4.30 star(s) 261 Votes


Oct 16, 2022
you probably live in a clown world if you think your little money equal "obligations / contracts".
I'll be glad to milk you if I were this dev.
I have just given you the basic legal definition, which is used throughout comparative law, of what a contract is. Basically the one used all over the world. And clearly the typical action categorizes perfectly in this case. Beyond the fact that having to resort to insults or ridicule only shows how weak your argument is, it seems that the one who lives in a world of clowns is you

PD: I have not been a subscriber for more than 1 year, and I only subscribed when Xenorav uploaded a new chapter (which has been my constant recommendation if you see previous comments "only subscribe when Xenorav uploads a new chapter.")
But, as you said, it is not a significant expenditure (at least in my case)
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Jan 3, 2023
Good evening old friends of this game! Well, I don't think the developer has given up on the game, he just wants to do it gradually with longer time limits! That is, every year and a chapter! So it saves time on every update! I reckon the next update will be just before the game is labeled abandoned! And the next one will be exactly the same. Sorry for my English


Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
This game came along way, it wasn't good game when it's first released, but become one of my favorites with time and improved a lot, it's one of games you can clearly see how much the game and DEV improved, it really would be sad to see game like this be abandoned, this is one of unique and well-made adult VN's out there, hope it won't abandoned and at least DEV will give us scenes we deserved with Amelie, if he didn't constantly slowed the process with Amelie we would have it at this point. Don't get me wrong relationship development between MC and Amelie is quite amazing, and it's one of biggest reasons why I really love this game, but DEV extended that: ''Act like never happened, forget about it'' thing too much, I'm not saying they should start having sex right away or anything, but at least they should have accepted what is at some point already, if he didn't extend things with that trope too much we would have more progress with her, but he did, and I'm gonna be arrogant about it and say it (hate me if you want, I don't care) he owes us more progress with Amelie, whatever he is dealing with hope it ends good for him, resolves his problems, come back and give us more content with Amelie or better finish the game, this game deserves proper ending or at least more content with Amelie.
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Devoted Member
Sep 12, 2018
In 2 weeks, it can be marked abandoned since it will have been 3 months since any post on Patreon.
nope, not in 2 weeks, it will qualify for "aboned" tag here in 3+weeks (on August 11).
just for the sake of clarity:BootyTime:

and as the dev said in one of his latest reports "Everything is going great!...":HideThePain:


Active Member
Mar 14, 2021
Need other game as good as this..
Any recommend?
Tough one. Amelie simply became my personal favorite from ALL of those games out there and the detail in the renders/animations is just out of this world. Such a shame that the Dev behind this is wasting his talent by doing nothing... If he would have at least 50% more focus and dedication for this project maaaaan how far could we have come already.

So a "no" from me to your question. Of course there are other good games but no Milf or other girl reaches the hot Level of Amelie tbh, not even Alexandra from Amnesia (and even though Amnesia still gets regular updates I believe the chance of fucking Amelie is still way higher in comparison to Alexandra... :D)


Jul 16, 2018
Tough one. Amelie simply became my personal favorite from ALL of those games out there and the detail in the renders/animations is just out of this world. Such a shame that the Dev behind this is wasting his talent by doing nothing... If he would have at least 50% more focus and dedication for this project maaaaan how far could we have come already.

So a "no" from me to your question. Of course there are other good games but no Milf or other girl reaches the hot Level of Amelie tbh, not even Alexandra from Amnesia (and even though Amnesia still gets regular updates I believe the chance of fucking Amelie is still way higher in comparison to Alexandra... :D)
Amnesia is a meme. Every time I look at the updates for it, I'm disappointed with how little it's advanced.
Hell, that one Summer's Gone game has made more progress.
Need other game as good as this..
Any recommend?
There's Baddies Inc, EROTICA, FreshWomen, MCR2, MOS1, MOS2, SnowStorm, Somewhere I Belong, Summer Heat, Taboo University, that are pretty on par with the quality of this game.
All of them except MCR2 and SnowStorm, you can zoom right through.
Good plot in some of them, like Baddies Inc, SnowStorm, Summer Heat, Taboo University if you care.
I would recommend things like Treasures of Nadia and the same dev-based games, but those are way too grindy.
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4.30 star(s) 261 Votes