Let me preface this by saying this game is a solid piece of work, I love it, and huge props to the dev making it. Just wanted to establish this so I don't come off as hostile or something
Running out of hygiene doesn't kill you, just makes you sick.
Technically? No. In reality? Absolutely yes, it does kill you. It makes you unable to do a full day of work, which kills you with starvation very quickly.
Your best bet for not being a slave or slowly dying is to stand up to the restaurant boss and let yourself be fired. Build up that reputation
When you get fired from the restaurant (3rd day, I believe?), you starve within two days tops. Hardly enough time to farm reputation to enter Pleasantview. I think I pulled it off once (leaving restaurant and managing to enter PV), but then you have no work prospects - you can't work in the Cafe because you can't clean yourself (zero chance to have 100 bits on time to pay rent, so no Plebwasher 3000 for you), and you can't work Mines because Chloe bribes the mine owner near instantly, like 2 days after you start working assuming you enter PV as soon as possible. If you accept the pillory, then it's Game Over - your reputation goes into negatives, you have no way of returning to PV, no way of making money, you might as well quit at this point since there's nothing you can do - can't even work the Salon because it also requires cleanliness. If you try sticking to the Restraurant, it doesn't work either - the pay is not enough to pay rent, so you get kicked out, so you can't stay clean, so you get sick, so you can't work, so you starve. In the current version I never managed to survive longer than 10 days, even though I was save-scumming like a motherfucker and minmaxing everything.
I respect that you decided to make an actual challenging game instead of just a porn slideshow, that is actually commendable. But the difficulty of the game is so obscenely high it borders on not being playable for a casual like me. As to avoid being a whiny bitch who only criticises, here's my suggestions to fix things without changing core gameplay:
a) Give the ability to clean yourself even when already homeless (in the Salon? or water in the dock?), otherwise getting booted from Shireens is just a game over due to hygiene
b) Keep the difficulty of the grind at the same level, but increase the starting amount of bits, so at least you have a chance to pay the rent if you're crafty
c) Add an optional difficulty level (purists can play at the current level) where salaries increase by a certain amount OR you need less stamina for tasks OR reputation rises faster
Idk maybe I'm a dumbass, but I just can't make this work. In the older versions I managed to survive just fine, but in the current version, after hygiene was introduced, it's unsurmountable for me. Still a great game, but obviously made less great by the fact I can't access the good bits without dying lol
EDIT: I gave it some more tries and found another two suicide-inducing mechanics: if you mine two gold ores in one day, the game automatically takes them away from you and drops your stamina to zero. And you also can't make money in the casino because whatever you win, the casino demands you to give back and if you refuse they just take ALL your money. Oh, and the tips from the cafe are only given once - you get one from each patron, and after that you never get tips again. You can't be serious mister dev