Not only are you lazy, you are dense. Here's a link to a post I made on Friday (
here). There's your information that you are too lazy to look for. Didn't take me long to put that post together because I *am* interested in this game, am willing to wait and I follow the forum. When there are times I don't have the time to check it out, I catch up on everything when I do have the time. It's just bad manners to hop into a forum thread and start throwing a hissy fit without first taking a look around. Then you have the tenacity to act indignant when people answer you tersely because you are just repeating things others have said over and over.
When a person makes a donation on Patreon, it is just that. A donation. You are *not* paying for a product or service. You are donating to a programmer, artist or other reasons to show your appreciation to that person and show your wish to support them. Again, you are *buying* nothing nor is the person receiving the donations required to give anything in return nor are they required to follow a time schedule. If you personally donated, that was your choice. If you don't understand the system, that's on you. If you did, in fact, donate and that's why you have a bug up your butt, treat it as a life lesson. Don't spend money you can't afford to lose. That's a good lesson for all aspects of life. However, if you did not donate and are just riding the coat tails of those who actually did and are acting indignant on their behalf, oh well. Suck it up buttercup. Life doesn't always go the way you want it to.