
Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
The Nuremberg trials you refer to where conducted far longer than just one year. They actually continued almost a decade. Not every verdict was a death verdict on top of that. The majority where actually not death sentences.
Simple search for the first dates and that was it shows. Also I can't fin other dates there. And for the death penalty haven't said that ever verdict was for the death penalty. Only saying that it would be, most likely, even less than then.

As of 'crimes against humanity' - this is a definition to separate crimes committed during wartimes by single soldiers or groups of soldiers from actions outside of war times. Both can actually be identical in activity and goal - what is important is the context of war or not war. And yes - a genozide of animals could well be ruled as a crime against humanity if their role is important enough that killing them would have dire consequences for humanity.
Even then, you proof my point it is measured if it goes against humanity. If not, then I could do every shit and they wouldn't label it as an act against hunanity.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
First humanity definition is based on the human race. Therefore anything we do with the elves can't have, per definition, to do with humanity. It is still shit, but it isn't humanity. Can I torture a chimpanzee to death and do anything that would be a serious crime against humanity if it was a human? Yes, it would be shit as fuck, but wouldn't be a crime against humanity, because the definition of the term.
Also Nuremberg trials were hold between 1945 and 1946 by the allied force. Since 1946 a lot of nations have revoke the death penalty and thus I don't think that the same chance would be in 2021 to receive a death penalty for the same crime.
As other already written, the death penalty is in my eyes too, something ugly that generate more trouble than solve it.

Yes, but the as in the modern world, you can probably get an international warrant for them.

You kidnap, torture and, most likely, put an very know and powerful politican to death. That an investigation will happen and for this politican with a lot more rescourse than for the nurse and much more faster than for the nurse. If he is kidnap on 10 o'clock and doesn't shows up for a more important meeting oin 12 o'clock, they won't wait a day or two until eventually he shows up again. Now the will investigate, call his secretary and this will go from there.
Also if you kidnap him and let almost ever he haved done wrong, take revenge on him, then it will be a lot of people and for sure some would show up, that he didn't have wronged, but because the see him as the reason for their problems.
This will result in that the truth behind his kidnapping will come out much, much faster.

And then one actions leads to another and you will be wanted, hunted and in the best case arrested. And if would resist in the arrested force is premitted and as a measure of last resort even deadly force.
So yes, it is on you, because your action have this effects and not only purley small chance hypothetical, but very high chance.

Why Corwall?! Your action to kindap him would lead up to this. Also in this situation he would be the victim and as he isn't in police office, he is in the slave office.
So if something will happen then it would be that the secretary of the interior would get the shit. Also even then, I assume some scapegoat would be found and most likely the secretary would simply shift the blame to them, if he would be involved in this.

For the nurse it could be, but not for Conrwall. Also the nurse have a job, I assume she have a 100% job, so she will be missed if she doesn't show up the next day, perhaps earlier. So no, the shit will hit the fan much more earlier.

You know that we don't see all things? Also if they have the same possibilities than we do, a lot can go wrong. From captured by a satellite to be unlucky and a police group see you in action to what else.
And they will lock in the recent events that happens to them. Like the one with Maria and the MC at the hospital? Like the telephone call with Cornwall? Like the recent event between Conrwall and MC (eg. basement competation with Lin)?

We will see, where the shit hits the fan faster....

For general you seem to picture your action and the consequence they have way too optimistic and underrate the other side massive.

Also can we perhaps go from this crusade in this fictionally world and the discussion how we should torture who and what are the consequence of this shit back to what actually happens in the game and who we want to bang and how?
I'm somehow tired of this topic that have gone over pages in this thread with no real merit.

I make the start.
I want to find miss Ren. First for Ashley and of course, I would likely add her to the extended Harem.
Also some more with the dog and cat of the hotel aka twins, perhaps some petplay, where the MC go for a walk with them.
More scene with the fairies and some closure with them as they act way to unpredictable for my taste, also it isn't a great situation where you could be killed nearly anywhere without knowing of the danger in the first place.
It is, hence why I specifically also said crimes against the elven race. Any crime against another race is just as morally evil, and usually also as illegal, as a crime against humanity itself. Unfortunately, Syl'anar doesn't see it that way for elves. The revocation of the death penalty after Nuremberg does not negate that the death penalty was served at Nuremberg, so my example stands. Even then, there are at least two countries that continue to serve the death penalty for extreme crimes, the US and Japan, the only difference between the two being how they carry out the death penalty.

Assuming you have an agreement with whatever place the suspects flee to and that place doesn't grant diplomatic asylum. There is no way to just serve a warrant over national borders even in real life, it happens through a little thing called an extradition treaty and not everyone has one with everyone else. Even ones who do can grant diplomatic asylum, which means the person cannot be touched. This was granted to Julian Assange by Ecuador and is why he was able to stay out of British jails for seven years.

Things don't happen that quickly, they would first use internal resources within his office, people from his office looking for him, to figure out where he went, which would span several days before they file a missing person report, then the police would have to spend several more days looking for evidence to even figure out who the suspects probably are and then several more days to find evidence to be able to hold him in a cell for questioning and other things. By the time the several days leading up to the missing person report goes by, the MC and his harem are in a place that doesn't have an extradition treaty with Syl'anar.

This section had nothing to do with what you quoted, what you quoted was the part about the girls almost inevitably defending the MC even if he says to not do so. In that case, their deaths are on them for not listening to the MC or acting in a way that got themselves killed.

Not sure what you're saying about the police office or slave office thing. Why Cornwall? Because it was the slave system he keeps running that got Maria enslaved and could have gotten her killed by starvation if the MC wasn't there.

At best, people going missing takes more than one day, so no, she will not be labeled missing if she misses one day of work.

No, you are picturing Syl'anar's actions as too optimistic. There is literally no justice system on the planet in real life that works fast enough to work in real time and Syl'anar seems largely based on the US system in most government areas, the US system being one of the slowest real life systems on the planet. There would be AT LEAST a few days before things start to happen. That's why it can take years to even convict a guy in real life who is almost certainly guilty. Then there's the issue of extradition, it took seven years to get Julian Assange because he stayed at the embassy of a country that did not have an extradition treaty or granted diplomatic asylum, diplomatic asylum in his case.

As for the discussion, there isn't much to discuss about what happens that hasn't already been discussed, pretty much everything left would just end up back here in yet another crusade against Cornwall and that nurse. As for who I'd want to bang, I believe the MC already has that handled. I typically don't care to put myself into that position because I am not able to form a romantic tie to a fictional character and therefore cannot form a sexual tie to them, hence why I play for the story, or at least part of why.

Let me point out 2 things as you are using some real world facts in a game world discussion which are simply incorrect:

The Nuremberg trials you refer to where conducted far longer than just one year. They actually continued almost a decade. Not every verdict was a death verdict on top of that. The majority where actually not death sentences.

As of 'crimes against humanity' - this is a definition to separate crimes committed during wartimes by single soldiers or groups of soldiers from actions outside of war times. Both can actually be identical in activity and goal - what is important is the context of war or not war. And yes - a genozide of animals could well be ruled as a crime against humanity if their role is important enough that killing them would have dire consequences for humanity.
Correct, though most of the top commanders, like Goering, were sentenced to death. In fact, he specifically requested death as a soldier by firing squad instead of death by hanging and was denied.

As for the second part, given how important the elves are to Syl'anar's economy, I would say it counts.

Simple search for the first dates and that was it shows. Also I can't fin other dates there. And for the death penalty haven't said that ever verdict was for the death penalty. Only saying that it would be, most likely, even less than then.

Even then, you proof my point it is measured if it goes against humanity. If not, then I could do every shit and they wouldn't label it as an act against hunanity.
Yes, because crimes against humanity is a real world term against a real world race while elves are not a real world race. But there is one factor you're forgetting, the elves are extremely important to the economy of Syl'anar, which is run by humans, meaning the definition fits here.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 3, 2017
Simple search for the first dates and that was it shows. Also I can't fin other dates there. And for the death penalty haven't said that ever verdict was for the death penalty. Only saying that it would be, most likely, even less than then.

Even then, you proof my point it is measured if it goes against humanity. If not, then I could do every shit and they wouldn't label it as an act against hunanity.
You might begin using more than one source of information actually or learn additional languages. The english version of that article in the Wikipedia is simply a very shortened version of the actual trials. If you follow the participants of the trials you will easily find btw
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Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
You might begin using more than one source of information actually or learn additional languages.
Yes, I want to go deep into a topic yes it would help. If I only want to have a quick overview, I usually don't invest the time for it.;)

Also on another level: Wieso glaubst du, dass ich nur einen Sprache spreche?
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Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
Assuming you have an agreement with whatever place the suspects flee to and that place doesn't grant diplomatic asylum.
Or you ignore this and send a special unit to terminated the target(s).
As for the discussion, there isn't much to discuss about what happens that hasn't already been discussed, pretty much everything left would just end up back here in yet another crusade against Cornwall and that nurse.
Because the blow out of the action would be by the piolice. Eg. raid the hotel with the police and doesn't care about collateral damage won't be commited by Cornwall, because at this time, he would be knidnapped by you and even if not, he couldn't (legally) do it, because he isn't in the chain of command of the police or millitary.
As for the discussion, there isn't much to discuss about what happens that hasn't already been discussed, pretty much everything left would just end up back here in yet another crusade against Cornwall and that nurse.
You will end up there again, I don't doubt that either. I think what the others do end up we would see, when it happens.
I typically don't care to put myself into that position because I am not able to form a romantic tie to a fictional character and therefore cannot form a sexual tie to them, hence why I play for the story, or at least part of why.
You can't form a romatic tie to a fictional character, but you can form an emotional with one so strong that you've wrote a lot of post and a lot of text where you say how you would take revenge on the fictional characters that have done something against another fictional character.;)
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 3, 2017
Yes, I want to go deep into a topic yes it would help. If I only want to have a quick overview, I usually don't invest the time for it.;)

Also on another level: Wieso glaubst du, dass ich nur einen Sprache spreche?
Well - you brought the topic on a 'high level' in comparison to what it was before by quoting and addressing real life terms in relation to a fictional world. So a deeper delving into terms and definitions is almost a must at that point. Unless we where supposed to understand it all like Godwin's law and should have ignored it.

You might want to read my quote again - i wrote 'additional languages' without quantifying how many you are actually capable of ;)


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Can't argue with that, she does indeed look pleased, the other, however, does not.
That's not really a requirement for being punished.
That it is, which is part of why I am willing to go to any length to make it stop, including violence. The other part of why is because Maria was directly involved on the receiving end. Had it been Ashley, I would be even more willing to go a violent route given the choice.
And that is going to help no one, get you killed, and make all of them unhappy.
If the MC is found out, yes, he would be arrested.
When he is found it, he will be arrested, or worse.
Not good enough, you say? I was holding back, but we could always skip straight to the all out war part mentioned in the previous exchange. Then ALL of the pro-slave majority would fall by force. It is still a viable option in terms of getting the job done. Whether by changing minds or silencing them, the pro-slave majority cease to be a threat. I would prefer to leave the ones who aren't directly involved in the enslavement and ownership parts alone for reeducation purposes.
No, not even close. Death is final. Better to have them work toward a better future, and help be part of the solution.
I am also against the death penalty, in real life, for all but the most extreme cases. This is one of those extreme cases, something I put right on the same level as the slavers of the British Empire and other early European and colonial to civil war era American entities, The Germans of the 30s to 40s, and the Japanese of the same time period, though mostly the governments of these previous entities are to blame. In this case, not only the government, but a majority of the civilian population are to blame. Crimes against humanity, or the elven race in this case, are some of the worst that can be committed, that's why a lot of the top commanders taken to the Nuremberg trials were executed, the crimes were deemed too great to serve a living sentence.
This is a slice of life game, so real world morals apply.
No, this is not one of those cases, you are talking about killing politicians for not going far enough, fast enough. That is not worthy of the death penalty, no matter how much it affected you.
The smart ones do expect hypocrisy, yes, not so much the ones who blindly toe party lines or follow people based on their words instead of their actions.
They just ignore it.
Punishing someone for a crime by legal means that aren't morally wrong would not, but yes, it would make Maria, or the MC, no better than those two to force them into the walk because A. It is morally wrong to force someone to do something like this against their will and B. It is not legal to force them to do something like this against their will. At best, it could be classified as sexual harassment, a light crime compared to other sexual crimes, but still a crime.
Legality is not part of this equation. The law is wrong, that is why I have not mentioned laws, but crimes. Some things that are legal are a crime, and some things that are illegal should not be. I am talking about crimes against humanity.
Except for the scenario where the entire populace of the hotel gets out of dodge before the investigation can even begin, because like the US system, justice is slow.
Yeah, not going to happen, and odds are anywhere you try to go, would extradite your ass as soon as they find you.
The MC is not making her fight, and I even mentioned a scenario where the MC specifically tells her not to. She chose to stand her ground. Yes, she may get hurt and she may die. Either way, no, it is not on me because she chose to do it without the MC's input.
Yes, by putting her in that situation, you ARE forcing her to fight things she has no hope of beating. This is all on you. You did that, knowing full well what would happen, that is why we are discussing it, you brought it up. You know she would, and so by choosing to do that, when you know what will happen, is fully, and completely on you. That is your choice, not hers. She is just defending her loved one, you are the one putting her in that position.
Not in the scenario where she gets in the way before the MC even has the chance to stop her. Again, this is a scenario where nothing has been said or what has been said is specifically NOT to put themselves in danger. Whether it's Ashley or Lin, I have no doubt that they will do it regardless of whether the MC tells them not to. Literally the only way to stop them would be to predict the raid and tie them up out of the way beforehand so they literally can't defend the MC whether he wants them to or not. Otherwise, there is an almost 100% chance they would fight back or get into the line of fire as a shield with no input or specific orders not to.
No, this is still on you, you forced her to make that choice, it is not about stopping her or not, it is putting her in a position where she has no choice but to do that. That is you, not her.
Oh yes, the cops will blow a hotel in the middle of a populated area up. Here's a better idea, if they're going to go the collateral damage route, they should just skip the raid and get the nukes out, innocent people would die either way. Yeah, no, that would go VERY badly in the aftermath whether the raid succeeded or not if they caused ANY collateral damage. There would be public outrage that could get Cornwall, possibly more, kicked out of office.
We own that block, you can blow up a building without much extra damage, and they have tanks, which can take it down, yes.
No, they are using their own free will to do it, especially in a scenario where they don't listen when asked not to.
Yes, but you are not giving them a choice. You are forcing their hand. You are putting them into a position where they have no other choice. That is all you, not them.
But again, even their tech isn't real time and it would take several days for someone to make the realization those two are missing, by which time the whole harem is gone. There's been a case I've been hearing about where this girl got kidnapped and killed and by the time they knew who to look at, the suspect was missing as well. He's still missing to this day, granted it is still an ongoing search and it started not that long ago.
No, if they don't show up to work, people will start looking. Some faster than others. With Cornwall, you are not even going to be able to meet with him and not have people know.
I've seen a few things, but not the whole monitoring thing, at least I haven't seen evidence, they might be doing that, in which case they have worse to worry about than an at large killer with a harem of accomplices.
Does he have a phone? He is being tracked. So are you.
Sure, but they aren't being physically watched the whole time, it would be kind of awkward if they were being watched in, for example, the bathroom.
They have guards outside the door, yes. PEople like the president don't even get that level of privacy.
First humanity definition is based on the human race. Therefore anything we do with the elves can't have, per definition, to do with humanity. It is still shit, but it isn't humanity. Can I torture a chimpanzee to death and do anything that would be a serious crime against humanity if it was a human? Yes, it would be shit as fuck, but wouldn't be a crime against humanity, because the definition of the term.
Also Nuremberg trials were hold between 1945 and 1946 by the allied force. Since 1946 a lot of nations have revoke the death penalty and thus I don't think that the same chance would be in 2021 to receive a death penalty for the same crime.
As other already written, the death penalty is in my eyes too, something ugly that generate more trouble than solve it.
To commit a crime against another sentient species, also is a crime against our humanity. Torturing a chimp, or any other thing that can feel pain, is still inhumane by any stretch.
I make the start.
I want to find miss Ren. First for Ashley and of course, I would likely add her to the extended Harem.
Also some more with the dog and cat of the hotel aka twins, perhaps some petplay, where the MC go for a walk with them.
More scene with the fairies and some closure with them as they act way to unpredictable for my taste, also it isn't a great situation where you could be killed nearly anywhere without knowing of the danger in the first place.
Yeah, I can't wait to find Ren, hope it happens soon. Both for Ashley's sake, and hers.

Yeah, the pet play so far is really minimal, all things considered. Would love to see more of that, especially in public. XD

Yeah, I do hope we can find a way to get more crystals.
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Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
Well - you brought the topic on a 'high level' in comparison to what it was before by quoting and addressing real life terms in relation to a fictional world.
No, I wasn't the one to bring that up. I was answering to the other one who had bring it up (https://f95zone.to/threads/harem-hotel-v0-13-2-public-runey.12760/post-6810487).
Sure, I haven't accounted for the additional trials beside the Nuremberg main trials. But my approach was to show when was the trial and that (iRL) between 1946 and 2021 a lot have happend in regard to the death penalty and that if the Nuremberg trials were hold again today I believe that the death penalty would been less used.

Also as we only life in the "normal" word most of our compare would be between the fictional and the "real" word. As I don't see any indication that Harem Hotel is based on some historical setting, I assume it is based on a current world setting with a lot deviation from the real word, that I call authors freedom.:)
You might want to read my quote again - i wrote 'additional languages' without quantifying how many you are actually capable of ;)
And I haven't said that this was my only other language that I speak either, so....
Yet, that is a moot point. If I want to make a discussion about the Nuremberg (main) trials and nothing else and not used it in another discussion that hasn't it as the main topic and wasn't the focus either, then I usually don't invest that time.
Otherwise I would need a lot of time and resources for this. Additional if we would need to be an expert in every point we want to discuss then the possible things we could to actually discuss would be very few.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 3, 2017
No, I wasn't the one to bring that up. I was answering to the other one who had bring it up (https://f95zone.to/threads/harem-hotel-v0-13-2-public-runey.12760/post-6810487).
Sure, I haven't accounted for the additional trials beside the Nuremberg main trials. But my approach was to show when was the trial and that (iRL) between 1946 and 2021 a lot have happend in regard to the death penalty and that if the Nuremberg trials were hold again today I believe that the death penalty would been less used.

Also as we only life in the "normal" word most of our compare would be between the fictional and the "real" word. As I don't see any indication that Harem Hotel is based on some historical setting, I assume it is based on a current world setting with a lot deviation from the real word, that I call authors freedom.:)

And I haven't said that this was my only other language that I speak either, so....
Yet, that is a moot point. If I want to make a discussion about the Nuremberg (main) trials and nothing else and not used it in another discussion that hasn't it as the main topic and wasn't the focus either, then I usually don't invest that time.
Otherwise I would need a lot of time and resources for this. Additional if we would need to be an expert in every point we want to discuss then the possible things we could to actually discuss would be very few.
Making assumptions inside the fictional world is fine - doing so with real life facts isnt. Especially when you demand to be taken serious. But from your statement about seriousness and time and effort means you didnt mean it serious then as just skimming over the first best info source was good enough for you. For some of us the used time period and its events is actually something serious which is the only reason i stepped in. A simple switch of language on your first source to German would have enlightened you.


New Member
May 14, 2018
these upload websites are just terrible, nopy anonfile and mixdrop are all limited to 1mb/s and mega is limited to 5gb per file

edit: nopy is now downloading at 20mb/s but it's still completely random
Sep 4, 2017
But even when newer bots will get self maintenance capability, Android is an older model and won't have it.
Yeah, that is true. I forgot about that fact.

Have we not learned from the Terminator movies? It is bad because they will take over. I mean, unless she specifically takes over and makes us equivalent to one of them or puts us in command of them directly under her, then I could see it being rather entertaining. I just don't see it as a good thing if, despite being her master now and treating her well, she treats us like all the other living beings.

Then there's the issue of exactly what she plans to do, is she going to reverse uno Syl'anar and make its living population into slaves whether human or elf?
I think that the Terminator movies biased robophobic propaganda, so I didn't learn anything from them. And I don't think that it would be bad if "they" would take over. But I might be a little bit biased, because I am one of "them".

But yes, these are serious and important questions.
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New Member
Jun 1, 2017

No thanks.

e: it's a shame because I think this might actually be a good game. But at least keep the size under 5gb so people can actually download the game (mega does not allow files over 5gb without paying for it). Sites like nopy are not realistic to use, as they have ridiculous download speeds (as in the picture)
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Deleted member 929426

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2018
View attachment 1467273

No thanks.

e: it's a shame because I think this might actually be a good game. But at least keep the size under 5gb so people can actually download the game (mega does not allow files over 5gb without paying for it). Sites like nopy are not realistic to use, as they have ridiculous download speeds (as in the picture)
You can still download download files over 5gb for free through Mega. It's just that you have to wait a couple hours for the download to start back up and finish.


New Member
Jun 1, 2017
It's just that you have to wait a couple hours for the download to start back up and finish.
Fair, but it's 5 hours for me. It can go up to 24 hours depending on where you live. You can't expect people to wait that long... I don't mean it in a bad way per se, I just think the creator is probably missing out on many players with the way the game is currently released.


New Member
May 22, 2020
Fair, but it's 5 hours for me. It can go up to 24 hours depending on where you live. You can't expect people to wait that long... I don't mean it in a bad way per se, I just think the creator is probably missing out on many players with the way the game is currently released.
I've lived in the countryside where I've had to wait a lot longer that 5h for a couple gb, AND had to pay, this shits free and worth the wait...
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Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
Fair, but it's 5 hours for me. It can go up to 24 hours depending on where you live. You can't expect people to wait that long... I don't mean it in a bad way per se, I just think the creator is probably missing out on many players with the way the game is currently released.
And it won't change. The game is already using high efficient compression on image and video and is still over 7 GB (uncompressed around 70 or 80 GB).
At least with the next version they will be officially released update pack instead of only full release but even they will be around 1 GB for sure. And I must know that.
So for the whole it only exist 6 options:
  • Use a more compressed unofficial version
  • Splitt the archive up
  • Make a torrent
  • Pay for premium downloads speed on some hoster (or wait until Nopy is back to what is was)
  • Runey will pay for premium speed on his hoster
  • Wait till it is downloaded normally


Active Member
Jan 24, 2020
I have the opposite problem with nopy, it always seems to download at the max available speed regardless of what time of the day it is. It's become my go-to since mega came up with that dumb 5gb/day limit.
Every 4-ish months without fail, the same event happens in this room: "...And now I'll just leave HH downloading while I finally get to use the bathr...oh. I guess I'll just hold it then."
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Were we not going to cut off this topic? I'm fine to keep going as long as other people show they are by responding, but I am fine to cut it off for now as well if I don't get anything that to me warrants reply.

Or you ignore this and send a special unit to terminated the target(s).

Because the blow out of the action would be by the piolice. Eg. raid the hotel with the police and doesn't care about collateral damage won't be commited by Cornwall, because at this time, he would be knidnapped by you and even if not, he couldn't (legally) do it, because he isn't in the chain of command of the police or millitary.

You will end up there again, I don't doubt that either. I think what the others do end up we would see, when it happens.

You can't form a romatic tie to a fictional character, but you can form an emotional with one so strong that you've wrote a lot of post and a lot of text where you say how you would take revenge on the fictional characters that have done something against another fictional character.;)
Ignoring that risks war, no nation is that stupid, unless you're talking about the real world, where there are a couple.

Again, you are quoting something completely different than what you are responding to. I think I know what you're responding to this time, so I will go off of that. The police or the military blowing up a hotel in the middle of a populated area actually makes the backlash worse. Cornwall won't cause the damage, but because he is a politician at a high level, he will be held responsible for whatever damage the police cause, especially any damage resulting in the deaths of innocent people, very much like how every time the US strikes a target with a drone missile, they get comments expressing outrage by several other nations because those missiles usually end up killing more than the terrorists they were meant to kill, usually civilians who had nothing to do with it.

I have no doubt that, until someone pays for their crimes in the story in some way, this will be a repetitive thing. Cornwall and the nurse have earned my rage, not an easy task and almost impossible to take back.

Emotional and romantic are not the same, neither are emotional and sexual. I need a romantic tie specifically to for a sexual tie. I can be angry at Cornwall all I want, but that anger is not capable of leading to a sexual tie. However, forming a romantic tie with Ashley, by falling in love with the character, would allow me to form a sexual tie as well. I am very much logic centered, so falling in love with a fictional character in the same way as a real person is not something I am capable of and that is exactly what I need for a sexual tie.

That's not really a requirement for being punished.
And that is going to help no one, get you killed, and make all of them unhappy.
When he is found it, he will be arrested, or worse.
No, not even close. Death is final. Better to have them work toward a better future, and help be part of the solution.
This is a slice of life game, so real world morals apply.
No, this is not one of those cases, you are talking about killing politicians for not going far enough, fast enough. That is not worthy of the death penalty, no matter how much it affected you.
They just ignore it.
Legality is not part of this equation. The law is wrong, that is why I have not mentioned laws, but crimes. Some things that are legal are a crime, and some things that are illegal should not be. I am talking about crimes against humanity.
Yeah, not going to happen, and odds are anywhere you try to go, would extradite your ass as soon as they find you.
Yes, by putting her in that situation, you ARE forcing her to fight things she has no hope of beating. This is all on you. You did that, knowing full well what would happen, that is why we are discussing it, you brought it up. You know she would, and so by choosing to do that, when you know what will happen, is fully, and completely on you. That is your choice, not hers. She is just defending her loved one, you are the one putting her in that position.
No, this is still on you, you forced her to make that choice, it is not about stopping her or not, it is putting her in a position where she has no choice but to do that. That is you, not her.
We own that block, you can blow up a building without much extra damage, and they have tanks, which can take it down, yes.
Yes, but you are not giving them a choice. You are forcing their hand. You are putting them into a position where they have no other choice. That is all you, not them.
No, if they don't show up to work, people will start looking. Some faster than others. With Cornwall, you are not even going to be able to meet with him and not have people know.
Does he have a phone? He is being tracked. So are you.
They have guards outside the door, yes. PEople like the president don't even get that level of privacy.
To commit a crime against another sentient species, also is a crime against our humanity. Torturing a chimp, or any other thing that can feel pain, is still inhumane by any stretch.

Yeah, I can't wait to find Ren, hope it happens soon. Both for Ashley's sake, and hers.

Yeah, the pet play so far is really minimal, all things considered. Would love to see more of that, especially in public. XD

Yeah, I do hope we can find a way to get more crystals.
If someone is enjoying their treatment, it is not a punishment, it is a reward.

That is a risk, but not a guarantee.

No, if, he would have time to escape somewhere he cannot be touched.

Death is final, that's why I was picking something that would prolong that final moment.

No, their crime is endangering the life of a person, willingly through the seizure of her only means of self preservation. I would be merely upset if it was just not going far enough fast enough.

Some do, can't argue there. I am not one of them, I choose very carefully, though I have never actually been one of the voters for a winning candidate.

Crimes are determined by the law. If it is not in the law, even if it is not specifically legalized, it is not a crime. That's how things can be legally right and morally wrong or the other way around.

Like I said, go somewhere Syl'anar CAN'T extradite from or seek political aslum, pulling a Julian Assange you migh call the latter.

No, I am not, she either chose to or she is being forced by the people raiding the hotel. If they hadn't raided, she would not fight. It doesn't even matter if the MC tells her not to, she'd probably do it anyway. Like I said, she'd literally have to be tied up to keep her from fighting, whether the MC says not to or not.

Again, it is on her if she does it even against orders.

Tell that to the US, those drone missiles seem to be incapable of not killing civilians they aren't aimed at.

Not when they were specifically told not to resist.

Sure, people will look, but the investigation won't start before a missing person report is filed, by which time the perps have already skipped town.

Assuming they have a body like the NSA, yes.

The keyword being outside the door. That's a few seconds for a covert operator to take action.

I agree on all responses to C3P0, it is a crime against humanity and I can't wait to find Ren, either.

Yeah, that is true. I forgot about that fact.

I think that the Terminator movies biased robophobic propaganda, so I didn't learn anything from them. And I don't think that it would be bad if "they" would take over. But I might be a little bit biased, because I am one of "them".

But yes, these are serious and important questions.
There was a counterpoint brought up that Android is capable of learning to do it.

I have to disagree on the take over part, but the robophobic propaganda part was hilarious. I would hope that Android is a bit more lenient on us organics.

View attachment 1467273

No thanks.

e: it's a shame because I think this might actually be a good game. But at least keep the size under 5gb so people can actually download the game (mega does not allow files over 5gb without paying for it). Sites like nopy are not realistic to use, as they have ridiculous download speeds (as in the picture)
You're asking the impossible of this game, there is no way to keep it under 5GB without discontinuing it coompletely.


New Member
Apr 4, 2020
Does anyone have a complete save of the current version of the game? I can't find any...


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2020
(mega does not allow files over 5gb without paying for it). Sites like nopy are not realistic to use, as they have ridiculous download speeds (as in the picture)

Maybe try a download manager such as Jdownloader. I have different results as you. I'm not on a very fast connection (9Mbps atm) but using Nopy still only took 92 minutes.

I hope you'll consider giving the game a shot. It's fun and there's a good group here.
Also, it's file size is nowhere near as large as many other games on this site and I'd expect newer games to only get bigger.
Good Luck
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