
New Member
Sep 25, 2017
0.12.2 Feedback:

1: Main balance issue atm is you need to give players a bit of time between waves. It maybe doesn't have to be as long as Captivity, but a game like this needs a bit of downtime or you're going to wear players out, especially since this game seems balanced around spamming dodges. 20-30 seconds at least is a good start, I could re-judge the fatigue build up at that point and see if more time is needed. Atm I feel like I have to pause and just take a break every now and then, that should be built into the gameplay instead. Games like this are too stressful on the fingers/eyes to not have any rest time. Right now I can't see myself playing this as much as Captivity due to the stress/lack of downtime.

2: The coin collection is a pretty questionable decision as well unless you plan to allow players to upgrade the range you can collect coins from. It'll punish long range weapons and benefit short range too much. Certain waves of enemies could make it impossible to reasonably collect coins as well, it's kind of limiting what you can do with wave types. If you make enemies that are super tanky and slow for example, they'll easily clog up your coin drops. A long stretch of land with no platforms could also mean you never have a chance to get coin drops before they disappear without guaranteed damage with how limited the stamina regen is, so it could hurt certain map types too.

I'd prefer to not even have coin drops because of how much you already have to juggle/focus on in this game, but if you do plan to do it, it could use some tweaking. I'd recommend making the coins drop income less than you receive from killing enemies, basically making them optional. The combination of coin drops + no downtime between waves compounds both issues and makes them both more frustrating.

3: For the first enemies, they might just be a bit too fast and they shouldn't be able to jump up and smack you so quickly. The enemies can jump across gaps quicker than the player too, that probably needs to be toned down a bit. You should reward players for making a difficult jump across a gap in the middle of combat, not punish them. The terminator enemies is fine for higher level enemies, but they shouldn't be the first enemies. Remember that a lot of people got frustrated with the early difficulty of Captivity and this is even worse atm. It's not bad to have an early enemy that teach the player to dodge, but the ranged enemies are fine for that already.

I'd suggest reducing the speed of the first enemies by about 10-15% for a start. Adding a slight delay before they jump after the player or reducing their jump speed/range would be a good idea too. Not suggesting you nerf them into the ground or anything, small tweaks are fine to start with. As somebody used to this type of game, it may seem fine, but it's a bit too brutal for new players imo.

4: The different ammo types aren't apparent enough. I picked up the brown ammo and thought it was bugged until I realized the smg took blue ammo. The ammo type a gun uses should be in its icon and maybe be shown somewhere in like an "Active ammo" slot that's always visible somewhat in the ui so you don't have to bring up your weapon info to be reminded of what gun uses what ammo all the time. More distinct icons would help too.

5: Coins dropping through platforms is another issue. Not sure if it's you intentionally trying to limit camping strategies, but there are better ways to do that. Have enemies that use "grenade" type attacks that launch at the player and explode after a while for example would be better. That won't fuck up the gameplay in other ways, like your coins dropping 4 floors down even when you aren't camping. Right now it makes fighting even in non campy ways too obnoxious. There's also that bullets don't travel through platforms but coins do, so a bit of a disconnect there.

Looking forward to the female protag + male/futa enemies, not really into femdom or futa x futa. Of course I'm happy anybody is attempting this type of gameplay again as well, goodluck with development.
My feedback pretty much aligns with this as well. players definitely need a period of down time between waves to get their thoughts together and restock. Having the waves "always on" also doesn't play well with the coin pickup system either, as pointed out in the quote above, players will have a difficult time finding the right opportunity to go through the arena to pickup dropped coins. With a 10-20 second downtime period, that could make the coin collecting feature feasible as it will give players some time to collect and spend their loot.

There are some other nit-picks too, like the jumping feeling a little floaty and the animations feeling a little stale, but I understand that this is an early early build, and it's especially not fair that I'm already comparing your work to (somewhat) finished products like Captivity. Keep up the good work and I especially look forward to seeing this project grow!


New Member
Sep 8, 2021
Because most people on this planet are straight or bi/bi-curious. Even purely gay people can find content in these games (not as common ofc) for their own tastes. It's not really rocket science to know this lol. At least with this game you can mod it to remove all the tits you don't personally like and replace 'em with big beefy men or at least flat-chested boys.
Pretty sure he was mocking people bitching about games with gay characters.


Feb 11, 2020
hope keybinding gets added, dodging with space is awkward for me, as expected of such an early version it's barebone but seems very competent, hope penetration gets added and a way to... take initiative, though it you probably be risky as cumming reduces your health.
Also a kick/melee stagger would be cool...


New Member
Nov 10, 2019
please dont give up on the game, etleast if you are going to stop working on the game down the line, give us some sort of mod tool to add charecthers and items and shit, like gmod.


Game Developer
Sep 9, 2023
Thanks for the feedback everyone, appreciate it!

I really liked your first game. Keep up the great work (y)
Just for the record: This project is heavily inspired by Captivity but I'm not Perveloper.

Alright, the first bug in the studio. My character is a HUGE white mass...
Try running it with admin permissions and see if problem persists, looks like textures are blocked on load. Will look into it.

any plans for M/M or M/Futa?
Currently there are M/F, M/Futa, Futa/F, Futa/Futa. All the pairings are planned though.

Everyone's already said it but I'll say it again. A game similar to Captivity is definitely promising and I like what's here for now.
I'm curious what the next step in the development is. Weapons, player customization, new stages enemies or animations?Definitely a lot of stuff that could be done so I'm wondering if there's an order to them or a priority right now or maybe a goal you have for the game.
Also since the stage selection specified that the stage is endless mode does that mean you plan on having stages that have objectives other than "Survive as long as possible" ?
Either way great work so far and I'm looking forward to how it goes.
Climax is planed for the stages - so you can beat them(normal mode). For the other levels, I have some objectives planned but for the first stage it will probably be to survive until certain wave and then tba. Endless mode will just be ever increasing waves for highscore.


Jun 1, 2019
why are there so many straight games?

I'm not straight but more power to those who enjoy these types of games! its too bad I dont like tits
As people have said most people in the world are straight or bi, I do wish there were more gay games as well since most of them on here are either visual novels (which I'm not a big fan of) or they're furry games which isn't a big deal but it's not my cup of tea. It looks like this may get some which is nice (y)


Dec 14, 2019
Captivity was a fun game that was too broken to build on any further. Even if it's a shameless copy, at least it's copying a good concept.
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