Yes, i can undersign this, it may be so that i don't get it and they would try to cover it up. Still, my viewpoint is that she would be apprehended and sentenced by a court marshal if we could get a follow up on that story in a realistic scenario.
Otherwise obviously this is just a story, they could get away with whatever if the writer of it so wishes.
I don't even went through the line to reach that because i dislike playing dumb idiots.
Or for my realistic scenario, they work together and using the issues at hand rig some way to get rid of the body. Explosive decompression, fire in a room etc.
Obviously it's just a story, so yeah Chris could suddenly go all by the book and hang one of her own, or whatever the writer wishes...
Edit: As 'realism' is variable based on opinion, the term should probably not be used so much as its use automatically terms everything else as not, even while in the middle of said discussion.

To be honest I can see the cover up WAY easier than the killing, but my personal context as I haven't killed or tried to kill anything (at least not actually physically...). Because the hard part is already done, and the cover up is easily rationalized away.. which is why it's so common in RL. As in alright, it's already done, reporting it won't bring anyone back to life. That person wasn't one of us anyway. The fact it happened will hurt all of our careers. I've got to rely on the rest of the group still, if I hang one... etc.
All groups close ranks to some extent, you see it in every day life/news. Look at the police, it's why they have an external investigation unit. Shouldn't the enforcers of the law be the first people standing up to report their fellow officers?