
Feb 5, 2021
Windows 11 Home x64 base install from iso. 23H2. Local account. Could not be bothered to install vmware drivers.
Downloaded and installed latest .Net (8.0.204 SDK) from Microsoft.
Downloaded and installed VC 2015 x64 runtime from MS.
Downloaded and installed seven zip.
Downloaded the game.
Unpacked game in C:\Games
Started hhs+.exe

other box got only 3.1 and 6.0 runtimes and bunch of vc versions that got loaded by other games. Also works.

c:\Program Files\dotnet>dotnet.exe --list-runtimes
Microsoft.NETCore.App 3.1.8 [c:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App]
Microsoft.NETCore.App 6.0.11 [c:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App]
Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 3.1.8 [c:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App]
Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 6.0.11 [c:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App]
well, i did basicaly the same, that is reason why im confused why it dont work. since on my other pc game runs without any problems.
that is reason if there are some specific demands for game to run (ram size, cpu speed, display size...etc)


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2018
well, i did basicaly the same, that is reason why im confused why it dont work. since on my other pc game runs without any problems.
that is reason if there are some specific demands for game to run (ram size, cpu speed, display size...etc)
Vmware allocated 2CPU cores, 4 GB ram and 64GB disk to Win11 virt. Only minimal required TPM support enabled. UK English locale. vmware drivers were not installed before testing. So basic non-accelerated video that does not take advantage of real GPU. Real machine got cpu and graphics card bought before global emergency. 16GB ram, 8 core CPU without hyperthreading and Windows with more exotic locale. 1920x1080 monitor. My locale is not as exotic as the ones found around Turkey.

Maybe you got less memory or tried to run exe from inside archive.
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Active Member
Dec 9, 2017
I haven't played the game in years and just downloaded the newest version and I'm running in to a problem with the menus right away. When i go to the Teacher Assignments menu I simply can't click on any of the assignments that are lower down, if I try to click on Math for instance the text box at the bottom of the screen moves up and down, so I can never click Math.

I realize I can use tab or arrow keys to select these but it's kinda awkward and feeling like this is probably going to be an issue with other menus in the game, is this a known issue or are there some settings I should check out? Not sure if DPI scaling might help. EDIT it did not.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2018
I haven't played the game in years and just downloaded the newest version and I'm running in to a problem with the menus right away. When i go to the Teacher Assignments menu I simply can't click on any of the assignments that are lower down, if I try to click on Math for instance the text box at the bottom of the screen moves up and down, so I can never click Math.

I realize I can use tab or arrow keys to select these but it's kinda awkward and feeling like this is probably going to be an issue with other menus in the game, is this a known issue or are there some settings I should check out? Not sure if DPI scaling might help. EDIT it did not.
No way to get higher resolution or resize window? Your screen or window is around 1024x768. Text in there is too small even for my preference and I can't advise to change font size in skin for that.

Other screens should not have that problem as they do not include large amount of checkboxes with hover tips and tons of helpful text. At 1024x768 resolution UI does look cramped.
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Jul 27, 2021
Does anyone else get a bug when visiting a generic NPC's house? It's cancelled more than a couple of dates at this point.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2018
Is there a fix or do I just have to cope?
From HHS forum.

"Since no one mentioned the fix to the error mentioned by Chipichan, you need to edit the event ExtensionLibrary\Smartphone\Main\ManageViewVisit. Search for id 414 (or line 5070 if you use a text editor), and change the file name from Btn_GeneralHomeLeave to ConnectStreetExit. The directory of the file stays the same."

File is in Mods\Lexville\Events\ExtensionLibrary\Smartphone\Main

Change, add updated objects via debug (same update procedure as for normal game, when using older saves), starts working.
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Jul 27, 2021
From HHS forum.

"Since no one mentioned the fix to the error mentioned by Chipichan, you need to edit the event ExtensionLibrary\Smartphone\Main\ManageViewVisit. Search for id 414 (or line 5070 if you use a text editor), and change the file name from Btn_GeneralHomeLeave to ConnectStreetExit. The directory of the file stays the same."

File is in Mods\Lexville\Events\ExtensionLibrary\Smartphone\Main

Change, add updated objects via debug (same update procedure as for normal game, when using older saves), starts working.
Brilliant, it's working now. Thank you!


Dec 9, 2022
Has anyone had an Exception Report when trying to enter an NPC home? (one of the generic homes)
ExtensionLibrary\Smartphone\Main\ManageViewVisit [EXEC] caused an exception at operation SeqAct_LocationString (ID: 413).
    called by Location\City Streets Shared\Btn_GotoGenNPCHomeLocal at SeqActLat_RemoteEvent (ID: 2)
Event Location\General Home Shared\Home\Btn_GeneralHomeLeave not known
Anyone dealt with this before?
I'm getting exact same error. Have you been able to find a solution?


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
Are there any mods for more in depth management of the academic part of the school?
I have an excel spreadsheet where I keep track of my school. It tracks through the first teachers hired and the number of classes allowed and the courses that are being taught at any point in time. I keep a smaller school until I can pass most of the more extreme PTA rules, but I don't always implement them because of the hit on reputation. Teachers are assigned only 2 subjects at the start and they are rotated through the classes. It has allowed my education to rise pretty high, seeing small hits when new students are brought in.

I also maintain the school in the normal uniforms and let the game undress the students based on stats so every Monday morning I sort the students based on their level of undress, keeping the quest students and the most undressed in the first class and then working down to the newest students and least undressed in the current highest numbered class. Currently I do sexy uniform Thursdays and naked Fridays. I have the bondage class but have not unlocked bondage uniforms. It's important to change back to the normal uniforms on Friday to avoid the rep hit on the weekend and to have them in the normal uniforms for Monday morning. Keeping the class at about the same undress level limits some of the more lewd things you might catch your students doing when entering classrooms from taking a larger rep hit with the some are shocked responses.

I have not found a hit on reputation for keeping classes at 40 students so I let the highest number class be smaller and it catches all the new students.


Mar 1, 2020
i have to get better Cheerleader Uniforms for my Club.
I already was at the clothing shop at the shopping district and i gut a conversion about the unforms but i forgot what the owner told me ^^

Now i can only buy clothers for me
I also cant buy them online, my journal only thells me to get them and on the school computer >> Club Sections i dont find anything eather.

Do you know where i have to look?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2017
After buying the uniforms, you should have a note in the calendar at which date they are delivered. Then talk to the owner again. After that, the next day they are delivered into the side room of the gym. Put them up there, then talk to the cheerleaders.


Mar 1, 2020
Sadly this is not the case.
I got the conversation at the clothes store in the End of February 2010 now we have 8th of March and i have no reminders for a cheerleader Uniform delivery in my smartphones calender (i checked the whole year)

I also checked the Gym and the Gym Depot room... nothing there...
I also spoke with the clubs president - no talkoptions about uniforms
I Checked the Journal > i have the Task to get the Uniforms
I Checkecd the clothing store (Priscillas Boutique) - no talk options

OMG - it looks like there are working at least 2 people at the Store
When you come to the store in the morning there is the Store Manager and when she is there the ordering works! If you come after school there is only a working clerk and it looks like he cant do it.

Problem solved


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2018
Tykopulus Obviously late since you figured it out, but you are completely right: the generic clerks cannot handle the order, you have to talk to Priscilla herself. IIRC if you go to the store and try to order the uniforms via the clerk, they even tell you to come back when Priscilla is in.

Also, I think every store has multiple public servants: the owner + one or two assistants (labeled as such) on weekdays, and another assistant or two on weekends (because the owners do not work on weekends). Even the hospital follows this.
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