This wouldn't work even nowdays and definitely won't work in the future. Especially not in a Sci-fi. It only works in movies because the script says so not because it makes any sense. At all.
But i do accept the fact that this is just a visual novel. I'm only saying the killing solution is absurd. Or if others prefer to call it that way: ludicrous. It offers a fast Game Over, yes. I merely pointed out that no, it doesn't make sense, its not okay in an in-game coherency/reality point of view. Oh okay, lets say that it can happen, sure, because the chief lost her head or whatever but their story is about to come to a Bad End as well due to it, there is no way around it.
I'm a storyteller too so i have a tendency to single out elements such as this, not because it matters really. Its a bad end, bam, game over, be a clever bad guy or a nice one would be better, sure. But saying this could/would work out for the crew, they could get away with it, no. Just no. Its not important storywise but if i roll their story further in my head the chief will pay with her life for it. One way or another on that route. In my mind, obviously.