress, her anger issues would lessen, and she can focus her energy into things that can help more than a few elves at a time. Odds are, we will still occasionally need the services of The Bat Elf, but the less we have to resort to that, the better.
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