Good morning Lieutenants
It's decided! Sarah is my main waifu nothing bad will ever happen to her as long as I have a say in it
And of course you do! In your game at least...*cackles wickedly at some of the Sarah test renders she has on her drive*
Heh, I'm glad to hear that, though I only said it because I felt it needed to be said. Just posted my review, though something the guidelines prevented me from doing is mentioning that from I have seen from your activity here in the comments, is that you really seem like you are dedicated to making the best possible work you can. I'm really happy to see your large engagement with everyone, and it really gives me faith that you are willing to pull through with this to the end. Just don't let all the encouragement you are getting here and on Patreon get to your head too much and make you bite off more than you can chew. I have seen all to many projects wither and die because the creators try to over deliver with massively ambitious goals only to loose their original vision of what they wanted to make, get bogged down when they can't pull it together in a satisfying way, and eventually just abandon the project. But still, like I said above, I absolutely have full faith in you. I'm really looking forward to see how everything turns out, and expect my presence down here in the comments now and then.
Hmm, you know what, you make a good point. I should probably just delete my comments and fade away into the Warp again.
You are too kind thank you. And yes, you're absolutely right in that I am really trying to make the best work I can. I want this to be as much as a story as a game, the sort of story that stays with you long after you've finished playing it, y'know?
Sound advice about not getting carried away. You'll be glad to know, as indeed you might have picked up from all the lore stuff etc, that the game story is already locked down so "mission creep" shouldn't occur. My only real risks to this project is that firstly, when writing the sexual content scenes, I keep wanting to make those scenes bigger than planned once I start typing
"Ohhhh wouldn't it be good if she...." Thankfully I'm aware of that and throw those options out to my patrons.
"Look guys I want to write four parts to this but know I can only do two in the time allowed. Which ones do you want?". The second risk, and partly mitigated by the first, is how many renders I can kick out a month. H5 is being made on a 2GB card and a PC that I swear has an optional port to run on coal... Sadly, little I can do about that other than run scenes in priority. So Chapter Two has thirteen scenes on the cards to be made. If things get tight, a couple of those can be pushed into the next Chapter (although I would be loathe to do so of course). Still, I seem to be on target so far but it never hurts to have a back up plan.
But the vision is locked down. Promise.

and I won't let your faith be misplaced.
And do feel free to pop in this little corner of the forum as much as you like. A friendly chap is welcome in my box anyday...
So I saw that render you posted up of the Fantasy setting girl, nottravis. I'm guessing that's from one of Rah Rah's games?
Could be!
They look like Ophions to me.
Not unless they've developed a serious skin care regime

RoadWulf is referring to a render of a barbarian looking girl on my Patreon page
Does Strip Rock Paper Scissors work for anyone? Is is a bug, something to unlock, a joke or a tease?
Should come up as "Locked" if you try it? But no it doesn't work at the mo. The PDA is for bonus content for my patrons. So new copies of "Bored Pilot" and, more importantly a whole host of mini-games that I have in my mind that I didn't feel fitted the main game but would work as part of an entertainment console. A bit like playing on your phone or pad. The bonus games might be a bit slow to release as, and as my patrons want, the chapters come first and then if I have spare capacity the games get made. That isn't to say they're not in progress of course.
i just want to say i love this game already. the girls are very hot. going with the asia girl first and going be a villian. also that blonde girl is super sus for me. she plays dumb but is super smart.
Thank you so much for your kind words
Oooo! The villain route -is- fun! Just be careful out there, yes? Remember the girls aren't stupid and although I -adore- the baddie route it can lead to bad ends if you're not careful.
Also, yeah...Sarah is an odd one isn't she. One minute all dumb blonde and the next a weapons expert...