So, did the real creator die, or give up, or just run out of ideas and ability, then rage-quit, then change his/her mind and try to rekindle a smoldering ember?
I only ask, because I started playing this game again, remembering it being fun and having a similar "what my brain constructed", format... But I realize now that I could not have been more wrong. Wow, this game went from bad to worse in just three years, without taking one step forward in that time! I just didn't remember how bad it was, until I played it again. It was so much better in my mind.
None of the 1.10.xx versions work right for me, at all. Missing stats, missing indicator bars, broken EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE and poor setup and install instructions which are a "requirement" just to play the "Beta". (I get it, it's a beta... It works until it doesn't then it works again, hopefully, eventually.)
Stuck playing 1.9.xx (Whatever the latest one is.) Which is only a little bit better. It works, sort-of... So many "too specific events", are killing the game, because whatever code SHOULD be triggering the events, just isn't happening, for whatever reason. (It's not about randomness. I am talking about the hard-coded events that should happen, in sequence.)
Got hit with the "Carl Walker" bug, where I now have 48 pictures of him and there is no event interaction happening with him, at any point in time, at any location, in any instance. So that is a dead end. Even though, if you push through the broken event, you CAN eventually get to the other investigations. Requires multiple visits to break through the broken event. But the detective still gives me a new picture every time, though there are "NONE" events. (That's some stupid programming! Who makes "NONE" events, tied to an option to select? Why show the button at all, or even the investigator, or the office? If there is NONE left.)
Both of teachers that SHOULD be paying me a visit, in my office, to "service me", never show-up and calling them to my office leaves them just standing there, as dumb as the other random characters. Same with the one student who should also be visiting me, but doesn't. (Not sure if Peter should visit, but I think it said something about that when I accidentally picked the wrong choice and made him my "slave".)
The teacher who should be handling detention in the basement never shows-up. Students don't show-up either, when I select that as the punishment.
Not sure what happened to the girl I rescued, but I chose to let her go, and never saw her again. So anti-climatic, unless that is just ALSO another broken event.
The teacher into "younger students", that whole chain is busted, because of some stupid issue with "[Color]" not being a valid color. Got past that, but it only did the first interaction of choices, then died and no more after that.
The game seems dead now, with nothing left to do, but I KNOW I don't have all the PTA items done... Well, I thought there was more to do. Would be nice to see something to indicate that there are no more... Instead of another "NOTHING" as a "blank list of items to NOT select", at a PTA meeting.
Everyone in town is essentially naked, fucking all over, and I am able to fuck anyone in public, anywhere and have nearly zero issues with anyone. Corruption and Lust and Inhibition are finally maxxed, after DAYS of painful hypnotizing of everyone in tiny groups of 20. I am sure a few have some wiggle-room, but I can't find them. I'm not THAT ambitious to try all 1200 people, individually.
Classes are not at 100% yet, but I am not sure what the point is anymore... Besides hitting those numbers, just to hit them, or end the game after the 2nd year. (Just entered the 2nd year now, and I am totally bored at this point, and apparently also stuck. As if getting un-stuck might do something more... I already have all PTA items, as far as I know, unless more are hidden in these broken events.)
Still don't like.. no, I hate, the messed-up "date system" interactions. So uninformative and horribly executed, and lack-luster and uneventful at the same time. I can have sex with anyone, at almost any time, by just hypnotizing them. Why waste any more effort that just makes it harder? Don't even need numbers or birthdays or addresses. Just pick them off the street and do whatever you want and they like it, many times without even hypnotizing. (Guess there are a few stubborn ones. That's a realistic bonus.)
Don't get me started on the pregnancy mod... Cute, but OMG, it's about as needed, or functional, as the rest of the game. (Understandable that it's a new addition. So that isn't a complaint and it's more of a general observation.)
Still annoyed that the classes keep defaulting back to 11 classes, after taking time to reduce them so they match the number of teachers. Then it erases the actual schedules, if you reduce them! Adding the fact that it keeps pooling people into class #2 and #11, while reducing numbers of students in other classes, where they are NEEDED. For no apparent reason, after you purposely set them to be "distributed". But if you leave all 11 classes, which makes many classes without teachers, then it doesn't mess with altering the students in classes and because you leave it at 11 classes, it doesn't erase your scheduled classes. Again, screwing with the students because there are only a limited number of classes that use the same rooms.
Honestly, the whole "classes system", is a waste of a game element. It honestly doesn't matter and no-one wants to manage 400 individual students in such a clumsy way. Especially when they defy your actions and go "wherever", after you close the screen. I am still not sure why it even exists in the game, except just to exist. That could have been left totally automated and "assumed". (What school even allows students to enter school past enrollment, who is totally uneducated, at-least up to that same level of education as the others?)
Oh, now there is an unfinished VIP area in the unfinished Cabaret Lobby, with the unfinished Club/Bar and the unfinished Dining Room... To go along with the unfinished Church and the unfinished everything-else that is in the game. Ten years later and it's getting an update to a new system that just breaks everything more and makes it even harder and more confusing to add and develop mods, for all the unfinished locations and broken events! Was this game silently handed down to someone, or is it just at the creative and programming limits of its creator?
Adding insult to injury, the horrible map navigation STILL hasn't changed to make logical sense. Not even in relation to the map that is provided in two annoying parts. (With and without roads, which is literally ZERO help or function in navigating. Especially since half the locations are just roads themselves. So it just shows more roads that you can't even select to navigate to?!?!)
I was tempted to get a walk-through, but in the current state of the game, I don't think it will offer much help. It's a dice-roll to see if it works, or not, and you are forced to do it all over again, and hope for the best the second, third, fourth... That's a LOT of effort for such little content. By the time I get to anything possibly fappable, I forgot that I even wanted to fap! Then I think to myself... This doesn't belong here... Oh wait, that's right, it does... It just should have been here ten days sooner. Then there is points where it's just fap, fap, fap, fap content, and you forget that you are playing a game, and wonder why it suddenly all stopped and you are fighting the game, just to get it to function again, for more fapables that you already saw too much of, ten times over.