When someone suscribes to you, they pay you for something you are oferring. Its a contract.
If you offer "weekly updates" or release dates and you dont deliver, you are breaking your own clauses. This opens you the possibility to reclaim your money on court, but I doubt someone will go that far.
So, no you dont have the right to be a milker if you promise weekly updates and release dates.
You still don't understand. It's HIS game.
he can choose not to update.
or choose to not paying attention to you.
or choose to enjoy drinks in beach.
or get drunk.
who on earth you think you are making a "contract" with him.
it's your money, if you still pay him, you're the idiot, and he's the winner, getting money from idiots.
EDIT. I'll even go as far as giving you another example.
you gave $10 to buy weeds from stranger online, and he disappear.
would you gave another $10 to buy from this guy again? that's all. now you can tell me who's the idiot.