RPGM Henteria Chronicles Ch. 3 : The Peacekeepers [Update 15] [N_taii]

4.50 star(s) 37 Votes


Oct 3, 2017
Any form of human expression and creativity is art. A rule-34 piece of some popular anime girl is art. An erotic smut book like Fifty Shades of Grey is art. People make sculptures of vaginas and penises. There are erotic performance shows in some countries where people have sex on stage. And RPGMaker games are...

You guessed it. Art. Art doesn't need to be high quality- Look at the thousands of shitty reality TV shows made over the years, or the god-awful movies that release and undersell. Just because it's bad, or because it's lewd, or because it depicts certain themes heavily does not reduce it from art.

The creator of this game is not forced to do anything. They choose to include sex scenes. Sure, it's financially motivated... But the Marvel Cinematic Universe is also financially motivated based on viewer response. So are weekly mangas, who if they are not popular enough get axed or cancelled. Unfortunately we live in a world where artists are not free to write the stories they wish- That does not mean their works are not art. And honestly? I find it incredibly disrespectful for you to suggest that the countless hours of hard work put into these games- The music, the art (pixel and drawn), the animations, the writing- That not even a single element of it is enough to constitute art, let alone combined... Simply because it has girls getting fucked.

Maybe the creator of this game WANTS sex scenes. Like you keep saying... It is, after all, a pornographic. If the author suddenly released a chapter with no sex scenes, does that make the game legitimate art in your eyes? Your logic is highly flawed, as it nullifies 99% of the artwork created in modern day.

Hell, you realise how much artwork in the past was commissioned or made on request from someone else? The Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was a 'forced quota'.
Dude. You're not paying attention to what I'm saying. It's obvious you're going to keep coming up with your own interpretation. So I'm not gonna keep explaining it. Just drop it and lets move on. As it's gotten to the point of just wasting both of our time.


Aug 7, 2019
Waiting to play this till close to the end. Hoping for scenes where they do it in front of MC and dont care he is watching. Something CH 2 was so close to having happen but didnt.


Jan 26, 2024
Hi! Just stumbled upon this game and from what I've read in the review/post this game seems like a banger but I have a couple of questions!

Do we know if the game is close to the end? If not are we far from it? I'm mainly asking because if the game will end in a few months I'll probably just wait until then to play it
Aug 13, 2024
We're pretty far off. We get an update once a month, and each update is about an hour long in gameplay.

I'd say the game is... 60-70% through the story, but it's taken several years to get to this point with development inbetween each update taking a little longer due to the developer adding more detail and complexities to animations and the story. If I had to guess, the game will probably be finished earliest, third quarter of 2025.


Nov 3, 2019
Ah yes the ceremonial debate before an upcoming update.
Nah man, there was nothing ceremonious about the last 3 days here, this was a different kind of animal entirely. I don't remember the last time this many words were spoken in this little amount of time on this thread, and the funniest thing is that it wasn't even about the upcoming Update at all. xdd


Nov 3, 2019
Do we know if the game is close to the end? If not are we far from it? I'm mainly asking because if the game will end in a few months I'll probably just wait until then to play it
If I had to guess, the game will probably be finished earliest, third quarter of 2025.
I have no way of knowing what N_Taii's plans are for the story but i would be...surprised, to put it lightly, if the game would end before 2026. I could definitely be wrong but i just simply don't see how that's possible, we're 16 months away from 2026 and for HC3 that's...i would say 10, maybe 11 updates at best, substract 4 because that's how many endings there will be and each one gets it's own Update, and now you're left with 6 or 7 Updates for both the main story AND the 2 side characters, and that is if the very last Updates comes out in December next year.

Miss Y

Sep 12, 2016
and the funniest thing is that it wasn't even about the upcoming Update at all. xdd
In all fairness... Even with Haylen being my favorite character in the game, it feels like there really isn't much to talk about from the previews of this update. And I don't mean that in a "man, it looks boring" way to complain, but just that there isn't a whole lot of substance that we can glean from them at a glance without seeing the context.

You have Haylen masturbating in her bedroom which feels pretty baseline at this point in the story, Haylen dreaming about being naked around Leto which did spark its own little discussion, and then Jazon walking away with Haylen at night. Even the written parts are mostly straight-forward and to the point, not really teasing anything specific other than the extra freeroam scenes.
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Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
You hard disagree against reality?
Ah yes. Reality. That thing that is highly subjective and interpretative to everyone's unique viewpoint.
You are right.

Paintings are art. Music is art. Movies are art. Games are art. Porn games are art. To think anything is compromised or less valuable or hard to do or has to be looked down upon just because it is erotic, if some of the oldest art in the world is erotica and some of the most popular media pieces on earth are based on or involve sexual acts is just arrogant.

Nobody says any game here needs to be a "Lord of the Rings" or a Game of Thrones or a Monogatari. But that does not mean there can't be good writing within the confines of the genre of porn game.

Lets drop the debate. Clearly there is no common ground we can find here. You have your opinion
and everyone who disagrees is not seeing reality for what it is.


Oct 3, 2017
Ah yes. Reality. That thing that is highly subjective and interpretative to everyone's unique viewpoint.
You are right.

Paintings are art. Music is art. Movies are art. Games are art. Porn games are art. To think anything is compromised or less valuable or hard to do or has to be looked down upon just because it is erotic, if some of the oldest art in the world is erotica and some of the most popular media pieces on earth are based on or involve sexual acts is just arrogant.

Nobody says any game here needs to be a "Lord of the Rings" or a Game of Thrones or a Monogatari. But that does not mean there can't be good writing within the confines of the genre of porn game.

Lets drop the debate. Clearly there is no common ground we can find here. You have your opinion
and everyone who disagrees is not seeing reality for what it is.
The part your quoting I sectioned off. As I'm asking you why you said you hard disagreed with me calling a porn game a porn game. Which is what Hentaria is. That's the reality and it isn't subjective. These games on this site are porn games.

But Seeing as you cut out everything I was addressing in the part that you wanted to quote. To hard focus on a singular part and misrepresent what I just said. Then going a tangent that ignores the point I was making in that quote. It would be pointless to continue, so I do agree with you there.


Aug 5, 2018
The part your quoting I sectioned off. As I'm asking you why you said you hard disagreed with me calling a porn game a porn game. Which is what Hentaria is. That's the reality and it isn't subjective. These games on this site are porn games.
I know I'm prolonging this debate when y'all trying to end it but let me express my thought.
I don't think anyone here disagrees with your "porn is porn" point, after all it's an obvious fact. They are trying to debate your whole "porn games aren't art" but you keep derailing it into wrong direction.
But for the games, it'll be stretch to call them art. When within it's genre, they're obligated to have a sex scene per chapter. That's being forced to do something rather than doing it for artistic purposes. If the developers had real artistic freedom to tell their stories, they'd be able to go several chapters with absolutely no sex scenes without push back. Hell, they should be able to have only the most necessary scenes have sex within the story. Even if that meant having two sex scenes within the games lifetime. But, that's not the case. No matter how you try to look at it, the developers of the games have to meet a quota. And, if you think forced quotas is art, well..we'll just have to disagree on that.
Personally I disagree with this part. Sex is not some forced quota, it's literally a core of it's genre. Porn was created to satisfy people's sexual fetishes/desires. There's a big difference between games that use sexual relationships as flavor to story and those that build story around porn. First one wouldn't be considered a porn game since it's not focused on satisfying sexual desires of its players. This is where you lost your point. You mix up porn games with other ones that contain sex only for adding some spice to story.
There's nothing forced. Developer can choose how he presents his game freely: it's either a game with some erotica or straight up porn game. I agree there's a lot of poorly written porn games but even so it doesn't exlude them from being art. All it comes to is its quality, not to its right to be called art.
Oct 17, 2017
I hardly paid attention to this dumb debate, but I'll say this: I can't stand the breadtuber-adjacent people here trying to extract a deeper meaning or hold a porn game up to the same standards as a non-pornographic story. This is a porn game, but it's still a work of art too. Its purpose is to make us cum, but there's thought and effort put into it, and we all can appreciate what goes into this game and other porn games.


New Member
Aug 5, 2018
Let's have a different topic!

1) What are your favourite 'types' of corruption in netorare? To give some examples: The Duke I would say is a form of coercion and manipulation, using real threats to convince Rose to give herself up to him. Ulrod is more emotional degradation/gaslighting, using Cyanna's trauma and low self-worth against her. Lily is similar to Rose-Coercion in the form of offering a better life.

Haylen is purely sexual, or abusing a loneliness and lack of intimacy.

Other types are blackmail, addiction of any sort... I'm just curious to see what types of netorare you feel are either over-used or underused.

2) What is your favourite corruption progression?

The classic one is: Groping -> Making Out -> Handjob -> Blowjob -> Condom sex -> Raw sex -> Anal -> Degeneracy.

What sort of things do you feel these games miss out on? Do you think it goes too fast? Too slow? How would you change, for example, Rose or Cyanna's progression in the grand scheme of things to suit YOUR perfect netorare vision?


Oct 3, 2017
I know I'm prolonging this debate when y'all trying to end it but let me express my thought.
I don't think anyone here disagrees with your "porn is porn" point, after all it's an obvious fact. They are trying to debate your whole "porn games aren't art" but you keep derailing it into wrong direction.
An obvious point that one of them said they highly disagreed with when they sectioned it off to quote it. Instead of jumping in to make this go longer. Go back and reread what was written. I'm not going over this again.

Personally I disagree with this part. Sex is not some forced quota, it's literally a core of it's genre. Porn was created to satisfy people's sexual fetishes/desires. There's a big difference between games that use sexual relationships as flavor to story and those that build story around porn. First one wouldn't be considered a porn game since it's not focused on satisfying sexual desires of its players. This is where you lost your point. You mix up porn games with other ones that contain sex only for adding some spice to story.
There's nothing forced. Developer can choose how he presents his game freely: it's either a game with some erotica or straight up porn game. I agree there's a lot of poorly written porn games but even so it doesn't exlude them from being art. All it comes to is its quality, not to its right to be called art.


Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
I hardly paid attention to this dumb debate, but I'll say this: I can't stand the breadtuber-adjacent people here trying to extract a deeper meaning or hold a porn game up to the same standards as a non-pornographic story. This is a porn game, but it's still a work of art too. Its purpose is to make us cum, but there's thought and effort put into it, and we all can appreciate what goes into this game and other porn games.
I never said anything other than that, and I think most other people are coming from the same angle. Nobody thinks this is the height of writing, but to dismiss it isn't fair either. I think some of the people drawing and writing porn games have genuine talent and they can build a really good narrative at times. Tropes are tropes, but most of us accept them as part of the genre, we know the porn-logic would not work without those tropes. I think there is some writers making h-games - even if they are in the minority - who are setting higher standards for themselves (within the genre). Maybe even have idols and ambitions that go beyond porn. But they chose this field because they just like telling and creating these kinds of stories and because its profitable on top of that. I think there is nothing wrong with that. And there is nothing wrong wanting a bit more quality out of your porn.

Yes, the primary objective is to satisfy your kinks. But who here has not had the experience before, that they booted up a game, they played a bit into it, played some scenes, and as they are midway in the game they climax, but it kind of feels shitty afterwards. Cause it feels like there was no substance. In contrast, there is stories where you can "waste" a good evening, couple of hours, playing through a game and you finish your evening (or the game) thinking "damn, that was really satisfying", "I think im gonna leave the game installed, I might replay parts of it, explore the scenes I have not seen yet or that I skipped over the first time".

It's the quality that makes the difference between a "pump and dump" kind of game that you afterwards feel "wasted" your time, and a game where you are like "yea it might have JUST been porn, but that was a decent read and I don't mind having spend a few hours with it, might even do it again".
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Miss Y

Sep 12, 2016
1) What are your favourite 'types' of corruption in netorare? [...] I'm just curious to see what types of netorare you feel are either over-used or underused.
I think my favorite type of corruption would have to be just pure, unflinching persistence that gradually wears her down over time. Going from someone who she despises and absolutely can't stand to even be around to making small, gradual concessions that weaken her ability to control their interactions. I just love that kind of "power swap" dynamic of a dominant, assertive woman turning out to be surprisingly submissive as soon as someone is bold enough to scratch the surface.

In terms of over-used... In the past few years, I have grown incredibly weary of the "muahaha, all according to my plan!" archetype of NTR villains leading her down the path of corruption step-by-step. It just feels way too contrived to me, like the entire story is dictated solely by the need to make the bad guy seem competent by just having him automatically succeed.

That, and I've never enjoyed the kind of corruption that just comes down to the guy being some absolute beefcake with a massive dick because I'm not attracted to muscular men at all, so it just winds up making me feel uncomfortable when the NTR really fixates on how "hot" the guy is. Hell, that's probably why I enjoy Henteria/NTRPG-style games so much, because even when you have characters like Edwyr or Ulrod who are supposed to be buff as hell, I have an easier time ignoring that because the sprites aren't as detailed as full-sized character art.

2) What is your favourite corruption progression?

The classic one is: Groping -> Making Out -> Handjob -> Blowjob -> Condom sex -> Raw sex -> Anal -> Degeneracy.

What sort of things do you feel these games miss out on? Do you think it goes too fast? Too slow? How would you change, for example, Rose or Cyanna's progression in the grand scheme of things to suit YOUR perfect netorare vision?
Can't say that I have a specific progression that I prefer, since it really comes down to the specific story. But in that light, I think the one thing that really stands out to be is having it be so rigid and predictable by breaking each and every step into its own full quest, which deflates a lot of the suspense for me when you have repeated instances in the same game of multiple characters drawing the exact same boundaries: that this is the update where she where gives him a blowjob, but then refuses to go beyond that because it's too soon for that to happen. I don't mind the actual amount of time that it takes to actually get there in the story, but the actual process of going through each step makes it feel too mechanical for me to fully enjoy it.

If I had to change anything, I would probably just roll a couple of the super early ones together to make things feel more spontaneous... and then nix condom sex and anal. The former because I feel like it's mostly redundant and only works well as a major milestone in shorter stories with much more aggressive pacing, as "the big moment" where a line of no return gets crossed. But as just one step out of eight or more, it doesn't hit with nearly the same impact. And the latter because I simply don't enjoy it in the slightest and wind up skipping every single scene that focuses on anal. It's a total mood-killer for me. I tried to power through it with Neve's storyline in Chapter 2, but it just made the whole experience miserable and I eventually gave up.

As far as things that are missing? I think the most notable thing would be... like, seeing more gossip and a change in reputation over time. It's a little specific to describe, but using Cyanna as an example, I would have really enjoyed some parts in the earlier stages where you got more examples of how other guards viewed her. The game makes it pretty clear that she is well-respected, but you mostly get that through the narration or other characters outright telling her how much everyone respects her instead of Leto being able to go around the casern on his own and optionally talk to NPCs standing around, to hear what they think of her. Hearing little bits of stories about how scary it is to train with her because she is so strong, or having them debate if she is some emotionless hardass or a "stern, but loving" kind of leader who can't show how much she truly cares about her subordinates. Maybe with the occasional little joke about being motivated to climb high enough in the ranks to impress her so that she will accept a marriage proposal. And then, as the corruption progresses, having the "mood" of the casern change alongside it. That even if the rank-and-file guards don't know what is going on with her behind closed doors, they are still picking up on the new atmosphere and are being affected by it — to where those innocent "I'm going to marry her some day" jokes would become a lot more sexually explicit and objectifying in nature.

Or using Chapter 2 as a counter-example... I don't feel like you ever saw that much of a reaction in the village to how much Aywin and Celis had changed. You eventually get the "partner swapping" scene with all of the side-characters where they all have a laugh about how surprised they are to see what was going on outside of their individual storylines, but it felt a little too abrupt and didn't stick around once that scene was over.


Nov 3, 2019
In all fairness... Even with Haylen being my favorite character in the game, it feels like there really isn't much to talk about from the previews of this update. And I don't mean that in a "man, it looks boring" way to complain, but just that there isn't a whole lot of substance that we can glean from them at a glance without seeing the context.

You have Haylen masturbating in her bedroom which feels pretty baseline at this point in the story, Haylen dreaming about being naked around Leto which did spark its own little discussion, and then Jazon walking away with Haylen at night. Even the written parts are mostly straight-forward and to the point, not really teasing anything specific other than the extra freeroam scenes.
Oh for sure, i was actually about to add basically exacly what you just said to my previous post but then i decided not to cause it was not that important to what i was responding to, but yeah i completely agree, and to be clear i wasn't calling people out for not talking about the Update cause....well, there's not much to talk about as you just mentioned, i was just finding it funny how the most heated debate in the history of this thread is going down while we're less than a week away from the release and it has nothing to do with the Update itself.

It's weird to think how little we actually know about this Update, besides that there is going to be a picknick in the woods somewhere, we're completely in the dark about everything, i don't think there has ever been an Update before where we were given this little context through the PoL's. I even remember the previous Haylen quest and how we were theorizing that Jazon and his Uncle is going to come up with a scheme that's gonna make Haylen agree to him moving in with her, compared to that this is barely anything.
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Oct 17, 2017
I think my favorite type of corruption would have to be just pure, unflinching persistence that gradually wears her down over time. Going from someone who she despises and absolutely can't stand to even be around to making small, gradual concessions that weaken her ability to control their interactions. I just love that kind of "power swap" dynamic of a dominant, assertive woman turning out to be surprisingly submissive as soon as someone is bold enough to scratch the surface.
Persistence is a great form of corruption. It's incredible when a man, especially an ugly bastard, has an unshakeable will to bed the hot, dominant, and assertive woman. Rape would ironically cheapen the corruption imo. The persistent man has to at least get a "yes", even a "yes" under pressure, to fulfill his conquest.
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Active Member
Oct 9, 2021
1) What are your favourite 'types' of corruption in netorare?
I'm a big fan of “necessary to live”, NTR happens because of tragedy, hunger or so that someone doesn't get killed/imprisoned, especially if the details of the heroine being disgusted or crying are well done, for example: The wife having to have sex in her wedding dress for fear of her husband being executed.

2) What is your favourite corruption progression?
I really like it when things happen before the game starts, and then there's a lot of kissing and harassment.
Or when it starts with a rape without the husband knowing and then slowly progresses with kisses, naked photos or handjobs.
4.50 star(s) 37 Votes