I take offense to this. 1 % of Notty's patreon numbers would equate to approximately one (1) patron in the mid-low tier. If anything, Notty's numbers are disgustingly low when when taking into account the volume and quality of the content she produces.
To add to this, I have more than once seen piles of human excrement disguised as a games raking in the dough. Like more than ten times of what Notty gets while putting out 1 % of the quality and at a quarter of her speed. And that's if I'm being generous!
I'm pretty sure you meant no ill will here, but man, that shit ain't right.
Also to Notty I want to say: The main difference between you and them is time. Well the main difference is they produce shite, but you get my point. It seems that if you polish a turd for a year and a half, suddenly you get exponential increase in revenue. Just imagine what you can do with an actual good game! Hang in there and you'll be rolling in it soon enough! (Not the turds, obviously) Work on getting exposure when you can so you get there quicker. There is no better marketing than a great product - marketing proverb - and since you have that base covered it shouldn't take as long either way.