I think getting the show pirated version screen is just the games way of telling you that you got a bad ending. I'm currently in a route with a girl. I've already seen one h-scene, and later today I'll finish the route (It's late and I'm tired). If I get that screen again, then it's some sort of weird DRM in the game itself. Otherwise, I think it might just be a parody of something. There's a reason why they got the VA for Kiryu (He has a role in the game itself) to voice the line.
I'll update when I finish the route after I sleep. If it's there after finishing a route properly, or if it's just not there at all when doing a route. If it's just on bad endings, I think it might be on purpose. Only way to know for sure is for someone who actually owns the game properly won't get that splash screen. If it was true DRM, wouldn't the game refuse to start up and give you a bad ending immediately?