Has an Adult Game ever made you cry?


Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
Lots of people say they cried with laughter playing mine... but I guess that's probably not what's being talked about! :LOL:

I've never cried during a game myself, but I know a lot of people have been deeply touched and even moved to tears by Aaryn's Straight?!


New Member
May 10, 2019
i cried on some games but not because its sad. i cried mostly because its beautiful and overwhelming,like every time i finish a good VN like those grisaria series, myth, chrono clock, planetarian, etc etc while sad story mostly make me feel disturbed.

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
Searching my memory for the last time i cryed:
Was it as my steph brother funeral or at the ending of operation valkyre movie?

As for adult games?
When i play these games i unshacking my dark side that i keep lock up for the sake of being able to function relatively normal in real life.
So i go into adult games as a corrupting manipulative slaver who has zero problems doing whatever he must to enslave everyone and murder everyone he cant enslave.

I dont like that part of myself so i am pleased that i got release via games.


Feb 11, 2019
I've cried watching several anime but not a single one of these games on here. Clannad being one.
While that was while I was going through a divorce at the time I still probably would cry do to those.
The strongest emotion I got out of any of the games on here is a few laughs.
There just isn't enough character building and follow through of it to get wrapped up personally/ invested.
The characters are way to shallow developed in these games.
The second strongest feeling I get when playing these games is anger. You know from the lead up to the point the way the character is presented would never act in such a manor or give in so easily to some crap and the author treats the audience like a bunch of imbeciles and puts this crap out for them to read. At which point I generally stop playing and hit the delete and its the fastest way to get me to cancel any patronage.

Don't get me wrong by that. Not every thing needs to be written serious or to real life. If you are writing it purposely to be that way such as incorporating magic or taking a humorous view that's great. Totally respect it. There are only an handful of games right now I like out of the hundreds I played. Of that half take that approach.
Jan 4, 2019
Totally a weird choice, but I cried after beating Sword of the Succubus. Nothing emotional happens plot-wise (and there's not much of a plot), but it really reminded me of playing 2D Zelda games as a kid and I got very nostalgic. Don't think I've cried about anything "in universe" for a game though.


Jun 9, 2017
I've never actually ever cried playing a video game adult or not, I've felt a bit sad but its like my tear ducts are evaporated I can't cry playing games.

Acting Lessons left me feeling kinda down when I learned I couldn't have both though. I didn't even cry at the end of walking dead season 1 and that was god damn heart breaking so an adult game would have to step it up big time.


New Member
May 24, 2017
Cried like a motherfucker. Multiple times.
That was a steamroller-gut-punch to me. Fuck.
That shit tore me apart. Even more so because the MCs backstory hits close to home.

I did not expect that when starting that game up.

EDIT: Sorry about the necropost. Noticed the dates just after I hit send.
Same it really hurt

Oshitari Azumi

Who's the strongest Nobbu?!
Former Staff
May 23, 2017
For me, the games would be The Last Sovereign and the Majikoi VNs (particularily S!)
The Last Sovereign because the story is actually pretty good, though it wasn't full-blown crying.
Majikoi S! in only Miyako's route because everyone seems to shit on her route, when she's actually a heroine who really wants your affection after you showed her some back in the past when her life was basically shit.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2018
Misty-eyed happy tears: Redemption for Jessika when she plays for you. (every.damn.time.)

Sad-happy tears: Acting Lessons, ending with Melissa

Of note, though: I'm a big softy and cry at schmaltzy coffee commercials. I know it's an emotional cudgel they're wielding, but it still gets me.


Engaged Member
Feb 20, 2018
Surprised De Luca Family isnt here to be honest... Luna's backstory hit hard as fuck even to me that doesnt like children, it didnt make me cry, but I did get watery-eyed, especially during the part with Luna's BFF...And again when the tough girl broke, and the bitchy girl stepped up... simple superb writing by HopesGaming

Acting Lessons only during Ch4 (when the game was actually good), the Liam conversation at the dock was pretty sad... shame the game kicked the melodrama to 11, and ruined the vibe of it... it became a parody of itself (hey look at how much misfortune can happen to good people in the span of two weeks HAHAHAHA... whatever)...

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
To be serious about it all, Our Fate. The first scenes where the daughter(then she was just a girl) is all alone in the rain in the park. Her father on the way hoping to be with her as quickly as he can. Those few scenes did force a tear or two.