The potential is there, just needs a little more work to smooth it out a bit. I pushed through and I'll admit the school area is a slog but it gets more intense and fun after that. For those who want to give it a go, here are my suggestions.
- While in the school only craft beds, fires, and melee upgrade tables (only 1 or 2 of these are needed). Food is plentiful and the fires can clean your polluted water. The research table can also be helpful for raising your HP, but for the most part that shouldn't be necessary until you get outside the school.
- Don't worry about using your pistol in the school either. Just collect ammo and use your sword. It'll be slow but after two or three upgrades, you'll be one-shotting most enemies. Once you're outside, there are some quick futa enemies that you'll need the pistol (and rifle) for.
GAME BREAKING BUG. I managed to get into the base and am in the room that has the arrow pointing down to (what I'm assuming) is the final boss but when I try to enter the ladder, the game freezes and then closes out after a few seconds. Tried leaving the room and then coming back in to see if that might change something, but no luck. Trying to enter the boss room locks it up every time.
(Edit): I destroyed the bed I crafted in the room and then I was allowed to enter the boss room.