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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2018
goldenprophet Knock the enemy down, equip the chains (I have it bound to a hotkey for quickswap), use it on the enemy. The exact same process you would follow if you wanted to strip an enemy and initiate sex, except you have the chains equipped as a weapon when you hit "Strip".


New Member
Aug 30, 2018
sorry to bother you all someone have the mikew mods i downloaded the mystery dungeon and hrt heroes but need the mike mods and they were erased from reddit


Jan 2, 2022
someone have the mikew mods
I've found 4 mods by Mike W lying around. I guess I didn't download all from Reddit, just those that seemed interesting to me. You can grab those here:

(unrelated) Also I've updated Bulcnem (male opponents) to new version (new completed dungeon and one unfinished), I don't think anyone's interested but if accidentally, here it is:

(even less related) Also, some time ago I've made a (huge but unfinished) rework of Eternal Mystery Dungeon mod, if anyone's needs something like that, ping me, I'll check out in which state it is and upload it somewhere.


New Member
Aug 30, 2018
I've found 4 mods by Mike W lying around. I guess I didn't download all from Reddit, just those that seemed interesting to me. You can grab those here:

(unrelated) Also I've updated Bulcnem (male opponents) to new version (new completed dungeon and one unfinished), I don't think anyone's interested but if accidentally, here it is:

(even less related) Also, some time ago I've made a (huge but unfinished) rework of Eternal Mystery Dungeon mod, if anyone's needs something like that, ping me, I'll check out in which state it is and upload it somewhere.
Thank you and yes i want to see how you have changed ths amazing mods
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Jan 2, 2022
Ok, tested it and it looks like "Pokdun lvl.5-20", "Pokdun lvl.15-25" and "Pokdun lvl.20-35" are in proper state. "Swarm lvl.25-30" is just one hard level and I'd say it's far from finished.

Download here: (67Mb)

I hope I included all dependencies inside. But if something doesn't work (shows error in log) ping me, I'll be able to fix it quickly.

Tested on v0.51, but shouldn't be any problem running it with the latest version. It will most likely conflict with Eternal Mystery Dungeon and Mike W Desert Sands, so it's better to remove those mods before installing this one. It shouldn't cause any issues with the save game, just some items will go missing on start. However, this mod was balanced to start "from level 1". Those numbers after dungeon names are heroes levels those were designed for. Note that the mod is hard, just as Eternal Mystery Dungeon.

Credits: EterDecay (most of the stuff, I saw that a lot of his assets were made in cooperation with Enlit3d), Enlit3d, Mike W (at least Harpies, but most likely I've used something more), XCross, maybe someone more.
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New Member
Sep 27, 2020
Can someone explain to me how things are supposed to be done in this game? I tried to capture boss girls several times with the restrains (tying them up and walking in the portal) but nothing happens. I land in the village and nobody is there, nothing pops up in the prison, etc. How do you start a seducing battle or whatever it is called? What do the options Attack dir, Guard dir and Button mash in the control screen mean? I need a guide or something, because I don't understand things at all.


Jun 28, 2018
Can someone explain to me how things are supposed to be done in this game? I tried to capture boss girls several times with the restrains (tying them up and walking in the portal) but nothing happens. I land in the village and nobody is there, nothing pops up in the prison, etc. How do you start a seducing battle or whatever it is called? What do the options Attack dir, Guard dir and Button mash in the control screen mean? I need a guide or something, because I don't understand things at all.
You can't capture the boss girls, only the minions wandering the dungeon. Supposedly you just need to restrain them, but I couldn't get that to work properly. I've found that you can restrain the minions and then carry them to one of the objects (pillory, hole in the wall, wall cross, etc. etc.). Once you've got them on whatever object it is, you "punish" them, and once the punishment is finished they will follow you and fight the others as you find them. Honestly though it's easier to lead them back to the portal room and make them stay in a corner so they don't get killed.


Jul 4, 2018
To be more precise, there are two situations when you can convert enemies to your team in vanilla game. First one is the temporary conversion of non-unique enemies. You can tell which ones are convertible from the way they behave after you beat them. Unique enemies just continue to lie on the ground at the spot of their defeat, non-uniques - dissapear. With that in mind, you can knock out your conversion target with "stagger weapons" (clubs, maces), bind it and either leave the level through portal (while carrying it), or put the enemy onto a device and choose a "punish" option (any move really, lewd or humiliating). I don't remember wheter if it is a requirement to have "restraint_chains" equipped, maybe it's only for "punishing" friendlies. After you start doing your move the npc's HP will be going down, when it reaches 0 (or enemy's pink scale reaches 100) the conversion will take place. Note that the speed at which you will be damaging enemy's HP is determined by your "Charisma" stat, their defence against such attacks is equal to their "Willpower" stat and the overall length of the grab is determined by their "Strength" and "Dexterity" (faster struggle out). After a successful conversion this unit will gain thralled status effect(will temporarily join your party).
Second situation is about prisoners. Once you leave the level through a portal all currently bound (and if I remember correctly, knocked out with lewd attacks or maybe only those that died from masturbation) and "Thralled" non-unique enemies will be in the "capture" pool. You can put them in the right side of the "What to do with these units?" window. Then, when you visit the prison in town they will appear there (maximum of ten units at once). You can once again do lewd moves on them and this time they will have a chance to either die or join your team permanently upon having an orgasm. Successful conversion will make them run off and disappear. Later you can call them out to join your party from "party managment" window in the "Tavern Keeper's" dialogue. Faster way to do mass conversion is to visit the "Demon/Succubus Girl" in town (the one who sells skillbooks and stap-ons, if I remember it right). She'll instantly convert 30% of your prisoners to your team. Since all those units are non-uniques they will also immediately despawn on beeing killed, which means once their HP reaches 0 - they're gone.


Jul 4, 2018
I think, this functionality is not present in the game. At least not directly, but it is possible to get magical and enchanted equipment in a roundabout way. It is possible to designate items to NPCs via their .json config file and then use console command to become said NPC, put the items you want in your inventory and turn back to your original self. It is also possible to get magical items as quest or dungeon rewards, again through their specific .json data blocks.

Basically, what you need is to add this block instead of an equipped item uid in unit specific .json

"<equipSlot>": {
"itemId": "<ItemUID>",
"data": {
"enchantLevel": <value(Number,1 to 10)>,
"modifiers": [
["<modifier1>", <value1>],
["<modifier2>", <value2>]
"_allEffects": {}
"equipSlot" is only needed if you want to design/change a NPC with a specific equipped item, "UID" is the database name of the item, "modifiers" are prefix and affix names of magic effects, "values" are the strength of the effect, ranging from 0 to 1.

After you modify and save the config file, start the game and enable cheats ("enable_cheats" command). You can change player unit with "init_player <UID>" command. This doesn't change your inventory, so you can unequip items that you want and return to normal with ' init_player "UNITDATA_PLAYER" ' command.


New Member
Sep 27, 2020
Is there a way to remove the clothes of recruited prisoners? The point "show me your equipment" is missing, when talking to them.


Jul 4, 2018
By default they don't have this option, but you can replace their dialogue options in their .json file. Just add ' "dialogue" : "COMPANION_DIAG" ' in the "character" block and once they are in your party - you will be able to choose the same options that exist in conversations with companions. In theory, this should work fine. However, if it's a unit that doesn't have its' own entry in any .json, then it won't be possible to do a custom dialogue without editing the game's code.


New Member
Nov 6, 2020
Can someone tell me how to make your allies get abilities like restrainting and carrying enemies onto devices? There is "Al Parem" for enemies so they can do these to my player.


Jul 4, 2018
"aiParems" applies to any character controlled by AI (even a copy of a player character). They are not abilities, technically they are attributes of ai settings. They are initialised when a character is created from their database (their .json for additional characters). Since default companions are initialised from inside the game code, the only way you can add ai parameters to them is through editing their initial data. You can add that line you mentioned into any .json you have to enable units defined there to have those settings. I think there was a function that stopped unique characters from starting moves involving devices, but restraining and carrying (and other settings like "weaponSwitch", "reactiveParry") should work.
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Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
Can someone tell me how to make your allies get abilities like restrainting and carrying enemies onto devices? There is "Al Parem" for enemies so they can do these to my player.
I made a dungeon "fist fight" were all enemies have the "restrained" and "carry" ability:


By changing the unit_data.json files of a specific dungeon you can add the ability to the enemies of the dungeon:

As Luin said above it is not so easy to change that for your allies. It can only be done by changing the gamecode in the compiled.js file...
But you have to unpack, edit and pack the app.asar file. If you unpack the app.asar you find the compiled.js file. In this file you find the code of your allies like "UNITDATA_AMBER" in my screenshot above. That is the code for your allie Amber.
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New Member
Nov 6, 2020
Thanks for the help. I have added this code without errors. Just a problem: generally enemies retraint and carry you when you are naked and exhauted. But when an enemy get naked and exhauted he/she will die. So it's really rare to see your allies restraining an enemy. Perhaps there was a function to adjust AI action priority? Or make it possible to restraint an equipped enemy?
4.20 star(s) 15 Votes