Checked out this Title after a long time,
personally, I liked the very, very first concept much more. I felt more gaming, tension and more exciting overall by the original concept and gave more attention to every single text and Scene.
How ever. The Strg+Skip linear version today (only interrupted by dialogues without further story consequences) is also ok. For the quick ones.
In the end it's a matter of taste, still very nice Daz Pr0n and downloadworthable. It's no game or challange, sadly more or less a simple Dia|VN show.
The temptation to press CTRL is quite high. It's a shame, because the work of individual scenes is not appreciated by ths way.
But like I said, the temptation is there and I think many impatient people just use the CTRL method.
By this way a painfull crafted planned story and it scenes "may" become only a fraction of seconds of attention. Thats the downside.
Personally I do think that the Dev has given too much to those who complained about the original GameMechanics instead of following his own gut and sticking to his original idea and feeling.
Eighter I make a game, very happy assuch with the help|Inspiration from the community, but in the end I do it my liking, or I do not. Period.
Some say: I "should learn" not to care too much and be finally freed for making real great stuff that I enjoy!
No Pain, No Game
All the Best and hav fun.